Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
23101 W3st0n LTD £ 35,303,948
23102 Wabash Works £ 156,548,632
23103 Wabasha Plumbing £ 264,828,946
23104 Wacky Races £ 148,795,732
23105 Wadiya £ 102,098,046
23106 Waffle £ 47,339,819
23107 Waffles R Us £ 16,948,598
23108 WAFFMASTER £ 1,860,354
23109 WAFFMASTER2000 £ 5,493,138
23110 WAFFMASTER2001 £ 3,801
23111 Wagyu £ 75,881,634
23112 WAHdoDEM £ 5,502,312
23113 Wain £ 50,000
23114 Wait A Minute £ 16,391,019
23115 Waiting for the Rapture £ 532,968,391
23116 Waiting in long queues £ 17,216,220
23117 Waitrose £ 5,509,996
23118 Wajood inc £ 7,283,253
23119 Wajood inc b £ 349,965
23120 Wajood inc c £ 509,824
23121 Wajood Inc d £ 371,374
23122 Wak £ 713,542
23123 Waka Waka £ 1,933,688
23124 Wake and Bake £ 6,010,386
23125 Wake and Bake3 £ 3,558,843
23126 Wake and Bake4 £ 40,923
23127 Wake and Bake6 £ 5,521,761
23128 Wake and Blake2 £ 1,470,313
23129 Waking Up For Work £ 14,452,632
23130 Wal 2 Inc £ 5,529,604
23131 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. £ 159,973,485
23132 Wal-Marts Bathrooms £ 6,923,269
23133 waldoinc £ 6,418,188
23134 Wales NZ Enterprises £ 1,110,147
23135 WalI Street £ 1,224,668,053
23136 walIs £ 121,630,912
23137 walker 1 £ 26,301,833
23138 walker empire 1 £ 2,485,820
23139 walker empire 100 £ 4,279,706
23140 walker empire 200 £ 1,519,096
23141 walker empire 3 £ 169,209
23142 walker empire 300 £ 657,357
23143 Walker Enterprises £ 412,284
23144 Walker Inc £ 8,182,624
23145 Walking £ 298,990,792
23146 Walking on Air £ 213,112,335
23147 Walking On The Beach £ 1,161,917,600
23148 walking the streets £ 37,681,846
23149 walkingskies £ 17,660,258
23150 Walkkks £ 5,572,439
23151 Walkz Flow £ 3,374,993
23152 Wall 5treet £ 426,204,827
23153 Wall Street £ 24,409,002
23154 WallaWalla £ 50,000
23155 WalleroomooStates £ 709,458
23156 Wallet £ 5,508,971
23157 Walling Ppl £ 6,298,647
23158 Wallpaper £ 489,228,373
23159 Wally world £ 31,768,899
23160 Walmart £ 88,393,412
23161 walmarts £ 30,431,548
23162 Walrus Co £ 4,720,502
23163 Wals mart £ 2,861,544,683
23164 walsmart £ 29,578,040
23165 walsmart2 £ 5,399,856
23166 walsmart3 £ 5,335,261
23167 walsmart4 £ 5,386,812
23168 Walsy mart £ 6,922,011
23169 Walsy Matt £ 4,833,925
23170 Walt Disney £ 5,731,473
23171 Walter £ 50,000
23172 Waltor £ 32,532,955
23173 Waltz £ 442,672
23174 Waltzers £ 29,348,484
23175 WamBamThankYouMam £ 50,000
23176 Wanda £ 26,994,376
23177 Wanderers Inc £ 2,076,356
23178 Wangslam Industries £ -1,354,118
23179 Wannabe Killer £ 25,895,956
23180 WannaCry £ 87,440,184
23181 Want not £ 137,752,240
23182 wantage £ 192,500,815
23183 WantSomeJuice £ -1,001,577
23184 War £ 3,787,909,998
23185 War Machine £ 5,741,331
23186 War Truth Honour £ 34,600,660
23187 War Veteran £ 243,915,196
23188 war. £ 4,075,332
23189 Warbound £ 37,222,824
23190 Warbuck Industries £ 1,564,088
23191 Warburton £ 52,440,061
23192 WarChest £ 199,439,168
23193 Warcraft £ 18,521,509
23194 ward £ 42,504,714
23195 Ward Enterprises £ 5,606,155
23196 Wards Stone Park £ 42,757,229
23197 Wards Stone Park 1 £ 57,728,944
23198 Wards Stone Park 2 £ 61,498,361
23199 Wards Stone Park 3 £ 56,801,869
23200 Warfare £ 54,945,960