Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
13901 Michigan £ 83,780,074
13902 Michigan 1 £ 4,091,450
13903 Mickey Mouse £ 538,185,324
13904 Mickey Mouse Ltd £ 2,955,009
13905 micks empire £ 5,500,143
13906 mickstuck £ 1,595,818
13907 Micky £ 1,186,247,866
13908 Micoss £ 50,000
13909 micro aggression £ 244,667
13910 Micro Waves £ 27,270,073
13911 Microbix £ 5,230,264
13912 Microboom £ 43,372,557
13913 Microhard £ 16,911,150
13914 Microjustice £ 19,617,478
13915 Microserve £ 5,974,813
13916 Microsft Enterprises £ 77,307,288
13917 Microsoft £ 564,820,057
13918 Microsoft Corporation £ 58,800,390
13919 Microsoft Inc £ 156,397,453
13920 Microsoft Retail Ltd. £ 1,276,186
13921 Midas £ 26,756,564
13922 Middle East £ 48,623,069
13923 Middle East Oil co. £ 24,725,792
13924 Middle-Knight-on-Sea £ 119,414,143
13925 Midea £ 311,976,482
13926 Midgar £ 17,036,842
13927 Midgeisner £ 15,364,068
13928 Midget £ 6,955,245,553
13929 Midget Enterprises £ 4,592,005,545
13930 Midget Inc £ 9,759,712,772
13931 Midget Tossing £ 57,557,330
13932 Midget World £ 20,300,276,195
13933 Midgets £ 87,589,354
13934 Midichlorians £ 1,732,149,152
13935 Midlands13th £ 6,244,011
13936 Midnight £ 122,968,453
13937 Midnight Bombers £ 32,340,913
13938 Midnight Fun £ 186,160,753
13939 Midnight Madness £ 1,057,296,161
13940 Midnight Marauder £ 33,368,000
13941 Midnight Marauders £ 553,311,151
13942 Midnight Mate £ 111,303,345
13943 Midnight Rider £ 1,145,186,918
13944 Midol £ 13,532,307
13945 Midwest Minting £ 83,570,498
13946 Migdets Mom £ 134,869,182
13947 Might £ 5,507,204
13948 Might and Magic £ 423,208
13949 might dabble £ 501,568
13950 MightBeRight Industries £ 6,243,134
13951 mighty boosh £ 176,084
13952 MIGHTY MOUSE £ 122,814,519
13953 Miguel Cotto £ 198,095,540
13954 Miine £ 104,188,482
13955 Mij Dan £ 199,252,042
13956 Mijn vliegmachine £ 5,506,987
13957 Mike And Ike £ 55,956,452
13958 Mike Tyson £ 194,766,793
13959 Mike Tyson mysteries £ 85,813,405
13960 Mikem £ 5,669,136,409
13961 MikeM Enterprises £ 19,136,827
13962 Mikems Main Company £ 63,921,295
13963 MikeysMillions £ 6,525,157
13964 Miklagaard £ 42,330,338
13965 mild flanging effect £ 550,481,202
13966 Mildly Unstable Ltd £ 686,971,615
13967 Miles corp £ 200,000
13968 Miles inc £ 5,001,418
13969 Milestone Tomorrow £ 598,168
13970 Milf Inc. £ 74,819,012
13971 Military Endeavor £ 12,248,101
13972 MILITARY MIND £ 39,498,201
13973 Military Orders £ 66,956,621
13974 Military power £ 146,940,312
13975 Milk £ 75,382,308
13976 Milk Tray £ 159,123,521
13977 milktray £ 2,289,863
13978 Milky Inc £ 1,130,491
13979 Milky Joe £ 353,589,909
13980 milkyway £ 4,197,343
13981 Millennium Falcon £ 99,404,066
13982 Miller Time £ 17,723,529
13983 Million Inc. £ -293,992
13984 Millions £ 387,015,644
13985 Millions Holdings Plc £ 66,308,357
13986 Millipede Shoe Company £ 12,228,718
13987 Millwall £ 7,007,570
13988 Millwall F.C. £ 215,672,325
13989 Milnezy £ 9,332,913
13990 Milton £ 198,036,124
13991 milton keynes £ 50,000
13992 Min inc £ 3,315,374
13993 minced steak £ 9,542,211
13994 Mind £ 52,212,294
13995 Mind Games £ 259,977,515
13996 mindcorp £ 103,970,252
13997 Minder £ 1,077,430,571
13998 Mindfulness £ 21,869,712
13999 Mindray £ 32,514,839
14000 Minds £ 35,859,828