Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
18101 SmokingJoe4 £ 17,422,544
18102 SmokingJoe5 £ 6,028,496
18103 Smooth Killings £ -2,630,121
18104 SMR £ 13,402,527
18105 smsa £ 7,672,239
18106 Smudge £ 1,177,085,742
18107 Smudgetown £ 4,386,458
18108 Smug £ 60,027,846
18109 Smugglers inc £ 14,304,298
18110 Smut Corp. £ 2,079,034
18111 Snaga £ 44,366,369
18112 Snail £ 4,577,590
18113 snails £ 116,898,452
18114 Snaith £ 36,375,635
18115 Snake £ 46,526
18116 Snake and Planes £ 4,106,072
18117 Snake Enterprises £ -18,307,437
18118 Snake Eyes £ 671,834,884
18119 snake inc £ 16,986,280
18120 Snake Mountain £ 3,601,192
18121 Snake Oil Salesman £ 49,998,186
18122 Snake Pit £ 50,000
18123 SnakeEyed £ 228,316
18124 SnakeEyes £ 2,962,898
18125 Snakeoil £ 133,895,281
18126 snakes £ 181,065,374
18127 SNAP CHAT £ 759,595,448
18128 Snap Krankle and Pop £ -1,266,372
18129 Snap Links £ 49,749,674
18130 SNAPCHAT £ 93,066,411
18131 Snaplinks for Opera £ 86,592,013
18132 Snarping £ 5,217,845
18133 SnatchinRatClackin £ 4,488,036
18134 Snazzy Trade Co. £ 159,531,198
18135 Sneaker Sneakerson £ 282,701,406
18136 Sneaky russians £ 5,487,752
18137 sneeky inc £ 2,386,575
18138 Sneer Inc. £ 13,081,348
18139 SNES £ 125,759,690
18140 SNIPER £ 5,503,939
18141 SniperHill Services LLC £ 99,364,822
18142 SNK Playmore £ 186,148,869
18143 SnL £ 101,118,470
18144 SnL2 £ 431,652,598
18145 SnL3 £ 157,677,479
18146 Snoogins £ 4,675,131
18147 Snoop Industries £ 16,139,871
18148 snoopydo £ 16,191,711
18149 Snorlax £ 96,772,496
18150 Snow £ 2,365,290,587
18151 Snow 2014 £ 4,676,994
18152 snow inc £ 10,100,543
18153 Snow Inc 88 £ 43,459,685
18154 snow white £ 2,862,599
18155 Snow2 £ 27,163,685
18156 Snow3 £ 14,637,312
18157 Snow5 £ 24,500,395
18158 SnowBall CORP. £ 618,492
18159 SnowBlindnessInc. £ 2,425,164
18160 Snowden £ 52,451,897
18161 Snowflake Inc £ 43,875,620
18162 Snowflake Inc 2 £ 45,021,966
18163 Snowflake Offset £ 6,533,219
18164 Snowflakes £ 125,123,919
18165 snowincoparated £ 5,502,991
18166 SnowMan £ 55,222,163
18167 Snozzwangers £ 155,148,678
18168 SNPP £ 50,000
18169 Snuff £ 149,261,138
18170 so are you £ 27,076,130
18171 So Little Time £ 12,484,401
18172 so many companies £ 9,604,408
18173 So Messy £ 225,670,087
18174 So Sick Ltd £ 3,371,409
18175 So Small £ 62,019,394
18176 So1itaire £ 320,831,426
18177 SOA £ 765,088,181
18178 Soap Industries £ 50,000
18179 SoapStone £ 50,000
18180 Soapy £ 59,533,919
18181 Sobchak Security £ 18,882,293
18182 Sobs £ 188,868,867
18183 SOBs Inc. £ 8,760,706
18184 Social Battery £ 187,404,034
18185 Social Distancing £ 78,004,336
18186 Social Eating House £ 567,166,359
18187 Social Genocide £ 312,491,110
18188 Social Interaction £ 879,492,844
18189 Social networking £ 72,195,332
18190 Social Norms £ 55,451,162
18191 Social Skills £ 46,419,450
18192 SocialEyes Inc £ 4,832,155
18193 SocialEyes Inc 1 £ 1,305,113
18194 SocialEyes Inc 2 £ 50,000
18195 socialism £ 79,186,273
18196 Socialism in Gabon £ 673,630,200
18197 Socialism Pte Ltd £ 99,122,989
18198 Societe Generale £ 259,070,595
18199 Society £ 2,444,497
18200 Society as we know it £ 10,355,215