Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
12501 Leninism Pte Ltd £ 59,941,324
12502 Lenny winks £ 50,000
12503 Lennys Subs £ 6,284,960
12504 Lenoria £ 502,944
12505 Lenticular galaxy £ 18,795,712
12506 Leo £ 167,943,510
12507 Leo2 £ 470,456
12508 Leo3 £ 2,375,500
12509 Leogesture £ 114,675,461
12510 Leon £ 12,017,586
12511 Leon FR £ 204,828,604
12512 Leonardo da Vinci £ 1,890,985,309
12513 Leone £ 23,439,406
12514 leonfarq industries £ 419,941
12515 leonfarq industries 2 £ 279,807
12516 leonfarq industries 3 £ 4,116,254
12517 leonfarq industries 4 £ -335
12518 LeonNoelsStuff £ 50,000
12519 LeonsStuff £ 50,000
12520 LeonsThings £ 50,000
12521 Leos Feeder1 £ 50,000
12522 Leos Feeder2 £ 50,000
12523 Leos Feeder3 £ 50,000
12524 Leos Logistics £ 50,000
12525 Lepard Industries £ 134,063,619
12526 Les Alanos £ 744,275,377
12527 Les Dawson £ 14,840,799
12528 Les Halles £ 64,551,157
12529 Lesbians £ 88,203,730
12530 Lesney Products £ 37,394,376
12531 Less £ 500,308,612
12532 less numbers £ 42,214,982
12533 Less Than Zero £ 170,205,793
12534 Lessons £ 226,279,124
12535 Let The Games Begin £ 2,777,317,722
12536 lethal £ 2,857,047
12537 Lethargy £ 1,700,149
12538 Lets get Crackin £ 53,757,088
12539 lets play £ 1,765,077
12540 Letsbe Avenue £ 88,771,337
12541 Letters £ 1,733,887,726
12542 lettuce £ 11,458,552,133
12543 levdoguk £ 9,399,819
12544 Level £ 51,592,832
12545 Leverage £ 453,094,417
12546 Levi Stubbs £ 394,873,315
12547 Leviathan £ 46,536,624
12548 Levis £ 313,439
12549 Levistian £ 2,518,527
12550 Levitation £ 99,847,044
12551 Leviticus £ 64,051,728
12552 Leviticus Global £ 71,882,645
12553 Leviticus Prime £ 64,069,548
12554 Leviticus Steel £ 57,401,487
12555 Leviticus United £ 67,102,516
12556 Levy £ 5,508,654
12557 Levy Pants Inc £ 45,473,044
12558 Lewis £ 10,193,078
12559 Lewise £ -8,800,688
12560 Lewised £ 408,714
12561 Lewisism £ -10,327,263
12562 Lewist £ -7,542,355
12563 Lewistian £ 79,587
12564 Lewy £ 6,445,378
12565 Lex Corp £ 4,644,564
12566 Lexcorp £ 50,000
12567 Lexicographers £ 39,090,606
12568 Lexicon £ 3,396,789
12569 lexington £ 5,990,957
12570 LexisNexis £ 147,043,639
12571 LexTox £ 4,126,651
12572 Lexus £ 1,678,548,887
12573 Lezard £ 46,094,065
12574 lfc £ 6,276,551
12575 Lfd £ 3,130,083
12576 LFD 2 £ 296,072
12577 LG Electronics £ 234,629,246
12578 LG Enterprises £ 1,820,233
12579 LG INC. £ -1,947,967
12580 LG n Co £ 23,604,810
12581 LGBC £ 93,006,886
12582 LGBT £ 120,463,264
12583 lia babi £ 5,501,366
12584 lia babi2 £ 348,529
12585 Lialttassy £ -34,005
12586 Liam inc £ 49,068,801
12587 liams lazy lay abouts £ 810,990
12588 Liar Liar £ 123,359,571
12589 Lib-tech £ 15,617,536
12590 Liberachi £ 105,660,374
12591 Liberation £ 60,765,966
12592 Liberator £ 100,773,505
12593 Liberty £ 20,130,049
12594 Liberty Global £ 151,556,962
12595 Liberty Intl. £ 1,672,250
12596 Liberty Media £ 150,471,399
12597 Lice £ 37,534,432
12598 Licence Thief £ 49,517,448
12599 Licence to Kill £ 43,845,552
12600 Licentia Korpus Ltd £ 4,280,917