Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
1801 Annihilation Tools £ 7,102,763,516
1802 Annihilation Weapons £ 5,733,988,302
1803 Annihilation_Clan £ 4,647,275,619
1804 Annihilation_Equipment £ 2,050,653,951
1805 Annihilation_Planning £ 2,118,040,263
1806 Annihilation_Tools £ 467,086,745
1807 Annihilation_Weapons £ 1,351,198,340
1808 Anniversary Date £ 7,243,485
1809 annoying £ 93,365,726
1810 Annoying Morty £ 5,505,679
1811 Anola Gay Ltd £ 1,094,237,040
1812 Anonymity £ 427,919,006
1813 anonymous £ 4,667,678
1814 anonymous bomber £ 26,635,293
1815 Anonymous Company £ 84,801,913
1816 Anonymous. £ 158,920,033
1817 Anoplius nigerrimus £ 277,025,846
1818 Anor £ 50,000
1819 another City £ 84,562,750
1820 Another Color £ 4,852,766
1821 another company £ 111,115,738
1822 Another Company Here £ 54,249,372
1823 Another Company Name £ 2,613,483,455
1824 ANOTHER DAY £ 61,985,051
1825 Another day to shine £ 213,765,132
1826 Another dollar £ 553,514,558
1827 Another Fine Mess £ 20,726,301
1828 Another Ice Age £ 1,016,380,551
1829 another legend £ 117,759,661
1830 Another March £ 59,452,022
1831 Another Name £ 21,517,501
1832 another online event £ 57,117,395
1833 another property £ 136,804,809
1834 Another Shell Company £ 973,998,803
1835 antcollier £ 10,654,511
1836 antcollier2 £ 4,923,278
1837 antcollier3 £ 16,498,135
1838 antcollier4 £ 10,045,068
1839 Anteater £ 129,550,563
1840 Anter Kie £ 108,545,856
1841 Anthill £ 787,038
1842 AnthonyCompany £ 612,615
1843 Anthrax £ 424,344,530
1844 Anthrox £ 155,154,341
1845 anthus2 £ 1,653,954
1846 anthusltd £ 6,053,814
1847 Anti Hero £ 1,305,316,379
1848 Antidisestablishmentaria £ 69,396,558
1849 Antifa Hooligans £ 94,053,059
1850 Antifaschistische Aktion £ 188,324,778
1851 Antiques £ 56,321,523
1852 antium £ 3,708,057
1853 Antonym £ 3,962,814
1854 Ants £ 10,959,737
1855 Antz £ 18,343,633
1856 ANX Productions £ 5,353,788
1857 Anxiety £ 183,434,526
1858 any company name £ 32,133,325
1859 Any Doubt £ 7,762,773
1860 Any Land £ 29,071,062
1861 any other name £ 80,813,281
1862 Any Other Names £ 32,661,183
1863 any way but down £ 13,453,093
1864 any1 £ 15,342,762
1865 anybodyhome £ 280,646
1866 anykind £ 219,537,581
1867 Anymore Company Names £ 629,088
1868 Anything £ 216,004,841
1869 Anything Anymore £ 72,349,000
1870 AOC Ltd £ 29,255,180
1871 AODComp £ 13,921,445
1872 Aokigahara £ 199,466,506
1873 AOL £ 1,177,272,476
1874 Apache £ 3,145
1875 Apalachi £ 400
1876 Apathy £ 10,262,941
1877 APDMC £ 25,832,003
1878 Ape Axe £ 4,202,307
1879 Ape N Co £ 305,178,196
1880 Ape Strong £ 16,455,745
1881 Aperture Inc. £ 10,086,526
1882 APEX £ 54,024,603
1883 Apex Legends £ 327,407,976
1884 Apex Predator £ 648,192,365
1885 Apex Warfare Systems £ 40,487,129
1886 Aphelion Dynamics £ 854,355
1887 Aphrodite £ 99,057,040
1888 Apocalypse £ 44,453,695
1889 apollo £ 50,000
1890 ApooH £ 18,175
1891 apopathodiaphulatophobie £ 212,287,043
1892 aporia £ 50,000
1893 Appalachia £ 11,132,965,967
1894 Appeal £ 906,180,272
1895 Appearance £ 789,089,549
1896 Appendicitis £ 5,237,775
1897 applause £ 141,922,885
1898 Apple £ 89,936,885
1899 Apple Inc £ 312,518,121
1900 Apple Incorporated £ 2,278,204