Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
21701 The Glen £ 48,528,315
21702 The Glory of Star Bunny £ 54,037,887
21703 the Goat £ 32,872,291
21704 The God Particle £ 4,108,733
21705 The Goddess £ 5,497,154
21706 The Goddess 2 £ 5,500,735
21707 The goddress £ 262
21708 The Godfather £ 105,618,455
21709 The Gods £ 55,036,391
21710 The Gods. £ 124,535,473
21711 The Gold Saucer £ 6,103,651
21712 The Golden Compass £ 79,553,511
21713 The Golden Lion £ 5,283,564
21714 The Golden Saucer £ 18,782,174
21715 The Good Ex £ 27,064,909
21716 The Good Samaritan £ 2,454,258,056
21717 the good shepherd £ 756,789,676
21718 The Good Vibrators £ 123,562,314
21719 The GOP £ 88,879,136
21720 The Gothic Line £ 395,052,558
21721 The Governor £ 353,675,807
21722 the Grail £ 5,535,521
21723 The Grain £ 489,445,173
21724 The Grale £ 113,758,814
21725 The Grand £ 273,083,831
21726 the Grandfather paradox £ 250,035,109
21727 The Graphic Designers £ 50,000
21728 The Gravest Magnitude £ 74,661,656
21729 The Gravy £ 6,107,317
21730 the great £ 538,630,399
21731 The Great Apocalypse £ 1,406,635
21732 the Great Barrier Reef £ 655,258,890
21733 The Great Dictator £ 65,508,882
21734 The great escape £ 174,823,273
21735 The Great Glen £ 769,618,309
21736 The Great Land £ 1,015,700,243
21737 The Great Lighthouse £ 2,911,913,125
21738 The Great Pyramid £ 2,751,007,798
21739 The Great Train Robbery £ 304,827,767
21740 The Great Wall £ 50,285,685
21741 The Great White Ninja £ 13,544,202
21742 the greatest £ 46,851,522
21743 The Greedy Assassin £ 16,273,008
21744 The Greek Gods £ 10,275,996
21745 The Green Baize £ 504,203,721
21746 The Green Berets £ 1,181,513
21747 The Green Mile £ 117,226,141
21748 the green zone £ 352,266,976
21749 The Gremlins £ 1,004,211,727
21750 The Grey Bulls £ 237,307,230
21751 The Grey Dog House £ 10,956,201
21752 The Grim Reaper £ 95,261,046
21753 The Grimm Reaper £ 5,761,896
21754 The Grizzly £ 105,585,070
21755 The Grosvenor £ 136,658,348
21756 The Ground £ 3,999,990
21757 The Group £ 143,170,811
21758 The Grove Inc £ 359,576,714
21759 The Groves USA £ 310,407,903
21760 The Guard £ 63,139,875
21761 The Guggenheim £ 10,447,829
21762 the guild £ 771,316
21763 The Guilded Heroes £ 104,659,326
21764 THE GUMBO ONE £ 102,462
21765 The Gummer Gang £ 6,432,676
21766 the gun £ 3,412,785
21767 The Gun Man £ 5,504,143
21768 The Gunn agency £ 84,703,626
21769 The Gunners £ 257,608,126
21770 the guvnor £ 36,295,313
21771 The Gynecologist £ 1,607,134,330
21772 the halifax gibbet £ 1,828,622,030
21773 The Hand £ 5,913,538
21774 The Hanging Gardens £ 1,704,557,817
21775 The Happy Company £ 10,088,053
21776 the Happy Daycare Center £ 8,888,720
21777 The harbinger £ 701,473,295
21778 The Hard Way £ 9,795,149
21779 The Hardcore Scene £ 19,304,268
21780 the Harlequin £ 135,257,771
21781 The Hart Foundation £ 3,663,113
21782 the Hashshashin Order £ 549,936,789
21783 the hat £ 469,289,661
21784 The Hateful Assassin £ 18,908,471
21785 The Haunted House £ 5,491,512
21786 The Hauntings tv £ -1,788,819
21787 The Haven £ 1,055,671,173
21788 the hawk £ 7,031,299
21789 the Headstrong £ 15,574,858
21790 The Heart £ 233,955,644
21791 THE HEARTLESS CREW £ 363,445,454
21792 The Heather £ 1,080,676,796
21793 The Heavily Armed Christ £ 104,496,504
21794 the heights £ 1,530,854,870
21795 The HellsPit £ 68,182,682
21796 The Herd £ 294,004,582
21797 the Heretic £ 42,472,925
21798 the hero £ 237,380,423
21799 The Hidden £ 518,485
21800 the Hidden Floor £ 150,430,791