Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
21501 The Seas and Waters £ 196,414,829
21502 the season £ 821,267,534
21503 The Seasons £ 147,510,732
21504 The Sebouillia £ 140,737,304
21505 The Second Crusade £ 54,654,042
21506 The Secret £ 173,844,617
21507 The Secret Bombers £ 51,852,182
21508 The Secret Service £ 7,746,093
21509 The Sega Mega-Drive £ 5,502,973
21510 The Selfish £ 472,126,522
21511 The Senate £ 52,029,242
21512 The Senate Scandal £ 1,257,506,006
21513 The Serenity £ 55,722,950
21514 The Seven Dwarfs £ 341,368,632
21515 the Seven Seals £ 127,689,861
21516 the Seven Seas £ 369,263,593
21517 the seventh seal £ 1,022,149,677
21518 The Severn bore £ 55,167,460
21519 The Sewer Runners £ 3,716,073
21520 the sexy elephant £ -3,385,674
21521 The Shack £ 5,504,749
21522 The Shadow £ 74,497,983
21523 The Shadow Angels £ 54,822,202
21524 The Shadow Boxer £ 96,173,132
21525 The Shadow Militia £ 34,095,942
21526 the shadow state £ 58,433,459
21527 the Shadow Warriors £ 248,915,785
21528 The Shadows £ 58,634,983
21529 The Shaolin £ 83,101,177
21530 The Shark Tank £ 5,503,849
21531 The Shed £ 906,278,859
21532 The Shelby Company £ 42,252
21533 The Shield £ 42,008,562
21534 the Shieldwalls £ 98,216,912
21535 The Shinobi £ 10,607,498
21536 the Shipwrecked Sailor £ 655,928,157
21537 The Shire £ 8,726,658
21538 The Shivering Isles £ 83,090,505
21539 the shocker £ 5,502,006
21540 The Shopaholic £ 872,373
21541 The Show Man £ 54,801,033
21542 The Shrew £ 364,419,695
21543 the shrimper £ 925
21544 The Shroomery £ 3,680,265
21545 The Sicilians £ 5,982,186
21546 the Sierra Madre £ 4,554,669
21547 The SiIk Road £ 255,308,052
21548 The Silmarillion £ 4,479,591
21549 The Silver Bullet £ 71,230,132
21550 The Silver Darlings £ 763,083,163
21551 The Silver Hammer £ 4,695,917
21552 The Silver Surfer £ 796,319,527
21553 The Silvery Moon £ 276,030,715
21554 The Silvite Corp £ 36,708,884
21555 The Simple Co £ 63,419,426
21556 The Sindicate £ 197,125,164
21557 The Singing Butler £ 66,041,391
21558 the sinister six £ 152,622,990
21559 The Sinistor £ 228,738,375
21560 The Sioux £ 48,370,996
21561 the Sith £ 10,916,862
21562 The Sixth Dimension £ 5,977,106
21563 The Skies £ 625,320,906
21564 The Sky £ 175,906,466
21565 The Skytrains £ 149,154,863
21566 The Slump God £ 162,878,019
21567 The Small Co £ 41,467,464
21568 The Smiddy Inn £ 770,713,566
21569 The smiler £ 42,269,900
21570 The Smiling Star £ 3,948,685
21571 The Smiling Star 2 £ 5,504,334
21572 The Smiling Star 3 £ 5,387,679
21573 The Smith Dynasty £ 3,315,322,838
21574 The Smokescreen £ 69,593,992
21575 The Smoo Cave £ 970,468,253
21576 The Snake £ 101,202,960
21577 The sniffer £ 82,780,921
21578 The Snitches £ 3,440,142
21579 The Snow Job £ 1,491,717,278
21580 The Snowman £ 1,332,527,992
21581 The Soggy Biscuits £ 5,201,743
21582 the Solution £ 91,157,614
21583 The Somme £ 5,507,229
21584 The Sopranos £ 40,316,398
21585 The Source Field £ 1,142,856,932
21586 The South £ 1,318,988
21587 The Southern Mountain £ 92,638,026
21588 The Southern Pass £ 59,866,644
21589 The Soviet Union £ 350,364,263
21590 The Space Cowboy £ 194,002,918
21591 the space time continuum £ 482,323,477
21592 The Space-Time Continuum £ 732,223
21593 the Spangled Mob £ 49,740,050
21594 The Spartan Warriors £ 38,622,353
21595 The Spartans £ 119,329,982
21596 The Special Corp £ 1,036,867,617
21597 The Special Stuff £ 504,040,290
21598 The Spider £ 50,000
21599 The Spirit £ 61,452,342
21600 The Spirit Bat £ 4,153,494