Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
17701 Ryze inc £ 57,628,792
17702 RZR Corp £ 50,000
17703 S alems Cogs £ -258,312
17704 S and P 500 £ 77,271,197
17705 S G 1 £ 500,619,144
17706 S H I E L D £ 211,903,889
17707 S Lal Inc £ 63,956,316
17708 S Lal Ltd £ 74,865,874
17709 S t a r d u s t £ 305,206,389
17710 S White holdings 6 £ 16,767,644
17711 S White holdings 7 £ 17,482,501
17712 S White Holdings 8 £ 10,087,690
17713 S White Holdings 9 £ 9,357,291
17714 S-A-L-E-M £ 23,977,468
17715 S. Thompson £ 129,043
17716 S.A.S £ 92,529,031
17717 S.H.I.E.L.D £ 35,523,530
17718 S.H.I.E.L.D. £ 135,284,093
17719 S.I.C. £ 1,486,355
17720 S.S. £ 51,387,797
17721 S.S. Enterprise £ 330,485
17722 S.S.E £ 5,056,132
17723 S.S.E.D £ 5,677,897
17724 S.W.A.T £ 50,000
17725 S.White holdings £ 53,850,800
17726 S.White holdings 2 £ 14,118,089
17727 S.White holdings 3 £ 11,322,804
17728 S.White holdings 4 £ 20,232,980
17729 S.White holdings 5 £ 10,062,154
17730 S13 Crew £ 504,632,944
17731 S6NYG £ 890,007,673
17732 S9NYG £ 692,436,856
17733 Sa Me Soule £ 1,112,462,904
17734 SaberEnt £ 45,335,271
17735 SaberXtreme £ -10,431,712
17736 Sabotage £ 66,527,134
17737 Sabre Wulf £ 231,200,479
17738 Sabre01 £ 1,868,458,067
17739 Sac £ 74,334,140
17740 Sachin Tendulkar £ 6,670,443
17741 Sack of apples £ 594,394,840
17742 Sackville £ 1,180,349,588
17743 Sacred River £ 619,277,802
17744 Sad £ 32,110,699
17745 Sad Beautiful Tragic £ 43,452,359
17746 Sad Face Investments £ 5,242,020
17747 sad owl £ 10,314,279
17748 Saddness £ 200,722,004
17749 Sadism £ 814,969,083
17750 Sadness £ 13,045,356
17751 SafariHatCrew £ 79,578,571
17752 Safes £ 4,255,654
17753 Safestyle UK £ 139,260,959
17754 Safetune £ 7,152,235
17755 safety £ 62,418,080
17756 Safety Deposit Vaults £ 585,883,945
17757 Safeway £ 7,245,120
17758 Saga £ 50,000
17759 Sagagroup £ 1,053,969
17760 Sagan Intergalactic £ 5,421,970
17761 Sage £ 56,200,402
17762 SAIA Inc. £ 8,429,346
17763 Saibot £ 58,067,338
17764 Said your a bully £ 39,277,178
17765 Saigon Joy Girls £ 5,287,711
17766 Sail on Soothsayer £ 7,616,410
17767 SailorINC £ 315,951,615
17768 Sailwave Technology £ 50,000
17769 Sainsburys £ 85,035,942
17770 Saint and Sinner £ 745,659,138
17771 Saint George £ 18,177,204
17772 Saint Moritz £ 5,505,083
17773 Saint Valentine £ 32,913,395
17774 Saints £ 5,285,406
17775 Saints fc £ 4,012,478
17776 Saints Row £ 53,023,397
17777 SaIt £ 308,133,041
17778 saiyan HQ £ 16,643,518
17779 SAJE £ 50,000
17780 Sajta £ 1,084,429,370
17781 Sakura Industries £ 23,200,439
17782 Salad £ 4,605,981
17783 salad smalad crystal £ 2,997,498
17784 salada £ 59,095,350
17785 Salamis £ 340,562
17786 Sale £ 175,994,802
17787 Saled Pepper stuff £ 36,759,851
17788 Salem £ 59,196,981
17789 Salem sCogs £ -274,747
17790 Salems C ogs £ 1,290,314
17791 Salems Cogs £ 41,623
17792 SalemsCogs £ -24,440
17793 Sales and Exports £ 17,364,053
17794 Sales Ltd. £ 5,504,305
17795 Salford Lads Club £ 1,053,879,782
17796 Salmacis £ 4,994,112,049
17797 Salmon £ 73,519,973
17798 Salmonking £ 2,556,697
17799 Salon Kitty £ 88,109,591
17800 salsa £ 620,423,919