Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
19301 Spiderman £ 32,755,159
19302 Spiders £ 1,596,661,463
19303 Spies £ 98,573,566
19304 Spikes llc £ 11,107,837
19305 Spine £ 203,370,586
19306 Spinfusor, Inc. £ 844,797
19307 Spinhx £ 321,306,460
19308 Spinner £ 21,278,205
19309 Spinster £ 12,268,430
19310 spinyboxfish £ 5,433,516
19311 Spiral Galaxy £ 116,383,860
19312 Spire Templar Inc £ 40,828
19313 Spires ltd £ 36,724,579
19314 Spiridonov £ 78,309,930
19315 Spirit of Freedom £ 9,684,382
19316 Spiritual Thoughts £ 1,185,374,020
19317 Spit Fire £ 5,551,211
19318 Spite £ 310,964,040
19319 Spitfire Trading £ 48,680
19320 spitfireco £ 46,520,294
19321 Splaaterpoop £ 4,159,923
19322 splash £ 2,287,106
19323 Splat Enterprises £ 49,607,152
19324 splatterpoop £ 3,659,312
19325 splatts £ 11,623,636
19326 Splice £ 16,697,004
19327 splimeraw £ 21,110,620
19328 Splinter Cell £ 50,852,714
19329 Split Personality £ 49,737,109
19330 Splitting the Bamboo £ 25,505,637
19331 Spoetzl Brew Co. £ 5,503,636
19332 Spongebob £ 638,000,922
19333 sponges £ 128,103,338
19334 Spontaneous combustion £ 627,638,533
19335 spook £ 66,407
19336 Spooks £ 13,979,578
19337 spooky £ 109,820,421
19338 Spoons £ 248,156,151
19339 Spoony £ 1,790,194
19340 sport £ 277,116,653
19341 sport135 £ 65,913,319
19342 Sports Options Limited £ 22,658,805
19343 Spot on £ 359,492,568
19344 Spot Shot £ 304,036,627
19345 Spots £ 4,380,222
19346 Spotted Green Shells £ 39,904,404
19347 Spotted Richard Cleaners £ 827,497
19348 SprayPaint £ 1,298,229
19349 Spreader of Illwill £ 37,333,095
19350 Spring £ 490,197,562
19351 Spring Garden £ 7,911,726
19352 Spring Water £ 47,545,145
19353 Springfield £ 365,478,507
19354 Springfield Energy £ 28,463,036
19355 Springfield Nuclear £ 118,856,090
19356 Springfield Secondary £ 2,827,396,051
19357 Springfield Town Hall £ 1,050,052,340
19358 Springkilled £ 1,269,321
19359 Springs £ 10,198,183
19360 SpringShield £ 5,497,507
19361 Sprinks Inc £ 4,390,671
19362 sprockets £ 53,703,137
19363 Sprockets Inc £ 5,030,706
19364 Spud £ 1,955,323
19365 Spuds £ 497,366,429
19366 spuff plc £ 5,506,207
19367 Spunk £ 2,293,521,269
19368 Spunty £ 50,000
19369 Sputnik 1 £ 201,994,262
19370 spyhunter inc £ -11,388,259
19371 spypro £ -350,929
19372 SQplus £ 4,949,127
19373 Squadron of Levant £ 42,148,006
19374 Square 1 £ 3,975,862
19375 Square Hammer £ 20,271,668
19376 Square Jaw £ 698,354,349
19377 Square Pants £ 313,898,098
19378 squares and pixels £ 5,766,688
19379 Squat £ 269,297,736
19380 Squattera Rights £ 67,413,769
19381 Squid Co £ 110,348,365
19382 squid crackers 2 pte ltd £ 3,174,401
19383 squid crackers 3 pte ltd £ 1,409,250
19384 squid crackers pte ltd £ 3,548,501
19385 Squid Game £ 1,010,258,387
19386 squid killer £ 964,475
19387 Squiggle and Giggle Inc £ 528,976,820
19388 squirrel INC £ 1,697,949
19389 Squirrels £ 190,551,566
19390 Squirts £ 3,328,189
19391 Squishy Squid £ 1,794,797
19392 SR-71 Blackbird £ 54,082,850
19393 Srbski £ 63,885,839
19394 Sri Lanka £ 842,505,943
19395 SRU Enterprises £ 4,320,914
19396 Srwhite1 £ 3,314,802
19397 Srwhite2 £ 9,193,427
19398 Srwhite3 £ 7,848,712
19399 Srwhite4 £ 9,006,108
19400 Srwhite5 £ 8,338,399