Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
17301 pwned spoof £ -54,915
17302 Pworks £ 65,810,208
17303 Pyjamas £ 5,456,104
17304 Pyla £ 291,862,115
17305 Pyongyang £ 2,491,696
17306 Pyramid Snap £ 2,691,202
17307 Pyramid Subsidiary £ 5,924,192
17308 Pyramid Transnational £ 1,243,039
17309 Pyramid Transnational1 £ 27,168,850
17310 Pyro Fantasies £ 69,734,014
17311 Pyro Inc £ 109,884,078
17312 Pyromania £ 215,071,203
17313 Pyrotech £ 54,386
17314 Pyrox Inc £ 82,071,940
17315 Pyro_Queer £ 17,865,522
17316 Pyrrhic £ 240,935,840
17317 Pythagoras theorem £ 518,947,728
17318 Pythias £ 54,657,379
17319 P_LANDIA £ 1,485,971
17320 Q Anon £ 96,087,993
17321 Q Branch £ 187,041,100
17322 Q Pubs £ 30,167,411
17323 Q-Bert £ 36,987,580
17324 Q12 £ 1,683,309
17325 Qanon £ 5,153,712
17326 Qatar £ 2,248,815,710
17327 Qatar Airways £ 255,796,642
17328 qazcorp £ 3,206,488
17329 QC Enforcement Group £ 16,807,353
17330 QiiQ Capital £ 74,433,887
17331 Qin £ 44,820,820
17332 Qlassiqo £ 8,172,018
17333 QOTSA £ 329,695,258
17334 QQJ Public £ 101,621,620
17335 QQJ Publix £ 64,659,023
17336 QQJX Public £ 49,744,639
17337 QQJXX Public £ 100,071,868
17338 qqqqqq £ 10,361,144
17339 qt1vvv £ 50,000
17340 Quaaludes £ 913,344,584
17341 Quackers £ -1,619,658
17342 Quackers4Quackers £ 6,442,733
17343 Quadratic £ 72,475,077
17344 Quagmire £ 1,650,223
17345 Qualitative £ 127,545,012
17346 Quality Hard Wood £ 177,311,638
17347 Quality INC £ 50,000
17348 Quality Real Estate £ 193,991,810
17349 Qualludes Ltd £ 50,034,445
17350 Quan £ 1,065,749,107
17351 Quantum Mechanics £ 82,391,714
17352 Quantum of Solace £ 138,648,507
17353 Quantum Physicists £ 160,919,604
17354 Quantum Theory £ 340,517,546
17355 QuantumTech Systems £ 50,000
17356 Quark £ 165,468,800
17357 Quark enterprises £ -602,068
17358 Quartermaster £ 6,534,265
17359 Quarters £ 370,869,368
17360 Quasars £ 238,258,895
17361 Quavers £ 5,986,704
17362 Queen £ 292,172,378
17363 Queen Anns Revenge £ 1,061,935,454
17364 Queen Consolidated £ 34,574,935
17365 Queen Elizabeth Hospital £ 244,238,609
17366 Queen Elizabeth II £ 19,550,836
17367 queeniee £ 15,021,236
17368 Queens £ 5,236,045
17369 Queens of the stone age £ 144,797,023
17370 Queens Stone Age £ 1,415,663
17371 QueenTee £ 34,155,645
17372 quest £ 77,405,073
17373 Quest for Fame £ 20,842,994
17374 questionable choices £ 205,220,067
17375 Questionable Tactics £ 70,465,627
17376 Questionnaires £ 571,456,321
17377 Questions £ 346,626,356
17378 Qui Gon Jinn £ 5,106,167
17379 Qui Plantavit Curabit £ 5,507,910
17380 QUICK TO RETALIATE £ 5,502,549
17381 Quicker £ 48,331,533
17382 QuickMax £ 1,586,848
17383 quickSilver £ 206,367,706
17384 Quickslime £ 230,865,558
17385 QuietCorp £ 304,386
17386 Quiffs £ 66,499,977
17387 Quill Corp £ 659,551,925
17388 Quill Corporation £ 10,471,894
17389 Quill Toys £ 978,149,650
17390 Quilmes £ 2,683,619,131
17391 Quim £ 5,153,573
17392 Quimonda £ 90,572,366
17393 Quincy £ 50,000
17394 Quintessential Vestibule £ 141,147
17395 Quirm £ 55,989,255
17396 QuizzUK £ 724,076
17397 Quo vadis £ 283,577,016
17398 Quorath Expanse £ 34,619,681
17399 Quota £ 76,686,250
17400 Quoybrae £ 1,161,981,819