Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
15001 Natural Selection £ 3,005,971
15002 NaturalBornKillas £ 16,093,843
15003 NaturalBornKillerz £ 42,742,539
15004 Nature £ 768,220,644
15005 Nature Valley £ 56,509,622
15006 Natwest £ -7,278,135
15007 Naughty Thoughts £ 280,088,961
15008 Navarone £ 148,783,682
15009 Navassa Phosphate Comp £ 120,249,359
15010 Navy SEALs £ 1,268,000
15011 Nawderi £ 1,474,275
15012 NawtyDevil £ 1,829,598
15013 Nayzida Element £ 31,330,551
15014 NAZARETH £ 562,983,714
15015 Nazereth £ 54,014,511
15016 NBT £ 295,980,188
15017 NCIS Abram Farmers £ 22,135,434
15018 NCIS Las Vegas £ 1,209,334
15019 NCIS Miami £ 49,759,773
15020 NCIS New Orleans £ 275,784,280
15021 NcW Incorporation £ 1,186,032
15022 NDAs £ 71,918,535
15023 NE14 £ 116,823
15024 Neanderthals £ 40,763,506
15025 Neanderthals 2 £ 56,190,627
15026 Neanderthals 3 £ 118,598,367
15027 Neanderthals 4 £ 1,728,317
15028 Neanderthals 5 £ 55,519,714
15029 nearly sweet £ 30,467,179
15030 Nebulae £ 49,128,099
15031 Necrealin .inc £ 75,408
15032 Necro Virus £ 231,917,099
15033 Necromancy £ 343,838,282
15034 Necromanser £ 136,081,337
15035 Necromantic £ 1,150,733,910
15036 Necromongers £ 12,386,981
15037 need £ 1,264,287,656
15038 Need A Hand £ 45,628,657
15039 need for speed £ 206,245,487
15040 need help £ 31,488,663
15041 Need higher hair £ 5,503,251
15042 Need more Money £ 4,675,687
15043 Needing Accounted £ 57,996,664
15044 Needle and thread diner £ 4,179,969
15045 Needs £ 379,666,832
15046 needs lovin £ 34,311,015
15047 Nefarious Deeds £ -1,161,003
15048 Neg incorporated £ -162,306
15049 Neg1 £ 187,679,942
15050 Negan £ 646,689,093
15051 Negative £ 351,001,064
15052 Negative G £ 551,039,710
15053 Negative Numbers £ 6,091,826
15054 Neglected Grannies £ 5,557,600
15055 Neighbour of the Beast £ 809,355,701
15056 Neil Gaiman £ 5,189,117
15057 Neil Young £ 99,643,660
15058 Nelberry £ 952,169
15059 Nemesis £ 127,630,679
15060 nEnterprises £ 10,959,466
15061 Neo £ 658,509,918
15062 Neo enterprises £ 1,465,505
15063 Neo Winterfell £ 5,852,028
15064 neodymium £ 1,069,852,161
15065 NeoFlame £ 393,628,720
15066 NeoLeo £ 5,243,860
15067 Neon Tiger £ 105,318,089
15068 NeonTech Labs £ 1,832,995
15069 Neopets £ 161,218,967
15070 Nepenthes £ 28,336,222
15071 Nepenthes1 £ 16,895,097
15072 Nepenthes2 £ 50,000
15073 Nepenthes3 £ 50,000
15074 Neptune £ 306,582,272
15075 Neptune Spear £ 280,656,204
15076 Nerds On Mushrooms £ 2,189,478,786
15077 NerdVille £ 348,992,321
15078 Nero Circa £ 5,431,729
15079 Nero Enterprises £ 50,000
15080 NeroCorp £ 50,106,317
15081 NERV £ 598,513
15082 Nerve £ 18,424,044
15083 Nesk £ 47,525,421
15084 NESPRESSO £ 1,071,920,128
15085 Nessie £ 481,309,988
15086 Nest £ 21,402,077
15087 Nest of Angels £ 49,999,999
15088 Nest Quest £ 5,273,444
15089 NET Securities £ 51,977,601
15090 Net Zero £ 545,792,122
15091 Netbook £ 6,208,829
15092 NetDmg £ 50,000
15093 netherworld inc. £ 39,625,299
15094 NETNT £ 217,939,593
15095 NETNT2 £ 196,435,223
15096 NETNT3 £ 325,698,590
15097 NETNT4 £ 70,349,416
15098 NETNT6 £ 52,702,720
15099 NETNT7 £ 70,170,474
15100 Netr0 £ 0