Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
20701 The Group £ 143,170,811
20702 The Grove Inc £ 359,576,714
20703 The Groves USA £ 310,407,903
20704 The Guard £ 63,139,875
20705 The Guggenheim £ 10,447,829
20706 the guild £ 771,316
20707 The Guilded Heroes £ 104,659,326
20708 THE GUMBO ONE £ 102,462
20709 The Gummer Gang £ 6,432,676
20710 the gun £ 3,412,785
20711 The Gun Man £ 5,504,143
20712 The Gunn agency £ 84,703,626
20713 The Gunners £ 257,608,126
20714 the guvnor £ 36,295,313
20715 The Gynecologist £ 1,607,134,330
20716 the halifax gibbet £ 1,828,622,030
20717 The Hand £ 5,913,538
20718 The Hanging Gardens £ 1,704,557,817
20719 The Happy Company £ 10,088,053
20720 the Happy Daycare Center £ 8,888,720
20721 The harbinger £ 701,473,295
20722 The Hard Way £ 9,795,149
20723 The Hardcore Scene £ 19,304,268
20724 the Harlequin £ 135,257,771
20725 The Hart Foundation £ 3,663,113
20726 the Hashshashin Order £ 549,936,789
20727 the hat £ 474,744,404
20728 The Haunted House £ 5,491,512
20729 The Hauntings tv £ -1,788,819
20730 The Haven £ 1,055,671,173
20731 the hawk £ 7,031,299
20732 the Headstrong £ 15,574,858
20733 The Heart £ 233,955,644
20734 THE HEARTLESS CREW £ 363,445,454
20735 The Heather £ 1,080,676,796
20736 The Heavily Armed Christ £ 104,496,504
20737 the heights £ 1,530,854,870
20738 The HellsPit £ 68,182,682
20739 The Herd £ 294,004,582
20740 the Heretic £ 42,472,925
20741 the hero £ 237,380,423
20742 The Hidden £ 518,485
20743 the Hidden Floor £ 150,627,264
20744 the High and Mighty £ 56,390,734
20745 The High Courts £ 2,485,955
20746 The High Life £ 216,677,557
20747 The Highlanders £ 936,647,047
20748 The Highlands £ 61,201,732
20749 The Highspeed Bomber £ 58,772,950
20750 The Highspeed Bombers £ 4,674,130
20751 The Highway £ 3,587,683
20752 The Hiking Trail £ 446,776,848
20753 The Hill £ 1,895,280,026
20754 The Hilll £ 119,344,801
20755 The Hillroad £ 818,961,949
20756 The Hills Have Eyes £ 4,120,451
20757 The Himalayan Tapdance £ 5,506,215
20758 The Hit Squad £ 6,311,046
20759 The Hitcher £ 303,262,448
20760 the hitman £ 155,543,128
20761 The Hittites £ 90,408,358
20762 The hive mind £ 165,958,417
20763 The Hobbit £ 107,084,494
20764 The Holding Company £ 225,120,800
20765 The Hole £ 53,020,184
20766 The Holiday £ 291,683,316
20767 The Holiday Inn £ 3,008,374,647
20768 The Holly Spirit £ 50,752,543
20769 The Holy £ 320,474,876
20770 The Holy Ghost £ 41,695,464
20771 The Holy Grail £ 125,735,547
20772 The Homeless £ 114,276,171
20773 The Homme £ 43,120
20774 the Honcho £ 97,797,355
20775 The Honjo £ 562,303,844
20776 the Honorable £ 242,344,859
20777 The Hood £ 1,030,563,336
20778 The Hood. £ 265,605,234
20779 The Hoonicorn £ 5,504,703
20780 The Hoover Dam £ 76,537,600
20781 the hordes £ 57,121,703
20782 The Horrible Boys £ 398,549,361
20783 The Hounds £ 95,288,885
20784 THE HOUR £ 279,612,673
20785 The House £ 96,037,444
20786 The Hulk £ 43,392,117
20787 The Human Protection Soc £ 65,005,048
20788 The Hun £ 639,078,268
20789 The Hunt £ 3,554,962,116
20790 The Hurricane £ 231,112,451
20791 the husband £ 16,284,869
20792 The Hustler £ 72,846,717
20793 The Hut £ 202,263,458
20794 the Hutong £ 1,432,794,558
20795 The Hyades £ 50,000
20796 The Hyperloop £ 78,302,668
20797 The Ice Age £ 135,558,457
20798 The Ice Club £ 150,183
20799 The Iceberg £ 303,728,794
20800 the Iceni £ 61,408,724