Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
22501 The Resistance £ 1,151,945,845
22502 the rest £ 50,471,477
22503 the resurrection £ 273,659,504
22504 The Retards £ 143,972,205
22505 The Retford Raider £ 125,468,570
22506 The Retired £ 167,070,521
22507 The Returns £ 62,706,848
22508 the Revolt £ 630,897,874
22509 The Revolution £ 830,906,764
22510 The Revolutionaries £ 84,094,730
22511 The Revolutionary Army £ 104,848,846
22512 The Rich £ 189,102,006
22513 The rich and famous £ 631,088,151
22514 The Rich List £ 1,611,025,804
22515 The Rigbys £ 75,852,582
22516 The Right £ 5,034,585
22517 The Righteous £ 5,281,525
22518 The Righteous Man £ 363,471,283
22519 the rightous £ 59,140,995
22520 the Riley £ 294,195,703
22521 The Ring £ 90,152,549
22522 The Ring Inc. £ 92,891,254
22523 The Rings £ 219,631,200
22524 The Ripper £ 1,258,701
22525 The Rising £ 3,227,254
22526 The Rising Moon £ 12,498,286
22527 The Rising Sun £ 92,652,347
22528 The River £ 734,633,686
22529 the River Irwell £ 1,110,176,368
22530 The River Styx £ 6,189,589
22531 The river Trent £ 268,700,058
22532 The Road £ 122,848,865
22533 The Road Crew £ 4,209,301
22534 The Road Runner £ 384,447,312
22535 The Road Warriors £ 2,833,492
22536 The Robots £ 536,957,045
22537 the Rock £ 49,611,905
22538 the rock hammer £ 1,598
22539 The Rock N Roll Years £ 142,824,513
22540 The Rocky Mountains £ 119,996,849
22541 The Rod £ 235,250
22542 The Rodent £ 61,058,915
22543 The Rodeo £ 1,195,466,888
22544 The roller coaster £ 144,733,174
22545 The Roman Empire £ 1,177,935,399
22546 The Roman Kingdom £ 69,913,149
22547 the Roman Republic £ 556,661
22548 The roof is leaking £ 411,220,960
22549 The Rose £ 5,060,351
22550 The Rose and Crown £ 191,340,383
22551 The Roses £ 526,743,777
22552 The Round Table £ 14,527,449
22553 The Rovers £ 461,992,965
22554 The Royal Air Force £ 1,102,671,909
22555 The Royal Fail £ 7,118,923
22556 The Royal Family £ 6,138,861
22557 The Royal Marines £ 284,678,403
22558 The Royal Mint £ 16,408,653
22559 The Royal Navy £ 11,339,521
22560 The Royal Oak £ 54,068,695
22561 The Rubber Duck Co £ 18,596,645
22562 the ruffian £ 800,585,440
22563 The Ruins £ 3,880,748
22564 the Rule of Law £ 21,874,435
22565 the rules £ 61,260,264
22566 The Runaways £ 43,741,083
22567 The Rupurt Gang £ 98,839,633
22568 The Russians £ 1,192,954,320
22569 The Rye £ 1,097,114,728
22570 The S-Star £ 60,587,534
22571 The Sacred Heart £ 39,152,149
22572 The Sacred Law £ 57,489,333
22573 The Sad Company £ 9,734,564
22574 The Safe Co £ 5,271,138
22575 The Saint £ 1,017,559,484
22576 The Saints £ 5,507,219
22577 The Saiyajin £ 240,935,391
22578 The Saltire £ 804,260,706
22579 the salty sea air £ 634,743,369
22580 The Same £ 151,090,720
22581 the same old £ 717,755,498
22582 The same old same old £ 67,476,993
22583 The Samurai £ 8,491,600
22584 The Samurai original £ 9,831,587
22585 The Sanctuary £ 149,792,232
22586 The Sapphire £ 9,689,275
22587 The SAS £ 4,996,080
22588 the Satan £ 59,160,187
22589 The Satrap Netropoliti £ 9,409,743
22590 The Scandal £ 48,654,390
22591 The Scar Corporation £ 16,161,005,485
22592 The Scarab £ 375,254,505
22593 The Scarfs £ 940,795,710
22594 The Scorpion £ 1,694,629
22595 The Scots £ 59,083,445
22596 the scourers £ 302,002,475
22597 The Scrap Yard £ 50,000
22598 The Scream £ 91,102,404
22599 the screams in the night £ 64,148,877
22600 the Screw £ 1,505,519,794