Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
10201 Herpderp Holdings £ 49,181
10202 herplocker £ 80,094,035
10203 Herr Potato Chips £ 167,781,364
10204 Hershey Pie £ 1,936,706,786
10205 Hessen und bei Rhein £ 310,684
10206 Hevlaska. £ 8,456,203
10207 Hewwitt £ -3,046,487
10208 Hey you guys £ 159,367,681
10209 HEyBoety £ 9,398,964
10210 heyyyyy £ 44,241,897
10211 HFA £ -62,041
10212 Hgh £ 288,230,901
10213 hghlighters £ 94,274,047
10214 HGRL £ 5,494,380
10215 hhhehehe £ -33,370
10216 HHJL £ -2,823,771
10217 HHJL1 £ -1,391,425
10218 Hi-Tech Centres £ 123,162,597
10219 hi-technology inc £ 207,004,138
10220 Hibernia £ 205,425,168
10221 Hicki £ 2,321,550,932
10222 Hickory Hollers Tramp £ 172,139,383
10223 Hidden Leaf £ 269,669,867
10224 Hidden Temple £ 102,088,322
10225 Hidden Treasures £ 46,296,308
10226 Hidden Woods £ 79,356,998
10227 Hide and seek £ 733,863,339
10228 hide yo kids £ 50,000
10229 Hidux £ 399,609
10230 HiFi £ 14,396,203
10231 Higgs Particulates Inc £ 78,697,484
10232 High Explosives £ 8,509,574
10233 high line £ 2,381,373
10234 High Powered CEOs £ 12,221,995
10235 High quality psylocybin £ 239,192,590
10236 High Raver £ 8,475,060,968
10237 High School £ 50,646,347
10238 High School Dropouts £ 55,109,806
10239 High Society £ 7,006,856
10240 High Socks Brigade £ 52,971,454
10241 High Street Inc. £ 20,012,502
10242 High Street Strumpets £ 44,835,398
10243 high tech £ 1,585,338,143
10244 High Times £ 89,917,748
10245 High towered £ 57,088,932
10246 High Wycombe £ 6,090,446
10247 Highbourne Trading £ 10,860,353
10248 Highclere £ 10,960,995
10249 Highest Command £ 59,949,927
10250 Highland £ 59,604,572
10251 Highland Laddie £ 3,256,248,332
10252 Highland Lassie £ 1,886,302,284
10253 Highland Papers £ 87,515,115
10254 Highland Park £ 91,261,792
10255 Highland Terrorist £ 477,521,473
10256 Highlander £ 1,238,891,447
10257 Highlander Brew Co. £ 5,503,222
10258 Highlanders £ 9,840,208
10259 Highlands £ 1,279,610,235
10260 HighRiser £ 107,933,030
10261 highStation £ 343,975,301
10262 highway £ 1,501,355
10263 Highway Bridge Project £ 178,961,673
10264 highway myway £ 3,929,615
10265 highway stay £ 1,702,314
10266 highway to death £ 1,996,959
10267 Hilander £ 33,599,379
10268 Hilde £ 52,352,240
10269 HILFIGER £ 82,255,740
10270 Hill £ 74,169,865
10271 Hill1 £ 4,445,083
10272 Hillfield PVM £ 36,969,533
10273 Hillhead £ 1,187,311,577
10274 Hillious Almighty £ 5,503,449
10275 Hillious Co £ 9,949,141
10276 Hillious Inc £ 7,998,893
10277 Hillious PLC £ 10,394,359
10278 Hillsters Ltd £ 24,637,235
10279 Him £ 4,411,524
10280 £ 305,802,680
10281 Hing £ 3,044,408
10282 Hingis Corp £ 4,192,958
10283 Hippie Days £ 97,738,813
10284 hippie ltd £ -2,388,672
10285 Hippomane mancinella £ 142,230,122
10286 Hired Goons £ 49,380,600
10287 Hirosheima £ 130,743,990
10288 Hiroshima £ 563,106
10289 His Actions £ 48,009,150
10290 His Own £ 62,580,223
10291 his own company £ 714,486
10292 His Word £ 1,232,417,648
10293 History £ 216,553,311
10294 Histrionics £ 21,880,520
10295 Hit £ 5,505,003
10296 Hit n Run £ 216,489,256
10297 Hit Pickets £ 8,165,608
10298 Hit Them Hard £ 6,729,986
10299 Hitandrun £ 4,766,681
10300 Hitchcock Films £ 503,369,981