Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
10401 IncompatibiIity £ 1,550,486,604
10402 Incompatibility £ 219,257,317
10403 Incompetence £ 183,070,398
10404 Incompetent Storage £ 54,309,712
10405 Inconel £ 838,926,656
10406 Incorruptibility £ 7,007,597,846
10407 Incredibility £ 6,783,068,266
10408 Incredible Inc £ 2,662,189
10409 incriminating evidence £ 379,161,929
10410 Indahand £ 66,073,260
10411 InDanger £ 114,611,398
10412 Indecency £ 15,595,561
10413 Indecision £ 176,724,268
10414 Indefatigability £ 7,363,027,301
10415 independant £ 83,057,195
10416 Independence £ 5,925,545
10417 Independence 1776 £ 20,424,972
10418 Independence Hall £ 681,847,684
10419 Independent States £ 279,702,011
10420 Independent Traders £ 19,662,414
10421 Independente Range £ 103,769,563
10422 Indestructibility £ 7,175,124,141
10423 Indestructible passports £ 98,749
10424 India £ 8,842,102
10425 Indian £ 32,742,823
10426 Indian Motors £ 614,497,650
10427 Indiana Jones £ 993,466,000
10428 Indianapolis £ 55,237,667
10429 Indians £ 5,501,414
10430 Indie Hero Ltd. £ 21,866
10431 indifference £ 491,388,788
10432 Indigestion £ 92,348,513
10433 Indignation £ 251,809,764
10434 Indigo Moon £ 69,646,164
10435 Individual £ 15,381,828
10436 Individualism £ 305,011,225
10437 Indoasis £ 44,632,369
10438 Indomitability £ 7,004,439,330
10439 Indrid Cold £ 1,924,439
10440 Industrial Dimensions £ 590,355
10441 Industrial Revolution £ 108,986,404
10442 Industry £ 5,155,808,230
10443 Ineedmoney7 £ 174,382
10444 INEOS £ 1,442,827,707
10445 Ineptitude £ 16,418,235
10446 Inertia £ 4,503,553,798
10447 Inevitability £ 16,565,214,502
10448 Inevitably £ 2,712,923,438
10449 Infadels £ 6,898,305
10450 Infallibility £ 7,006,371,669
10451 Infection £ 35,893,504
10452 Inferior £ 695,265
10453 Inferno £ 13,970,446
10454 Inferno Scorpion £ 35,686,825
10455 infiltration £ 289,329,058
10456 infinate £ 884,198
10457 Infinite Enterprises £ 64,016,264
10458 Infinite Jewelers £ 1,581,642
10459 Infinity £ 169,159,081
10460 Infinity and Beyond £ 62,631,233
10461 Inflation £ 115,274,054
10462 inflection point £ 54,362,328
10463 Inflicting Pain £ 5,371,678,096
10464 Influence £ 31,119,222
10465 influenza £ 2,078,668
10466 Information £ 2,452,790,604
10467 Information Act £ 21,410,016
10468 Information warfare £ 62,648,149
10469 Infrastructure £ 101,319,191
10470 Ingalls £ 5,969,015
10471 Ingenuity £ 229,132,507
10472 ingersoll £ 272,873,593
10473 IngloriousG1 £ 11,085,920
10474 IngloriousG2 £ 21,578,348
10475 IngloriousG3 £ 4,960,556
10476 IngloriousG4 £ 38,861,336
10477 IngloriousG5 £ 5,227,616
10478 Inheritance £ 137,354,160
10479 Inhibitions £ 14,326,178,338
10480 inishing £ 1,064,467,186
10481 Initech £ 36,273
10482 Initech Plc £ 7,929,555
10483 Initial Test £ 32,245,452
10484 Initiative £ 149,209,958
10485 Injustice £ 261,718,707
10486 Ink £ 47,124,269
10487 Inkatek £ 1,339,600
10488 Inmarsat £ 71,927,918
10489 Inn of the Last Home £ 1,403,402
10490 Inner Station £ 6,596,243
10491 Innie £ 40,700,177
10492 Innisfree £ 243,753,959
10493 Innocence £ 61,612,365
10494 Innocent Enterprise £ 64,597,451
10495 Innocent Waif Co. £ 1,079,484
10496 Innovation £ 52,326,052
10497 Innsbruck £ 38,394,642
10498 Insane in £ 21,575,007
10499 Insane In The Membrane £ 492,420,776
10500 Insane Inc £ 103,865,323