Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
19801 Territory Holdings £ 5,502,012
19802 Terror £ 700,158,856
19803 Terror Inc. £ 6,019,793
19804 Terror Squad £ 1,026,945,013
19805 Terror Unlimited £ 5,485,075
19806 Terrorist £ 475,420,297
19807 Terrorists £ 46,927,913
19808 Terrorvision £ 1,062,859,325
19809 Terry Corp £ 5,509,537
19810 Terry Inc £ -3,816,949
19811 Terry Ltd £ 21,938,246
19812 Terry Pratchett £ 798,664,788
19813 Terry Tibbs Ltd £ 1,304,086
19814 Terry Waite £ 49,748,803
19815 TerryUncorporated £ 5,439,550
19816 Teryaki Ltd £ 7,521,176
19817 Tesco £ 89,146,550
19818 Tescoo £ 4,484,000
19819 Tescos £ 119,963,598
19820 Tesla £ 726,882,398
19821 Tesla Co £ 56,496,471
19822 Tesla corporation £ 8,884,424
19823 Tesla Inc £ 1,642,430
19824 Teslara Ltd. £ 156,962,741
19825 Tessio £ 2,001
19826 Test £ 25,174,342
19827 Test Financing 1 £ 33,945,018
19828 Test Financing 2 £ 16,501,000
19829 Test Financing 4 £ 37,257,176
19830 Test Financing 6 £ 35,588,431
19831 test1 £ 9,064,244
19832 test2 £ 50,000
19833 test3 £ 50,000
19834 test4 £ 50,000
19835 test5 £ 125,000
19836 Testament £ 91,273,823
19837 Testicles £ 54,307,713
19838 Testing HQ £ 36,156,605
19839 Tet Industries £ 9,528,728
19840 Tetra Acetic Acid £ 81,404,797
19841 Tetrafractal £ 465,917,992
19842 Tetrahydrocannabinol £ 3,785,858
19843 Tetris £ 310,501,065
19844 Teutates Ent £ 66,453,838
19845 Teviot Grove £ 47,568,593
19846 texas £ -2,187,578
19847 Texas Holdem £ 127,973,465
19848 Texas Rangers £ 43,620,902
19849 Texas Rangers. £ 655,694,819
19850 Texas Storage Wars £ 615,985,736
19851 Texture £ 371,210,581
19852 Tezco £ 5,183,944
19853 tezzer ltd £ 23,008,978
19854 tezzonia £ 22,401,024
19855 TF Security Services £ 98,671,453
19856 TFALK Enterprise £ 50,000
19857 TFC £ 7,578,976
19858 TFC2 £ 6,399,333
19859 TFC3 £ 5,084,472
19860 TGLCR £ 188,260,768
19861 Th3 Night £ 12,684,954
19862 Th3 Summ3r £ 63,036,416
19863 Th3 UND3RGROUND £ 762,286,887
19864 Th3 Underground £ 713,109,929
19865 Th3 W0rld £ 164,825,640
19866 Th3 Wint3r £ 148,552,575
19867 Th999 £ 70,680,948
19868 Tha Doggpound 2 £ 8,111,725
19869 Tha spuffs £ 10,965,325
19870 Tha World £ 213,544,031
19871 Thaibog Brotherhood £ 1,020,130
19872 Thailand £ 8,681,401
19873 Than my Soul £ 36,404,360
19874 Thank You Mam £ -16,208,559
19875 Thanks £ 400,203,094
19876 That £ 13,205,711
19877 that are zero £ 51,813,777
19878 That biscuit £ 744,193
19879 That Company £ 39,182,212
19880 That Damn Stray Cat £ 62,108,894
19881 That Fateful Day £ 44,984,506
19882 That hard it hurts £ 6,679,964
19883 that is it £ 50,000
19884 That Money £ 131,168,879
19885 That Movie £ 103,540,061
19886 that name already exists £ 82,380,690
19887 That Nigerian Prince £ 3,190,008
19888 that one company £ 36,726,706
19889 That Other Netro Game £ 6,817,477,592
19890 That Racehorse £ 483,382,773
19891 That Smell £ 58,542,277
19892 That Sneaky Russian £ 1,003,813,826
19893 That Spider £ 103,037,763
19894 That Tickles £ 1,962,258
19895 that way £ 36,497,589
19896 Thats a Nice pizza pie £ 75,128
19897 Thats All She Wrote £ 4,367,938
19898 Thats it £ 581,788
19899 THC £ 2,885,622
19900 The 0lympics Security £ 99,611,334