Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
10701 ideas again £ 123,597,726
10702 Ideas And Names £ 15,498,873
10703 Ideas For Names £ 144,549,279
10704 Idempotence £ 693,455,271
10705 Identical £ 185,937,398
10706 identity £ 334,954,045
10707 Identity Politics £ 44,307,673
10708 Ideologies £ 144,393,945
10709 ideology £ 368,842,767
10710 iDevices £ 56,346,879
10711 Idiocee £ 1,742,667
10712 Idioso £ 50,000
10713 Idiosyncrasy £ 3,165,846
10714 idiot £ 181,454,110
10715 idiot outside £ 1,367,406
10716 idiots £ 138,032,734
10717 idk £ 22,369,215
10718 IDM £ 7,290,081
10719 IDOLATRY £ 102,471,634
10720 idontknow £ 112,149,434
10721 idontknow 2 £ 15,218,152
10722 Idunno £ 5,503,228
10723 if theres smoke theres £ 5,607,219
10724 If You Love The Darts £ 74,185,302
10725 if you think you can £ 11,755
10726 Igloo £ 1,489,141
10727 Igloos Inc. £ 51,774,515
10728 Ignis Regnante £ 1,473,718
10729 Ignite £ 816,524
10730 Ignorance £ 70,972,718
10731 Igor £ 188,414,473
10732 iguacu £ 21,203,760
10733 ihaveasmallwilly £ 2,446,646
10734 IHFi inc. £ 50,000
10735 III £ 586,479
10736 iiiiiiii £ 5,503,998
10737 IKA 1 £ 199,431,833
10738 IKA 2 £ 142,858,615
10739 IKA 3 £ 212,650,389
10740 IKA 4 £ 178,837,518
10741 IKA 5 £ 154,886,408
10742 IKA 6 £ 163,831,645
10743 IKA 7 £ 247,612,528
10744 IKA 8 £ 309,654,445
10745 IKA 9 £ 97,345,736
10746 Ikea £ 1,051,614,912
10747 iKillBond £ 13,470
10748 iKruzie Industries £ 5,493,855
10749 Ikuzus Motors £ 1,837,037
10750 ilament £ 499,793,593
10751 ilisticexpialidocious £ 61,189,396
10752 Ilium £ 18,465,425
10753 Ill £ 89,625,392
10754 Ill be back £ 359,789,653
10755 Ill Intent £ 49,463,767
10756 ill mug you £ 6,567,371
10757 ill repute £ 292,003,037
10758 ill set you free £ 187,199,961
10759 Ill Will £ 747,414,808
10760 Illicit Dealings £ 1,825,722
10761 Illicit drugs £ 43,147,906
10762 Illicit Expressions £ 1,122,239
10763 Illicit Materials £ 1,898,784,893
10764 Illimitability £ 6,786,405,438
10765 illuminate £ 1,505,842
10766 Illuminate Inc £ 39,003,010
10767 Illuminati £ 2,526,303
10768 Illuminati LLC £ 176,956,038
10769 ILoveDiamonds £ 7,918,465
10770 iLoveLa £ 6,179,894
10771 Im a Celebrity £ 104,094,859
10772 Im a Doctor £ 451,609,043
10773 Im a Teapot £ 147,333,566
10774 Im Confused £ 12,440,105
10775 IM LATE FOR BUSINESS £ 6,559,282
10776 im not that creative £ 5,504,087
10777 Im Sleeping £ 2,077,574
10778 Im telling on you £ 67,370,548
10779 Imac £ 61,600,046
10780 Image corps £ 75,981
10781 image displays £ 1,088,606
10782 Imaginary People On Chat £ 73,168,490
10783 imastabu £ 5,465,214
10784 IMAX Corporation £ 651,693,375
10785 imback £ 104,322
10786 imbackinthegame £ 719,382
10787 Imjin £ 37,298,391
10788 Imma Queen £ 55,518,131
10789 Imma Werewolf £ 10,852,364
10790 Immortal £ 37,793,181
10791 Immortal Co. £ 4,846,068
10792 immortal doom £ 1,001,682,283
10793 Immortal LTD £ 1,754,331
10794 Immortal Will £ 264,599,622
10795 Immortality £ 193,151,936
10796 Immovable Object £ 2,129,824,425
10797 Immunity £ 53,863,710
10798 Immutability £ 1,701,852,010
10799 ImNotAHipster £ -2,267,089
10800 Impact Alliances 1 £ 3,033,716