Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
17601 Realtor Investment Corp £ 239,048
17602 RealWorld Entertainment £ 50,000
17603 REAM Company £ -1,450,864
17604 Reaper £ 15,109,699
17605 Reapers Regulars £ 5,504,363
17606 Rearden Steel £ 5,501,187
17607 ReardenMetal £ 15,077,732
17608 Reason £ 824,387,358
17609 Reasonable Force £ 66,166,015
17610 Rebel Co. £ 3,510,086
17611 Rebel Headquarters £ 182,304,823
17612 Rebellion £ 98,681,740
17613 rebellion fraud £ 202,724,076
17614 rebelrouser £ 5,500,060
17615 Rebelution £ 2,061,599
17616 Rebirth Resources £ 26,036,478
17617 Receding Hairline £ 49,554,656
17618 recession £ 496,027,153
17619 Reckham and Scarpa Ltd £ -235,269
17620 Reckitt and Colman £ 160,937,510
17621 Reckoning £ 352,975,284
17622 reclaim £ 23,177,448
17623 reclaimer £ 3,847,161
17624 Recognition £ 82,052,643
17625 Recon Industries £ 4,559,430
17626 Reconquista £ 5,732,169
17627 Records £ 48,110,645
17628 Rector £ 4,785,269
17629 Recursion of Recursion £ 84,732,049
17630 Red £ 54,477,260
17631 Red Aftershock £ 76,799,716
17632 Red Alarm £ 1,055,279,896
17633 red alert £ 2,080,687
17634 red ant £ 498,533
17635 Red Bins £ 425,567,785
17636 Red Bull £ 5,364,965
17637 Red Buses £ 182,598,313
17638 Red Butler £ 147,945,554
17639 Red Butterfly £ 75,024,745
17640 Red Cash Cow £ 50,000
17641 Red Cobra £ 62,108,641
17642 Red Corp £ 50,000
17643 Red Creatine £ 36,813,863
17644 Red Devils £ 124,430,756
17645 Red Dwarf £ 14,005,483
17646 Red Eight Standing By £ 21,524,591
17647 Red Eighteen Standing By £ 14,723,054
17648 Red Eleven Standing By £ 19,966,504
17649 Red Fifteen Standing By £ 16,205,050
17650 Red Five Standing By £ 12,217,179
17651 Red Four Standing By £ 15,144,188
17652 Red Fourteen Standing By £ 14,558,856
17653 Red Hook £ 120,536,226
17654 Red Hot Chili peppers £ 93,174,682
17655 Red Hot n Blue £ 434,500
17656 red inc £ 4,020,307
17657 Red Kingdom £ 53,095,243
17658 Red Knight £ -5,407,385
17659 Red Label £ 543,129,124
17660 Red Lions Ltd £ -54,110
17661 Red Mustang £ 77,555,293
17662 Red Neutreno £ 47,426,561
17663 Red Nine Standing By £ 15,355,785
17664 Red Nineteen Standing By £ 10,991,497
17665 Red One Standing By £ 18,303,402
17666 Red Ore Trucks £ 152,950,918
17667 Red Penss £ 36,833,735
17668 Red Rider of War £ 773,731,066
17669 Red Rocks £ 10,952,431
17670 Red Roses £ 102,273,914
17671 Red Rum £ 1,478,052,558
17672 Red Saxon Bitches £ 38,847,308
17673 Red Sea Trading £ 38,158,825
17674 Red Seven Standing By £ 14,561,076
17675 Red Seventeen StandingBy £ 18,987,171
17676 Red Six Standing By £ 14,635,243
17677 Red Sixteen Standing By £ 18,471,686
17678 Red Soda £ 145,135,071
17679 Red Squares £ 81,339,022
17680 Red Star £ 403,125,347
17681 Red Ten Standing By £ 14,551,530
17682 Red Thirteen Standing By £ 14,573,577
17683 Red Three Standing By £ 13,339,809
17684 Red Twelve Standing By £ 19,142,375
17685 Red Two Standing By £ 25,471,242
17686 Red Welly Co Ltd £ 472,344,087
17687 Red White Blue £ 275,120,337
17688 Red Wine £ 58,352,124
17689 Redacted Lives £ 41,347,761
17690 Redbricks £ 71,684
17691 Redd Inc £ 151,061
17692 Reddit Mods £ 38,791,365
17693 rede £ 4,393,452
17694 Redeemer £ 4,972,506
17695 Redeeming £ 1,445,356
17696 Redemp £ 5,311,567
17697 Redemption £ 122,422,643
17698 Redemption 2 £ 337,705,123
17699 Redemption Ltd £ 171,585,197
17700 Redhill Racing £ 947,224,289