Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
10601 Hugh Jass £ 6,786,409
10602 Hugs n Kisses £ 62,902,219
10603 Hulk £ 1,774,573
10604 Hulk Hogan £ 108,306,108
10605 Hulk. £ 45,213,284
10606 Hulkamania £ 984,707
10607 Hull £ 108,754,840
10608 Hull FC £ 207,601,294
10609 Hull Runner Limited £ 17,261,145
10610 Hullabaloo £ 38,941,960
10611 hululul £ 6,083,746
10612 Human Blood £ 343,858,135
10613 Human Bondage £ 109,250,603
10614 human emperor £ 153,948,510
10615 Human Error £ 90,102,128
10616 Human Flesh £ 13,904,119
10617 Human Kindness £ 54,295,012
10618 Human Nature £ 89,023,109
10619 Human Race £ 39,456,554
10620 Human Revolution £ 565,827,334
10621 Human Society £ 59,770,117
10622 Human Technology £ 125,118,393
10623 Humanism £ 630,241,807
10624 Humanity £ 28,923,072
10625 Humankind £ 107,890,191
10626 Humans with OCD £ 83,751,013
10627 Humble Pie £ 132,686,800
10628 Humbleness £ 78,584,864
10629 HumblePie £ 37,606,856
10630 Humbug £ 26,894,653
10631 Humminbird £ 55,769,774
10632 Humor £ 4,115,998
10633 Humour £ 1,206,730
10634 HumphDog Industries £ 4,745,012
10635 hunch £ 84,803,455
10636 Hungary £ 29,973,319
10637 Hunger £ 55,712,552
10638 Hunger Games £ 259,774,694
10639 Hungry Donuts Inc £ 6,200,370
10640 Hungry Tigers £ 51,224,957
10641 Hungry Tigers1 £ 123,731,373
10642 Hungry Tigers2 £ 78,045,748
10643 Hungry Tigers3 £ 89,538,304
10644 Hungus £ 7,287,927
10645 Hungus 2 £ 5,016,462
10646 Hungus 3 £ 19,498,626
10647 Hungus 4 £ 4,597,393
10648 Hungus 5 £ 3,096,392
10649 Hunk £ 3,201,376
10650 Hunnacott £ 52,690,187
10651 Huns £ 56,644,531
10652 Huns. £ 11,545,223
10653 hunt them down £ 87,927,404
10654 Huntard £ 232,141,643
10655 Hunted £ 47,333,887
10656 Hunted Witches £ 91,675,010
10657 Hunter Weapon System £ 53,733,831
10658 Hunter x Hunter £ 9,289
10659 Hunting yes £ 14,831,781
10660 Hunting You Down £ 686,478,420
10661 Hurley Enterprise £ 58,657,915
10662 Hurley Technologies £ 49,682
10663 Hurrican £ 5,507,059
10664 Hurricane Inc £ 1,941,151
10665 Hurry Hurry £ 34,773,566
10666 Hurt £ 109,946
10667 Hurucan £ 210,180,566
10668 Hush Money £ 50,256,652
10669 Husky Energy £ 245,142,134
10670 Hustle £ 39,004,237
10671 Hvar £ 313,552,494
10672 Hyatt Regency £ -61,954
10673 Hybrid Threats £ 215,315,757
10674 Hycast £ 235,910,520
10675 Hydra £ 99,670,163
10676 Hydra Corp £ 3,494,061
10677 Hydrangea £ 105,299,458
10678 Hydro-Bombers Inc. £ 101,435,187
10679 Hydrogen Bombs £ 37,819,125
10680 hyena corp £ 52,145,014
10681 hyperion £ 15,633,826
10682 Hyperion Ltd £ 3,460,423
10683 Hyperion16 £ 50,000
10684 Hyperloop £ 221,290,758
10685 Hypertrichosis £ 5,506,399
10686 Hypnos £ 168,651,915
10687 Hyrule £ 3,033,732
10688 Hyrule Holdings £ 27,005,222
10689 Hyrule Kingdom £ 5,666,877
10690 Hysteria £ 343,864,215
10691 hysteric £ 316,652,986
10692 hyterical £ 290,282,754
10693 Hyundai £ 91,912,159
10694 I am £ 59,897,387
10695 I am Back £ 33,216,744
10696 i am bombing u £ 21,437,738
10697 I am Comfy £ 4,761,284
10698 i am coming £ 51,508
10699 I am Groot £ 56,817,846
10700 I am here £ 355,032,321