Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
13301 Manchester £ 303,684,849
13302 Manchester City fc £ 29,318,533
13303 Manchester Mayhem £ 84,056
13304 manchester united £ 5,711,474
13305 Manchester United F.C. £ 5,540,451,006
13306 Manchester United XI £ 5,357,466
13307 Manchester Unitedfc £ -1,131,040
13308 Manco Capac £ 2,037,711,203
13309 Mancunia £ -32,487
13310 Mancunia 2 £ 138,386
13311 Mandalay Bay £ 6,146,133
13312 Mandalore £ 114,249,627
13313 Mandelbrot Set £ 588,089,056
13314 mang £ 2,904,476
13315 manginas £ 46,000
13316 Mangle Inc £ 16,870,733
13317 Mango Escapade £ 115,346,715
13318 Mango incorporated £ 76,448
13319 Manhattan Project £ 353,142,469
13320 mania £ 311,404,918
13321 Maniac £ 4,447,972
13322 Maniac 2000 £ 21,306,175
13323 Maniac Express £ 24,619,316
13324 Manic Miner £ 81,614,358
13325 Manifest Destiny £ 1,264,992,677
13326 Manities £ 59,837,318
13327 Mankind £ 170,883,979
13328 Mankind Divided £ 511,833,059
13329 Manly Living £ 2,808,857
13330 ManManMan £ 47,858,669
13331 Mann £ 45,184,824
13332 Mannanin Co £ 8,845,526
13333 Manners £ 5,259,968
13334 Manny £ 1,263,886,299
13335 Mans Best Friend £ 279,475,422
13336 Mans World £ 114,904,442
13337 Mansell Industries Ltd. £ 5,444,121,114
13338 Mansfield Bitter £ 397,755,385
13339 Manta £ 7,067,125,870
13340 Manta. £ 21,707,124
13341 mantis £ 5,463,181
13342 manu-de-janeiro £ 12,962,879
13343 manu-upon-avon £ 106,781,988
13344 manu-upon-avon2 £ 7,786,748
13345 manu-upon-tyne £ 12,073,546
13346 Manual Shift £ 514,808,382
13347 Manwe Sulimo £ 1,555,092,617
13348 Many £ 5,464,758
13349 Many acres £ 529,586,073
13350 many burner comps £ 774,010,287
13351 many companies £ 64,173,944
13352 Many Ends £ 10,771,456
13353 Many Faces £ 347,704,249
13354 Many Fossil Fuels £ 55,702,842
13355 Many houses £ 362,641,942
13356 Many Missiles £ 271,280,350
13357 Many Monies Corporation £ 50,000
13358 Many more £ 62,287,354
13359 Many mushrooms £ -14,428,318
13360 Many Mysteries £ 765,679
13361 Many Names £ 126,369,379
13362 many numbers £ 43,995,214
13363 many sources £ 104,908,241
13364 Many Talents £ 5,504,706
13365 many wars £ 107,597,129
13366 Many Women £ 9,789,150
13367 Mao Tse-Tung £ 2,985,024,402
13368 Mao Tsu Tsung £ -1,713,345
13369 Maolina £ 6,447,323
13370 Maose BV £ 46,741
13371 Maosim £ 91,071,858
13372 Map 1 £ 123,860,020
13373 Map Flateners £ 66,340,384
13374 Maple Leaf £ 9,272,710
13375 Maple Syrup Monsters £ 5,683,586
13376 MapleGrove £ 483,977
13377 Mapleton Corp £ 4,561,154
13378 Mapletree £ 92,714,419
13379 Mapple £ 7,653,759
13380 Maps £ 50,934,215
13381 Mar MB £ 59,938,508
13382 Mara Salvatrucha £ 732,815,570
13383 Marathon £ 59,899,042
13384 Marathon Runner £ 58,033,010
13385 Marauders Inc £ 4,803,396
13386 Marbles £ 336,923,960
13387 Marc Enterprises £ 25,832,788
13388 Marcandmoles5 £ 4,486,455
13389 March £ 6,102,999
13390 March Equinox £ 4,332,872
13391 Marching-Affair £ 9,711,202,901
13392 Marching-Again £ 1,729,189,416
13393 Marco Inc £ 12,220,734
13394 Marco Marketing £ 350,613,978
13395 Marco Simoncelli £ 1,001,318,886
13396 Marcome Inc £ -205,648
13397 Marcomm Inc £ 5,254,390
13398 Mardi Gras £ 343,179
13399 Mare Nubium £ 217,810,294
13400 Mareals Beneficence £ 10,471,098