Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
23901 Wilgem Corporation £ 3,431,366,782
23902 Wilgem Demolitions £ 2,639,925,113
23903 Will Enterprises £ 95,545,803
23904 Will Farrell £ 178,879
23905 Will Turner £ 53,324,644
23906 willderstroyyou £ 50,000
23907 William £ 9,142,974
23908 William Higinbotham £ 927,318,233
23909 Williams Street £ 22,446,626
23910 Willis £ 23,900,184
23911 Willow Road £ 251,561,785
23912 Willow Tech £ 5,503,407
23913 willows world 7 £ 3,855,323
23914 Wills Gems £ 55,905,796
23915 Willy Beatem £ 61,942,476
23916 Willy Beatem 2 £ 24,647,632
23917 Willy Wonka Ltd £ 3,090,924
23918 Wilshires Herbarium £ 50,000
23919 Wilson £ 85,922,825
23920 Wilson and Wilson £ 50,000
23921 Wilson Enterprises £ 1,994,073
23922 WILTY £ 90,003,933
23923 Wilziak Corp £ 1,575,116
23924 Wimbledon Common £ 21,947,331
23925 win or loss £ 491,741,393
23926 Winchester £ 1,109,835
23927 Winchester Gun Co. £ 9,826,187
23928 Wind £ 177,531,218
23929 Wind Control £ 16,416,420
23930 Windfall £ 656,192
23931 Windon-Price Agency £ 114,776,164
23932 WindowLicker £ 355,481,618
23933 WINDOWS £ 4,286,683
23934 Windows Inc £ 171,249,111
23935 Windows Updates £ 1,063,780,240
23936 Windpower35 £ 7,048,933
23937 Windpower45 £ 18,502,525
23938 Windpower94 £ -582,698
23939 winds £ 1,773,785,583
23940 Windsor Castle £ 1,304,694,901
23941 wine £ -2,087,253
23942 Wine and Dine £ 45,156,820
23943 Wing Man £ 147,800,617
23944 Wingdings £ 4,154,112
23945 Wingealots £ 9,414,171
23946 Winger £ -39,061,798
23947 wingjojo £ 5,478,007
23948 Wingold £ 379,377,488
23949 Wings n More £ 6,837,754
23950 wining at poker £ 414,049,826
23951 Winner Ltd £ 50,000
23952 Winnifred plc £ 73,627,945
23953 WINNING £ 1,507,705
23954 Winning a Superfecta £ 57,102,284
23955 winning hearts and minds £ 490,677,188
23956 Winnipeg £ 46,621,865
23957 Winstars £ 1,745,354
23958 winter £ 47,311,977
23959 Winter Solstice £ 37,413,815
23960 WinterCity2 £ 5,187,007
23961 winterfrost £ 80,494,125
23962 Winters £ 134,626,852
23963 Winters Light £ 27,451,666
23964 Wintersun Tech. £ 7,366,187
23965 wintertowns £ -35,832,597
23966 WinterTowns2 £ -38,511,331
23967 WinterTowns3 £ 26,319,425
23968 Winterval £ 56,308,149
23969 Wipeover £ 308,253,830
23970 wipps247 £ 5,503,284
23971 Wire £ 437,417,173
23972 Wireless £ 53,605,602
23973 Wireshark £ 160,131,816
23974 Wisdom Holdings £ 4,639,122
23975 Wise Men £ 386,129,302
23976 Wishes £ 84,799,336
23977 Wishes and Dreams £ 104,120,296
23978 Wispa £ 15,928,010
23979 Wispy Specters £ 5,846,890
23980 Wit £ 373,403,666
23981 Witchcraft £ 1,440,566,459
23982 Witchers Inc. £ 140,761
23983 Witches £ 74,050,096
23984 Witches Sabbath £ 65,675,339
23985 with an apostrophe £ -5,750,011
23986 With Cigars £ 7,148,975
23987 With Envy £ 48,375,191
23988 With jam £ 678,108,452
23989 With my Uncles Dog £ 1,438,479
23990 Within £ 270,892,215
23991 Within Without £ 5,488,689
23992 Without A Cause £ 574,682,034
23993 Without A Trace £ 66,525,406
23994 withstand £ 123,581,625
23995 Withy Corp £ 789,960
23996 withygrove £ 50,000
23997 Witness Intimidation £ 5,934,011
23998 Witnesses £ 5,089,050
23999 witty company name £ -335,949
24000 wives £ 4,892,638