Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
10501 Hot and spicy £ 664,957
10502 Hot Ash £ 80,347,110
10503 Hot Chocolate £ 75,856,430
10504 Hot Diggity Dogs £ 50,000
10505 Hot Dog Inc £ 19,754,847
10506 Hot Dogs £ 8,629,599
10507 hot gates LTD £ 14,329,816
10508 Hot Rods £ 761,669,543
10509 Hot Sauce £ 163,238,868
10510 Hot Toddy £ 187,045,362
10511 hotdawg £ 4,477,335
10512 Hotdog £ 56,297,061
10513 Hotdog venders £ 558,716
10514 HotDogJerry £ 50,000
10515 Hotdog_55 £ 31,222
10516 Hotel California £ 495,009,125
10517 Hotspur £ 5,505,820
10518 Hottie3 £ 100,600
10519 Hottie5 £ 1,657,697
10520 Hottie7 £ 1,499,199
10521 Hound £ 80,759,739
10522 Hound Industries £ 95,946,021
10523 Hound Rabbits Corp. £ 4,159,231
10524 Hour £ 1,736,768
10525 Hours £ 43,890,807
10526 House £ 160,241,847
10527 House Atreides £ 4,844,797
10528 House Bonanno £ 147,557,169
10529 House Colombo £ 121,959,758
10530 House Corrino £ 4,112,312
10531 House DeCavalcante £ 118,243,114
10532 House Elf £ 8,005,847
10533 House Gambino £ 128,441,444
10534 House Genovese £ 116,051,499
10535 House Harkonnen £ 2,140,857
10536 House Lannister £ 38,939,432
10537 House Lucchese £ 131,418,884
10538 House Nostra £ 121,644,119
10539 House of Kyley £ 5,100,424
10540 House of Stark £ 68,479,475
10541 House of the Rising Sun £ 5,222,159
10542 House Stark £ 127,148,174
10543 House Targaryen £ 328,648,454
10544 Houses £ 52,653,632
10545 Houston £ 54,433,134
10546 Hover Inc £ 16,095,241
10547 How do you spell £ 16,743,422
10548 How many £ 896,929,075
10549 how things work £ 5,156,253
10550 How to spell it £ 427,896,117
10551 howa kogyo kabusiki-gais £ 2,793,987
10552 HowardTheDuck £ 815,833
10553 Howarth Enterprises £ -2,144,572
10554 Howarth Enterprises 2 £ -1,173,387
10555 Howarth Enterprises 3 £ -1,359,621
10556 Howarth Enterprises 4 £ -2,276,834
10557 Howarth Enterprises 5 £ -1,812,009
10558 Howcin Industries £ 1,127,307
10559 Howden £ 3,836,719,011
10560 Howdy £ 50,000
10561 Howhigh Inc £ 4,057,676
10562 Howling-Mad Murdock £ 416,024,118
10563 Howmany £ 332,291,664
10564 Hoyt £ 5,509,084
10565 HP Company £ 1,312,671
10566 HP Instant Ink £ 21,872,814
10567 HP Pav £ 4,238,566
10568 HPI £ 4,372,686
10569 HS2 £ 4,238,606
10570 HSkIndustries LLC £ 16,412,160
10571 HTCs £ 50,000
10572 HTTP Version Not Support £ 271,771,458
10573 HuanJio Co £ 2,867,137
10574 Huari £ 415,000,908
10575 Huawei £ 171,146,863
10576 Hubris £ 21,880,542
10577 Huckleberry INC £ 58,849,893
10578 Huddersfield £ 16,233,611
10579 Hudson Bay Trading £ 177,153,645
10580 Hudson Hawk £ 3,215,885,026
10581 Hudson Holdings £ 5,507,075
10582 Hueco Mundo £ 68,613,910
10583 Huehuehue £ 1,448,511
10584 Huevadas £ 664,635,854
10585 Huey Kablooie £ 119,714,555
10586 Huge-LQG £ 179,842,576
10587 Hugh G Dick £ 551,040
10588 Hugh G Helmet £ 53,660
10589 Hugh G Shaft £ 48,938
10590 Hugh G Trunk £ 12,302,195
10591 Hugh G Wang £ 1,944,619
10592 Hugh Jass £ 7,261,410
10593 Hugs n Kisses £ 62,902,219
10594 Hulk £ 1,774,573
10595 Hulk Hogan £ 107,968,384
10596 Hulk. £ 45,213,284
10597 Hulkamania £ 984,707
10598 Hull £ 108,754,840
10599 Hull FC £ 207,601,294
10600 Hull Runner Limited £ 17,261,145