Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
22701 The Skies £ 625,320,906
22702 The Sky £ 175,906,466
22703 The Sky is Falling £ 49,000,000
22704 The Skytrains £ 149,154,863
22705 The Slump God £ 162,878,019
22706 The Small Co £ 41,467,464
22707 The Smiddy Inn £ 770,713,566
22708 The smiler £ 42,269,900
22709 The Smiling Star £ 3,948,685
22710 The Smiling Star 2 £ 5,504,334
22711 The Smiling Star 3 £ 5,387,679
22712 The Smith Dynasty £ 4,324,056,258
22713 The Smokescreen £ 61,918,516
22714 The Smoo Cave £ 970,468,253
22715 The Snake £ 101,202,960
22716 THE SNAP £ 43,568,085
22717 The sniffer £ 82,780,921
22718 The Snitches £ 3,440,142
22719 The Snow Job £ 1,491,717,278
22720 The Snowman £ 1,332,527,992
22721 The Soggy Biscuits £ 5,201,743
22722 the Solution £ 91,157,614
22723 The Somme £ 5,507,229
22724 The Sopranos £ 40,316,398
22725 The Source Field £ 1,142,856,932
22726 The South £ 1,318,988
22727 The Southern Mountain £ 92,638,026
22728 The Southern Pass £ 59,866,644
22729 The Soviet Union £ 350,364,263
22730 The Space Cowboy £ 194,002,918
22731 the space time continuum £ 482,323,477
22732 The Space-Time Continuum £ 732,223
22733 the Spangled Mob £ 49,740,050
22734 The Spartan Warriors £ 38,622,353
22735 The Spartans £ 119,329,982
22736 The Special Corp £ 2,316,177,118
22737 The Special Stuff £ 504,040,290
22738 The Spectacle £ 3,849,498,223
22739 the Spectacles £ 33,617,399
22740 The Spider £ 50,000
22741 The Spirit £ 61,452,342
22742 The Spirit Bat £ 4,153,494
22743 The Sport £ 14,370,985
22744 The Spotless Mind £ 61,052,171
22745 The square table £ 180,590,693
22746 The Squares £ 342,067,928
22747 The Squeamish Assassin £ -22,488,002
22748 The Squid Games £ 51,199,127
22749 The Stack Rock £ 1,171,144,710
22750 The Staff Room £ 34,599,561
22751 The Stand £ 673,179,930
22752 the Stanford d.School £ 21,873,685
22753 The Star Wars Films £ 1,754,806,830
22754 The Starlink £ 5,507,111
22755 The Starry Night £ 16,260,304
22756 the State £ 42,928,798
22757 The Steakhouse £ 70,164,533
22758 The Steam Engine £ 3,800,000
22759 The Steel Corporation £ 1,111,352,100
22760 The Steel Empire £ 209,359,431
22761 The Stick £ 110,728,506
22762 The Stig £ 56,084
22763 The Stock Exchange £ 363,313,225
22764 The Stock Market £ 57,512,839
22765 The Stone Age £ 10,960,046
22766 The Storm £ 3,074,079,810
22767 The Strand £ 62,936,716
22768 The Straw Hat Pirates £ 93,836,340
22769 The Straw Hats £ 40,210,973
22770 The Strike Force £ 1,060,159,394
22771 the strongest sword god £ 60,198,402
22772 The Subject £ 3,163,561
22773 the Subspace Fabric £ 361,271,359
22774 The Substitute £ 295,413,029
22775 The Subtle Knife £ 5,500,461
22776 The Sugar Plum Fairy £ 40,390,258
22777 THE SUMMER NIGHTS £ 38,982,043
22778 The summer wine £ 32,223,574
22779 the Sun £ 21,426,442
22780 the sun rise £ 105,389,760
22781 The Sunken Norwegian £ 970,666,849
22782 the Supreme Court £ 259,528,514
22783 The Swamp £ 45,804,167
22784 the swamps £ 1,086,598,995
22785 The Swarm £ 6,139,958
22786 The Sweeney £ 117,169,488
22787 the Sweet science £ 1,812,076,679
22788 the swimthru £ 337,118,512
22789 The Swingers £ 31,928,878
22790 The Sword £ 59,675,302
22791 The Sydicate £ 5,700,318
22792 The Sylar Company £ 1,593,758
22793 The Sylar Group £ 6,614,796
22794 The Syndicate £ 4,490,048
22795 THE SYSTEM £ 57,103,075
22796 The T-Virus £ 6,971,496
22797 The Table £ 160,182,389
22798 The Tail £ 4,650,487,420
22799 The Taj Mahal £ 2,639,394,733
22800 the take over £ 3,970,231