Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
12701 Lincoln £ 5,505,045
12702 Lincolnshire Poacher £ 489,822,621
12703 Lindisfarne £ 114,957,465
12704 Linear Expansion £ 12,663,490,275
12705 Linen £ 518,575,940
12706 £ 0
12707 Link Corp £ 16,746,482
12708 Link Enterprise £ 18,000,610
12709 Link Holding £ 15,471,481
12710 Link Industry £ 31,880,475
12711 Linkageddon £ 27,288,045
12712 Linkin Park £ 37,522,958
12713 Linn Limited £ 3,200,472
12714 Lino £ 186,102,384
12715 Linux £ 50,000
12716 Linwhisky £ 116,754,806
12717 Linwhisky Corporation £ 125,555,847
12718 Linwhisky Enterprise £ 377,060
12719 Linwhisky Holdings £ 150,371,705
12720 Linx Corp £ 62,610,316
12721 Lion Inc £ 1,181,299,992
12722 lion king £ 53,289,818
12723 Lion King Inc £ 10,381,738
12724 Lion King Ltd £ 5,505,515
12725 Lion Ltd £ 8,940,391
12726 Lionel Messi £ 129,323,963
12727 Lionheart £ 20,917,868
12728 Lionis £ 5,500,485
12729 lionking £ 1,466,952
12730 Lions £ 56,317,467
12731 Lions Den £ 14,376,169
12732 lions tigers and bears £ 57,504,663
12733 lionstigersandbears £ 2,413,853
12734 Lip Service £ 346,886,573
12735 Lipno £ -537,994
12736 Lips £ 37,690,599
12737 Liquid Lunch £ 181,043
12738 Liquid Sunshine £ 1,613,519,330
12739 Liquids Liquidations £ 56,714,170
12740 liquor £ 153,870,375
12741 LiquorBeaverco £ -119,390
12742 Lirius Enterprises £ 34,802,932
12743 Lisan al-Gaib £ 724,197,602
12744 lisk den £ 384,798,479
12745 listed people £ 415,005,136
12746 Listing Array £ 37,395,200
12747 Litdoobs £ 4,579,034
12748 Literature £ 82,340,419
12749 Lithuanian Lithium £ 60,914,072
12750 Litlle moo £ 37,358,985
12751 Little Biggy £ 2,976,634
12752 little bird £ 523,877,263
12753 Little Bo Peep £ 210,033,887
12754 Little Cheese Corp £ 13,636,456
12755 Little Explosions £ 17,184,911
12756 Little Faith £ 16,104,271
12757 Little Finger £ 8,326,355
12758 Little Fish £ 295,978
12759 Little Fluffy Clouds £ 302,747,134
12760 Little Foot £ 44,892,207
12761 Little Havana Miami £ 408,304,843
12762 Little Italy £ 391,036,624
12763 Little Knowledge £ 14,831,095
12764 Little McCoy £ 12,179,290
12765 Little Miss Sunshine £ 704,048,105
12766 Little Mouse Enterprises £ 56,201,658
12767 Little Pinkies £ 59,048,121
12768 Little Pony Balls £ 151,989,475
12769 Little red riding hood £ 60,056,819
12770 Littleempire LLC £ 231,347
12771 LittlePeople £ 799,526,378
12772 LittleTown £ 14,781,174
12773 Live Chickens £ 5,389,444
12774 Livecodes4you £ 5,501,921
12775 Liverpool £ 295,130,460
12776 Liverpool FC £ 6,097,205
12777 Liverpool Football Club £ 4,399,390
12778 Liverpoolfc £ 35,453,105
12779 Livin Next door to Alice £ 271,561,394
12780 Living £ 308,756,062
12781 Living Death Inc £ 4,516,728
12782 Living in London £ 35,790,225
12783 Living in the sunshine £ 149,544,292
12784 living is crippling me £ 143,017,742
12785 living is growing £ 129,708,992
12786 Living Skies £ -5,143,176
12787 living with you £ 37,548,635
12788 LIVINGGOODRENTALS £ 12,441,499
12789 Lizard £ 51,002,796
12790 Lizard inc. £ 1,110,767
12791 lkdwalk £ 3,814,565
12792 lkj £ 5,492,131
12793 Llajua £ 879,887,263
12794 Llama Emporium £ 5,157,273
12795 Llata £ 5,508,754
12796 llc £ 7,870,183
12797 llllllllllllllll £ 3,222,116
12798 lllooooaaacc £ 3,227,791
12799 Lloyds For Being Drunk £ 445,455,657
12800 lmao £ 687,033