Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
23901 Troy £ 216,061,136
23902 Truce £ 9,139,710
23903 truckers paradise £ 4,706
23904 Truckin Inc £ 13,603,438
23905 Truckman £ 8,671,242
23906 Truckman 2 £ 7,568,973
23907 True Blood £ 4,304,191
23908 True blue £ 165,162,639
23909 True Detective £ 1,022,476,068
23910 True Evil £ 120,130,007
23911 True Grit £ 50,532,076
23912 True Level £ 74,297,551
23913 True LOVE £ 307,797,712
23914 Trump £ 599,036,587
23915 Trump Donald £ 59,496,633
23916 Trump ENT £ 2,351,912
23917 Trump ENT2 £ -22,402,397
23918 Trump ENT3 £ 13,903,851
23919 Trump ENT4 £ 58,354,262
23920 Trump It Up £ 207,019,448
23921 Trump Organization £ 50,000
23922 Trump Towers £ 4,880,866
23923 Trumps Tariffs £ 58,305,338
23924 Trumps Towers £ 130,324,154
23925 Trumpton Fire Brigade £ 174,129,695
23926 Trumpton Fire Brigade. £ 154,005,311
23927 Trumpton Fire Brigade.. £ 181,104,184
23928 Trumpton Fire Brigade... £ 105,400,768
23929 Trumpton Fire Brigade_ £ 105,844,300
23930 Trumpton Fire Brigade__ £ 11,198,400
23931 Truncated Icosahedron £ 442,311,063
23932 Trurez £ 53,470,958
23933 Truro £ 492,298,982
23934 Truro Deep Sea £ 46,847,428
23935 Trust £ 90,042,207
23936 Trusted traders £ 35,811
23937 Trustees £ 112,761,738
23938 Truth £ 1,927,033,155
23939 Truth and Justice £ 215,247,257
23940 Truth and Lies £ 65,165,986
23941 Truth and Light £ 754,852,933
23942 Trutth £ 161,567,563
23943 try again £ 680,196,686
23944 trying £ 951,770,035
23945 Trying To Find New Names £ 63,062,082
23946 trying to make peace £ 49,967,989
23947 Trying to speed up £ 12,433,612
23948 Trytophan £ 788,953
23949 TSA Pat Downs £ 70,132,462
23950 TSMC £ 549,388,973
23951 Tsunami £ 1,017,056,681
23952 tsunomo £ 247,359,769
23953 Tsushima Island £ 192,745,448
23954 TSX £ 577,037,865
23955 TT Races £ 993,555,588
23956 TTL £ 5,671,245
23957 Tube £ 638,101,906
23958 Tube Alloys £ 708,528,023
23959 Tubthumping £ 1,095,011,962
23960 Tuck £ 10,463,037,171
23961 Tuckerman £ 4,678,995
23962 tuckers £ 44,924
23963 tuckers joint £ 265,221
23964 tuesday £ 4,654,255
23965 Tuffet Industries £ 60,541,101
23966 Tug £ 232,603,589
23967 Tulkas Astaldo £ 1,536,307,810
23968 Tulli Frutti £ 9,620,066
23969 Tumble weed £ 271,092,313
23970 Tumbledown Mountain £ 1,212,433,120
23971 Tumbleweed Town £ 57,702,329
23972 Tummy £ 2,121,517
23973 Tuna £ 4,983,119
23974 Tunafish £ 56,633,720
23975 Tunchy Enterprises £ 1,351,358
23976 tunes £ 7,291,306
23977 Tungsten Carbide Steel £ 96,154,898
23978 Tunnocks £ 3,853,010,407
23979 Tuonela £ 606,811,472
23980 Tupac £ 118,427,071
23981 Tupac Shakur £ 32,947,532
23982 Tuppence inc £ 1,819,113
23983 tuppenny rice £ 40,125,508
23984 Tuppy inc £ 819,610
23985 Turbo Torpedo £ 119,340,348
23986 Turbos Hot Dogs £ 27,367,322
23987 Turbos Hot Salsa £ 4,240,909
23988 Turbulance £ 33,133,119
23989 Turbulent Times £ 6,057,199
23990 Turd Burglar Septic £ 8,971,519
23991 Turd Industries £ 1,829,521
23992 Turds £ 4,671,236
23993 Turey Enterprises £ 50,000
23994 Turgus £ 10,723,672
23995 Turin £ 343,767,020
23996 Turkey £ 35,799,494
23997 Turkey hut £ 72,277,451
23998 Turkeycock Inc £ 46,134
23999 turkish gold £ 211,391,015
24000 Turmoil £ 161,813,110