Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
21401 the Deal £ 397,168,155
21402 The Dean Trust £ 24,177
21403 The death cab £ 342,405,449
21404 The Decade £ 65,387,177
21405 the Decadent Past £ 386,306,765
21406 The Deck £ 50,000
21407 the Deep £ 204,057,019
21408 The Deep End £ 597,273,415
21409 The Delaware Brass £ 105,553,328
21410 the Delta Blues £ 44,791,784
21411 The Demo Crew £ 155,483,325
21412 The Democratic Order £ 7,529,209
21413 The Dentist £ 8,040,342
21414 The Departed £ 1,996,433
21415 The Departure Terminal £ 127,750,315
21416 the depths £ 356,004,990
21417 The Deranged £ 140,205,312
21418 The Desert Rats £ 1,191,965,075
21419 the designerdesign £ -111,261
21420 The Designers £ 28,247,737
21421 The Destruction £ 116,764,266
21422 The Devil £ 746,698,777
21423 the devil co £ 205,876,820
21424 The Devil Within £ 506,706,880
21425 The Devils Brew £ 1,075,761,167
21426 The Devils Playground £ 49,735,735
21427 The Devoted £ 66,404,436
21428 The Dewey Decimal System £ 10,957,356
21429 The diamond table £ 64,658,482
21430 the diamonds £ 152,546,640
21431 the Dice £ 184,158,903
21432 The Dictator £ 1,140,530,830
21433 The Diet Coke Assassin £ 6,690,198
21434 The Digital Hood 01 £ 4,982,047
21435 The Digital Hood 02 £ 4,732,905
21436 The Digital Hood 03 £ 4,379,904
21437 the Dilemma £ 106,377,372
21438 The Dime £ 56,415,767
21439 The Dingo £ 4,656,608
21440 the dinosaurs £ 9,889,880
21441 The Directors £ 58,033,433
21442 the Direkgunabhorn £ 3,564,873,280
21443 the dirty burger £ 10,128,777
21444 the dirty deeds company £ 8,717,994
21445 The Dirty Dozen £ 2,469,688
21446 The Dirty Underground £ 4,316,844
21447 The Discourses £ 36,714,710
21448 The Divines £ 6,787,440
21449 The Doc Will See You Now £ 107,364,428
21450 The Doctor £ 20,373,598
21451 The Dodo £ 61,306,747
21452 The Dog £ 64,230,545
21453 the dogs trust £ 34,469,675
21454 The Dojo £ 56,525,143
21455 the dole office £ 426,097,173
21456 The Dollar £ 37,955,941
21457 The Dolman £ 13,145,496
21458 The don £ 3,964,590
21459 The Dongporium £ 1,672,346
21460 The Doomsday Clock £ 81,400,440
21461 The Doomsday Elite £ 56,577,260
21462 The Doomsday Prepper £ 112,480,838
21463 The Doss £ 4,190,896
21464 The Dough £ 69,822,933
21465 the Doughboy £ 56,682,121
21466 The Doughnut £ 3,268,407
21467 The Dougie Rock £ 1,193,449,607
21468 The Dow £ 122,562,889
21469 The Dragon Balls £ 9,380,648
21470 The Dragons £ 65,744,628
21471 the Dragons Breath £ 322,097,150
21472 the drama triangle £ 52,377,741
21473 The Draw £ 365,533,539
21474 The Dreadnought £ 77,628,977
21475 The Drop £ 319,555,987
21476 The Drugs Dont Work £ 50,000
21477 The Druid Nation £ 52,591,304
21478 the Drum £ 436,941,416
21479 The Drunk Assassin £ 121,307,519
21480 The Duke Ball £ 1,614,381
21481 The dummy out £ 50,000
21482 the dungeon £ 124,754,657
21483 The Dwarf £ 137,738,273
21484 the dwarves £ 123,673,327
21485 The Dying £ 322,668,559
21486 the Dying. £ 13,300,042
21487 The Eagle £ 55,472,996
21488 The Eagle and Child £ 106,765,521
21489 the ear £ 76,124,906
21490 The Earth £ 189,962,943
21491 The Earth International £ 593,835,566
21492 the Earth R.Cushee 1731 £ 3,538,942,370
21493 The Earths Father £ 455,179,254
21494 The East £ 1,957,123
21495 The Easter Rising £ 10,965,423
21496 The Economist £ 17,357,160
21497 The Economy £ 406,343,877
21498 the Educated £ 33,062,473
21499 The Education System £ 1,986,730
21500 The Egyptian Pyramids £ 418,538,760