Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
11201 Iron Man £ 7,871,863
11202 Iron Mike Tyson £ 367,318,671
11203 Iron Veil Ltd £ 4,371,547
11204 Iron warx £ 301,188,768
11205 Iron werx £ 472,037,312
11206 Iron word £ 545,311,660
11207 Ironic £ 83,154,977
11208 Ironic Occurrence £ 289,604,976
11209 Ironic Titles £ 6,504,577
11210 Ironing bored £ 60,780,179
11211 IronMan £ 5,506,372
11212 Ironmann £ 11,545,377
11213 Ironn £ 10,832,104
11214 IronShield Technologies £ 52,819,171
11215 ironstone £ 49,003,303
11216 iRRatiOnaL GoOse £ 1,111,978,292
11217 irrational numbers £ 10,878,470
11218 Irrefutability £ 6,891,608,719
11219 Irreverentlie £ 140,222,074
11220 Irrevocability £ 1,618,676
11221 Irrigation Expert Co £ 39,980,637
11222 Irrigation Expert Co. £ 22,530,951
11223 Irrigation Expert Co.. £ 5,502,700
11224 Irrigation Expert Co... £ 3,943,383
11225 Irrigation Expert Co.... £ 5,507,560
11226 Iruga £ 14,067,298
11227 Irun Bru £ 993,675
11228 is a crowd £ 1,043,336,631
11229 is awesome £ 12,296,497
11230 is coming £ 305,209,009
11231 Is no God £ 994,455,808
11232 Is not tomorrow £ 184,145,002
11233 Is Now £ 2,262,389
11234 Is Useless £ 120,551,425
11235 isa £ 66,754,452
11236 isabelle £ 17,944,384
11237 Isanoob £ 6,711,431
11238 iSdTiUoPtIs mDiInTdY £ 1,748,888
11239 Ishkur Emilia £ 142,313,306
11240 Isildur International £ 5,500,352
11241 iSimplifiedIT LTD £ 50,000
11242 Islay Malt £ 1,451,127,863
11243 Isnt Worth 9.99 £ 341,781,071
11244 isolation £ 226,994,598
11245 Isomnitech £ 4,833,754
11246 Isomnitech2 £ 3,839,327
11247 Ispep £ 93,909,371
11248 Israel £ 84,369
11249 Israeli Mossad £ 459,807,833
11250 Israeli Shabak £ 406,653,015
11251 iss £ 1,655,611
11252 issues £ 265,118,150
11253 IsSweet £ 127,168,688
11254 Istanbul £ 1,523,529,415
11255 Istari Incorporated £ 178,082,232
11256 It All £ 423,487,180
11257 It doesnt even matter £ 54,317,166
11258 it in peace £ 932,640,542
11259 it is your own fault £ 42,258,059
11260 It Was Me £ 4,689,219
11261 It wasnt me £ -1,511,969
11262 It. £ 31,426,274
11263 Itaewon £ 204,969,594
11264 Italia £ 10,825,444
11265 Italia 90 £ 1,066,076,430
11266 Italia250 £ 10,218,183
11267 Italia458 £ 10,954,486
11268 Italian Cuisine £ 769,210,166
11269 Italian Mafia £ 234,234,909
11270 Italian sculptor £ 16,873,050
11271 Italian Virginity £ 7,010,156
11272 Italiano Inc £ 73,757,136
11273 Italy £ 10,959,839
11274 ItalysGrimReaper £ 4,607,865
11275 Itaylee £ 54,472,196
11276 Itch £ 120,105,241
11277 Itchycoo £ 19,734,040
11278 Itek Corporation £ 63,080,293
11279 Ithilien Inc £ 5,504,975
11280 itiswhatitis £ 2,023,294
11281 Its A Big Forest £ 38,342,016
11282 Its a Farm knock life £ 12,814,343
11283 Its A Madness £ 14,405,587
11284 Its All Kicking Off £ -2,833,205
11285 Its an illusion £ 573,172,121
11286 Its Cold Outside £ 27,441,140
11287 Its Gone £ 69,164,894
11288 its got Electrolytes £ 479,637,168
11289 Its In The Detail £ 165,387,085
11290 Its Inside Your Head £ 44,973,758
11291 its just frustrating £ 53,742,044
11292 Its on fire £ 87,080,186
11293 Its only me £ 9,666,927
11294 its only Netro £ 3,736,008,014
11295 Itsameamario £ 2,621,262
11296 itsameawario £ 50,000
11297 itsmycinema £ 3,721,996
11298 ITV Studios £ 111,109,110
11299 Itwasntme £ 5,060,969
11300 Iupus £ 1,660,877