Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
15801 Poppers £ 101,123,735
15802 poppet £ 14,926,015
15803 Poppies £ 202,111,478
15804 Poppy Linctus £ 1,826,286
15805 Poppy Tupper £ 569,593,896
15806 Pops Unwholesome Foods £ 13,268,392
15807 PopTart £ 22,056,965
15808 Popular Issues £ 144,642,043
15809 Population Control £ 1,069,266,463
15810 PopWorld £ 27,274,338
15811 Pork £ 5,504,920
15812 Pork and Beans District £ 42,224,553
15813 Pork Scratchings £ 76,705,034
15814 pork shop £ 431
15815 Porkmon Porkers £ 546,843,627
15816 PORKY PIG £ 142,608,237
15817 Porn £ 58,522,409
15818 PornHub £ 310,063,073
15819 Pornography £ 366,604,466
15820 Pornstar £ 5,610,552
15821 Porridge £ 265,306,970
15822 port £ 71,532,629
15823 Port Ellen £ 146,316,790
15824 Port Hawksbury £ 176,594,779
15825 Port Pulnchcombe £ 1,853,196
15826 Port Righ £ 416,269,059
15827 Port Snoreham £ 213,795,219
15828 Porten £ 182,634,346
15829 Portland £ -16,846
15830 Portman Road Blues £ 70,250,922
15831 Portstewart Strand Beach £ 47,873,145
15832 Poseidon £ 70,726,422
15833 Poseidon 2 £ 5,264,210
15834 Poseidon 3 £ 46,238,606
15835 Position £ 104,529,274
15836 Positive Attitudes £ 53,626,775
15837 Positive Ltd £ 1,079,117
15838 positive outcomes £ 343,006,416
15839 Possible Targets £ 55,983,045
15840 post break-up sex £ 915,604,570
15841 Posterior £ 70,006,180
15842 Postman Pat £ 1,668,949,904
15843 Poston Enterprise £ -2,399,139
15844 poston enterprises £ 39,941
15845 PotatoBlaster Corp £ 10,989,301
15846 Potatoes £ 762,555,879
15847 Potency £ 379,336,588
15848 Potential £ 401,665,801
15849 Potholes £ 286,255,616
15850 pottery barn £ 20,109,219
15851 Potto Lotto £ 32,274,548
15852 Pound Land £ 125,868,753
15853 Pounds Club £ 4,929,767
15854 POUNDS on POUNDS £ 128,506,020
15855 poverty £ 5,506,662
15856 Powder £ 4,250,015
15857 Powellos INC £ 7,129,187
15858 Powellos LTD £ 7,285,723
15859 Power £ 84,987,646
15860 Power Corp £ 5,501,961
15861 Power Ent. £ 54,242,016
15862 Power Inc £ 54,725,272
15863 Power Industries £ 49,402
15864 Power Rangers Corp £ 31,950,649
15865 Powerhouse Industries £ 1,664,399
15866 Powers £ 132,965,985
15867 poxtopscorporation £ 247,852
15868 pp poopoo army £ 2,529,727
15869 pqrstuvxyz £ 467,032,620
15870 Pr0ns £ 13,936,235
15871 Practice £ 143,205,361
15872 Prada £ 364,005,777
15873 Prague £ 33,319,771
15874 prairie dogs £ 10,965,012
15875 Praise £ 442,911,003
15876 Prawns £ 11,520,163
15877 Precious Blue Netrobucks £ 190,891,308
15878 Precious Metals £ 144,882,725
15879 Precision £ 859,784,539
15880 Precision Strings £ 238,319
15881 Precondition Failed £ 132,873,825
15882 Precondition Required £ 55,003,721
15883 Predator £ 237,382,759
15884 Predictive Text £ 2,697,612,397
15885 Premier MH £ 19,747,877
15886 Premier Motors £ 382,229,619
15887 PremierArk21 £ 104,824,622
15888 Premium £ 941,847
15889 Premium Grade Netrobucks £ 187,490,914
15890 Premium Wastage £ 83,305,033
15891 Present £ 53,938,517
15892 Presents £ 221,517,948
15893 PreserVes £ 1,810,770
15894 President £ 98,635,474
15895 President Perk Walk £ 4,211,538
15896 President Trump £ 1,898,902
15897 Presonus Sceptre S8s £ 484,193,256
15898 Press £ 5,525,192
15899 Presst £ -723,300
15900 Pressure £ 111,117,510