Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
11801 Keargami £ 4,246,674
11802 Kebab Industries £ 96,283,438
11803 Kebabs £ 22,788,242
11804 Keele mafia £ 50,000
11805 Keele services £ 50,000
11806 Keen £ 734,096,823
11807 keep joggin on £ 0
11808 keepa £ 396,956,138
11809 Keepers £ 102,791,602
11810 Keg £ 9,268,221
11811 keiholdings £ -1,709,490
11812 Keiss £ 750,251,492
11813 Kelberi £ 55,979,548
11814 Kelevra £ 50,000
11815 Kelise £ 2,381,520
11816 Kelk Industries £ 8,645,283
11817 Kelly £ 83,169,852
11818 Kelly Watch the Stars £ 633,947,092
11819 Kelly Who £ 58,855,903
11820 kellys £ 156,763,945
11821 kellys4 £ 63,248,529
11822 Kempston Outdoor Centre £ 28,329,015
11823 Ken and Co £ 4,256,807
11824 kenco £ 396,600
11825 Kennedy £ 10,953,576
11826 Kenny Dalglish £ 53,917,067
11827 Kenny ltd £ -117,075
11828 Kenny Roberts £ 52,043,637
11829 Kenpire £ 35,585,648
11830 Kenpire1 £ 21,000,780
11831 Kens King Kebabs £ 19,728,636
11832 Kenshin £ 111,393,095
11833 kenshiro £ 46,747,115
11834 Kensington and Chelsea £ 258,481,239
11835 Kent £ 118,850,107
11836 Kenworth £ 2,388,738
11837 Kephalos £ 52,716,612
11838 Kepler £ 822,843,883
11839 kepohma £ 6,729,224
11840 Keppel £ 99,337,236
11841 Ker Ent £ -1,199,656
11842 Kermit The Frog £ 5,515,817
11843 Kernel Exploit £ 104,893,069
11844 Kernow £ 413,210
11845 Kerotroop £ 5,503,983
11846 Kerr £ 15,023,427
11847 KeSa £ 57,851,275
11848 Keslla £ 72,112,354
11849 Kestoria Ltd £ -46,291,520
11850 Kestrel £ 50,000
11851 Kestrel House £ 264,880
11852 Kestrel Inc £ 50,000
11853 Kestrel Inc. £ 50,000
11854 Ketamine £ 651,443,399
11855 Ketchup £ 213,107,165
11856 Kevdog Enterprises £ 5,361,701
11857 Kevin The Carrot £ 78,378,105
11858 Key Gen £ 14,771,565
11859 Key Generator £ 28,459,422
11860 Key Maker £ 10,950,216
11861 Keyboard £ 4,859,456
11862 Keyboard-Slinger Sam £ 87,267,530
11863 Keyboards R Us £ 2,999,019
11864 KeyCorp KeyBank £ 45,265,188
11865 KeydGV21 £ 1,207,316
11866 KeydGV21 Inc. £ 50,000
11867 Keylek Inc £ 162,593,476
11868 Keymaster £ 210,609,053
11869 Keyper Supreme Ventures £ 9,975,732
11870 Keys £ 8,273,288
11871 Keys and Locke £ 214,372,925
11872 Keys II £ 8,071,569
11873 Keys III £ 7,025,136
11874 Keys IV £ 10,951,215
11875 Keys V £ 7,267,019
11876 Keys. £ 1,726,644,144
11877 Keyser Soze £ 62,886,526
11878 KFC £ 5,166,940
11879 KFC International £ 263,952
11880 KFGDILFJVFC £ 95,752,231
11881 Kfinch inc £ 291,824
11882 KFMDM £ 8,090,687,756
11883 Khan £ 112,943,437
11884 Khaos inc. £ 5,077,153
11885 Khartoum £ 11,486,305
11886 Khlav kalash £ 35,574,065
11887 KHS £ 93,444,628
11888 Khufu £ 1,039,173,012
11889 kia £ 105,347,948
11890 kick £ 9,537,911
11891 Kick Ass Inc £ 5,506,550
11892 kick boxing £ 48,190,631
11893 Kick my ass £ 105,524,074
11894 Kickapoo Inc. £ 5,500,291
11895 KickBladeSaMa £ 6,776,706,577
11896 Kickboxing Pro £ 24,050,525
11897 Kicraft £ 64,861
11898 Kid £ 50,000
11899 Kidders £ 107,985,605
11900 Kiddie kingdom £ 56,461,838