Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
19801 Sweet as mothers pudding £ 5,502,701
19802 Sweet Chariot £ 47,194,270
19803 Sweet Dreams £ 37,838,903
19804 Sweet Emotion £ 436,606,096
19805 Sweet Flowers £ 5,503,191
19806 sweet hippie lettuce inc £ 7,070,454
19807 Sweet Love £ 108,616,137
19808 Sweet Molly Malone £ 11,676,224
19809 Sweet Nothings £ 10,694,419
19810 Sweet Success £ 451,668,271
19811 Sweetiepie2 £ 5,612,396
19812 Sweetipie £ 11,639,161
19813 SweetJustice128 £ 50,000
19814 Sweets £ 745,601,083
19815 SweetSlavery £ 8,338,033
19816 SweetValley £ 50,910
19817 SWFC £ 16,505,912
19818 Swift £ -117,365
19819 Swift Cuts £ 4,815,464
19820 Swift Enterprises £ 6,087,150
19821 Swift Enterprises2 £ 6,888,320
19822 Swift Enterprises3 £ 5,525,755
19823 Swift Karma £ 482,032,089
19824 Swimming with fishes £ -3,050,658
19825 Swindle Inc £ 594,553
19826 Swindle LLP £ 66,916,840
19827 Swinging Slanties £ 11,045,226
19828 Swiss Enterprises £ 9,493,606
19829 Swiss Enterprises 2 £ 22,272,858
19830 Swiss Enterprises 3 £ 38,293,684
19831 Swiss Enterprises 4 £ 34,314,456
19832 Swiss Enterprises 5 £ 28,525,088
19833 Swiss Enterprises 6 £ 5,225,029
19834 Switch £ 4,877,816
19835 Switcharoo £ 19,447,670
19836 Switchback £ 144,125,432
19837 Switching Protocols £ 46,685,343
19838 Switzerland £ 1,294,446,419
19839 Swordfish £ 13,672,305
19840 Swords £ 68,784,542
19841 SXP Incorporated. £ 50,000
19842 SY99 £ 118,791,580
19843 Sycamore Road NT £ 24,433,300
19844 sycarcorp £ 1,278,201
19845 SyCo £ 372,593,268
19846 Sycophants £ 103,193,619
19847 Sycophants 14 £ 56,079,070
19848 Sycophants 15 £ 55,942,178
19849 Sycophants 17 £ -9,242,047
19850 Sycophants 18 £ 59,467,649
19851 Sycophants 19 £ 56,030,366
19852 Sycophants 2 £ 59,796,062
19853 Sycophants 20 £ 55,046,690
19854 Sycophants 21 £ 31,405,146
19855 Sycophants 22 £ 55,867,735
19856 Sycophants 3 £ -15,414,352
19857 Sycophants 4 £ 28,991,776
19858 Sycophants 5 £ 32,983,071
19859 Sycophants 6 £ 55,477,492
19860 Sycophants 7 £ 45,056,728
19861 Sycophants 8 £ 55,836,472
19862 Sycophants 9 £ 54,498,230
19863 Sydney £ 437,124,612
19864 SyFx Plc £ 54,479,883
19865 Sylar Empire £ 2,394,847
19866 Sylar Limited £ 3,645,387
19867 Sylar Plc £ 4,850,211
19868 Sylphid £ -2,434,400
19869 Sylvester £ 10,755,944
19870 Sympathy £ 208,939,771
19871 Sympathy For The Devil £ 281,145,796
19872 Symphony £ 14,082,848
19873 Symphony Electric £ 45,692,716
19874 symphony industry £ 116,622,178
19875 symphony no 5 £ 56,973,367
19876 Synanceia verrucosa £ 46,664,642
19877 Synchronization £ 26,571,890
19878 Syncplicity £ 4,519,510
19879 Syndicate £ 258,705,776
19880 Syndicate Co £ 105,041,276
19881 Syndicate GmbH £ 89,309,635
19882 Syndicate Incorporated £ 5,506,297
19883 Syndicate of Pain £ 2,350,766,868
19884 Syndicate of Sin £ 4,417,849,895
19885 Syndicate of Swing £ 2,265,622,769
19886 Syndicus Dominus £ 62,959,664
19887 Syndrome £ 206,156,446
19888 Synedoche NY £ -2,619,785
19889 Synesthesia £ 39,598,474
19890 Syntego £ 50,148,924
19891 synthesis £ 42,928,087
19892 Synthetic Symphony £ 240,774,266
19893 Syorpa £ 9,124,784
19894 Syphilis £ 1,541,312,712
19895 Syracuse University £ 50,142,442
19896 Syria £ 69,895,461
19897 Systems Thinking £ 222,749,148
19898 SYVILIZATION £ 3,053,708
19899 Szymkiewicz £ 385,515,731
19900 T Coalition A £ 82,560,558