Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
10801 inteligence £ 61,895,040
10802 Inteligent £ 320,833,576
10803 Intellectual Property £ 319,873,487
10804 Intelligence £ 1,269,185,751
10805 Intelligence Corp £ 102,543,750
10806 intelligent conversation £ 212,620,921
10807 Intelligentsia £ 16,514,920
10808 Intelligibility £ 7,019,930,746
10809 intense lines £ 748,561
10810 Intense Solar £ 98,277,569
10811 Intent £ 208,032,022
10812 Intentions £ 16,187,793
10813 Inter Ya Dog £ 118,992,808
10814 Inter Ya Gran £ 12,738,841
10815 Inter Ya Granny £ 162,752,353
10816 Inter Ye mam £ 113,368,031
10817 Intercourse £ 6,705,740
10818 Interest £ 192,875,093
10819 Interesting Company Name £ 38,884,650
10820 Interesting Inc. £ 115,169,616
10821 Interests £ 46,302,053
10822 Interference £ 64,743,568
10823 Intergalactic Humanoids £ 138,751,883
10824 Interior Two £ 13,505,023
10825 Interlaced ent £ 26,839,614
10826 Interlaced inc £ 6,609,164
10827 Interlagos £ 62,187,801
10828 Internal Affairs £ 1,404,733,023
10829 Internal Audit £ 5,084,223
10830 Internal combustion £ 10,259,967
10831 Internal Server Error £ 393,636,946
10832 International Mystery £ 5,506,934
10833 International Rescue £ 895,827,948
10834 Internet Chicken £ 2,964,862
10835 InterplanetaryCraft £ 253,900,663
10836 Interpol £ 49,581,402
10837 Interruption £ 45,034,064
10838 Interscope £ 39,811,703
10839 Interstate 580 £ 21,911,555
10840 Intestinal Discomfort £ 56,322,543
10841 Intimacy £ 460,690,059
10842 Intl Secret Intel Agency £ 283,843,957
10843 Into Light £ 2,490,919
10844 Into your DMs £ 62,271,315
10845 Intothenight £ 1,845,829
10846 Intrepia £ 59,115,436
10847 Intrigue £ 583,594,547
10848 Intuitive £ 54,700,056
10849 INUYASHA £ 141,684,637
10850 Invader £ 166,638,863
10851 Invaders 2 £ 33,587,924
10852 Invaders 4 £ 2,086,777
10853 invalid £ -9,650,282
10854 Invaluable Deeds £ 33,829,098
10855 Invasion £ 296,793,233
10856 Invention £ 1,318,417,423
10857 Inventions R US £ 6,854,812
10858 Inverse Ferocity £ 10,650,542
10859 Inversion £ 84,939,373
10860 Investigation £ 32,969,246
10861 Investigations £ 3,221,644
10862 Investment £ 2,221,888,865
10863 Investor Inc £ 19,491
10864 Investors £ 556,818,970
10865 Invicible £ 1,571,549,869
10866 Invictus £ 234,266,883
10867 Invictus Co. £ 6,317,756
10868 Invincibility £ 7,005,244,755
10869 Invincible Blood £ 22,642,999
10870 Invisibility £ 6,932,927,995
10871 Invisible £ 5,500,467
10872 Invisible Pink Unicorn £ 1,005,642,494
10873 Invulnerability £ 7,008,488,576
10874 IOM £ 10,369,366
10875 IP Tables £ 1,258,301,796
10876 Ipeople £ 6,717,633
10877 iPhone 5s or iPhone 5c £ 251,993,104
10878 iPhone Maxi £ 21,262,521
10879 iphone se 2 £ 1,537,913
10880 iPhones £ 97,659,421
10881 IpWorm £ 3,642,355
10882 IQM Medical Ltd. £ 50,000
10883 IRA £ 65,608,485
10884 Iran £ 32,215,198
10885 Iraq £ 44,717,420
10886 irasshaimase £ 224,142,634
10887 Ireland £ 5,965,992
10888 iReps £ 2,223,311
10889 Irish Bomber £ 50,000
10890 Irish Carbomb £ 56,896,614
10891 Irish Charm £ 61,112,164
10892 irish descent £ 222,031,996
10893 Irish Red Inc £ 5,507,308
10894 Irish Republican Army £ 191,860,837
10895 Irish Whiskey £ 1,291,107
10896 Irish Wrecking Ball £ 5,052,671
10897 Irish_Eejit £ 18,195,704
10898 Irn Bru £ 65,425,967
10899 iron £ 27,511,144
10900 iron banana £ 138,370,638