Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
19401 suspician £ 3,319,458
19402 Sustain £ 1,003,835,727
19403 Suvsi £ 4,159,340
19404 suzy £ 76,250,426
19405 Sven Industries £ 11,197,252
19406 Svenska Handelsbanken £ 989,201,891
19407 Svinoferma £ 52,300,221
19408 Svinoferma2 £ 49,182,326
19409 swag £ 165,677,511
19410 Swag de Poule £ 966,284,317
19411 Swagg Mag Domino £ 1,142,699
19412 Swagtastic £ 1,675,328
19413 Swagtings £ 150,877
19414 Swallowed Star £ 86,616,729
19415 Swamy Holdings £ 377,690
19416 Swan Vesta £ 339,630,447
19417 Swan Vesta 2 £ 461,324,553
19418 Swan Vesta 3 £ 365,291,288
19419 Swan Vesta 4 £ 667,826,894
19420 Swan Vesta 5 £ 114,458,113
19421 Swanley £ 80,952,163
19422 Swanley Manor £ 104,728,505
19423 swansea jacks £ 42,039,155
19424 Swat Ltd £ 10,958,126
19425 Swaty £ 23,529,122
19426 Swearing Granny Strikes £ 150,481,184
19427 Sweat £ 108,142,731
19428 sweat tea inc. £ 3,115,963
19429 Sweaty Jock Strap Inc £ 50,000
19430 Sweden £ 18,257,236
19431 Sweden Electrics £ 13,419,406
19432 Sweeney INC £ 7,837,136
19433 Sweeney Todd £ 23,250,356
19434 Sweeny Enterprises £ 3,573,140
19435 Sweeny Industries £ 13,936
19436 Sweepers .Inc £ 2,614,120
19437 sweet £ 303,917,465
19438 sweet and sugar £ 5,594,685
19439 Sweet as mothers pudding £ 5,502,701
19440 Sweet Chariot £ 47,194,270
19441 Sweet Dreams £ 42,006,198
19442 Sweet Emotion £ 436,606,096
19443 Sweet Flowers £ 5,503,191
19444 sweet hippie lettuce inc £ 7,070,454
19445 Sweet Love £ 108,616,137
19446 Sweet Molly Malone £ 39,591,804
19447 Sweet Nothings £ 10,694,419
19448 Sweet Success £ 451,668,271
19449 Sweetiepie2 £ 5,612,396
19450 Sweetipie £ 11,639,161
19451 SweetJustice128 £ 50,000
19452 Sweets £ 745,601,083
19453 SweetSlavery £ 8,338,033
19454 SweetValley £ 910
19455 SWFC £ 16,505,912
19456 Swift £ -167,365
19457 Swift Cuts £ 4,815,464
19458 Swift Enterprises £ 6,087,150
19459 Swift Enterprises2 £ 6,888,320
19460 Swift Enterprises3 £ 5,525,755
19461 Swift Karma £ 448,701,456
19462 Swimming with fishes £ -3,100,658
19463 Swindle Inc £ 594,553
19464 Swindle LLP £ 66,916,840
19465 Swinging Slanties £ 11,045,226
19466 Swiss Enterprises £ 9,493,606
19467 Swiss Enterprises 2 £ 22,272,858
19468 Swiss Enterprises 3 £ 38,293,684
19469 Swiss Enterprises 4 £ 34,314,456
19470 Swiss Enterprises 5 £ 28,525,088
19471 Swiss Enterprises 6 £ 5,225,029
19472 Switch £ 4,877,816
19473 Switcharoo £ 19,447,670
19474 Switchback £ 144,125,432
19475 Switching Protocols £ 44,949,245
19476 Switzerland £ 1,294,446,419
19477 Swordfish £ 13,672,305
19478 Swords £ 68,784,542
19479 SXP Incorporated. £ 50,000
19480 SY99 £ 118,791,580
19481 Sycamore Road NT £ 24,433,300
19482 sycarcorp £ 1,278,201
19483 SyCo £ 372,593,268
19484 Sycophants £ 103,193,619
19485 Sycophants 14 £ 56,079,070
19486 Sycophants 15 £ 55,942,178
19487 Sycophants 17 £ -9,292,047
19488 Sycophants 18 £ 59,467,649
19489 Sycophants 19 £ 56,030,366
19490 Sycophants 2 £ 59,796,062
19491 Sycophants 20 £ 55,046,690
19492 Sycophants 21 £ 31,405,146
19493 Sycophants 22 £ 55,867,735
19494 Sycophants 3 £ -15,464,352
19495 Sycophants 4 £ 28,991,776
19496 Sycophants 5 £ 32,983,071
19497 Sycophants 6 £ 55,477,492
19498 Sycophants 7 £ 45,056,728
19499 Sycophants 8 £ 55,836,472
19500 Sycophants 9 £ 54,498,230