Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
24001 USS America £ 578,777,848
24002 uss augusta £ 1,495,678,639
24003 USS Behemoth £ 814,991
24004 USS Bowfin £ 198,820,373
24005 USS Discovery £ 642,165
24006 USS Enterprise £ 582,804,123
24007 uss enterprise. £ 1,325,459,734
24008 uss indianapolis £ 9,818,374
24009 USS Orion £ 1,060,631
24010 USS Razor £ 815,790
24011 USS Voyager £ 1,922,144
24012 ussss £ 225,396,551
24013 Utd £ 1,538,860
24014 UTF Industries £ -6,680,402
24015 Utmost Importance £ 10,423,102
24016 Utopia £ 587,391,216
24017 Utopia Planitia £ 1,109,658,293
24018 Utopia2 £ 19,520,009
24019 Utopia3 £ 19,612,004
24020 Utopia4 £ 92,387,139
24021 Utter Chaos £ 4,505,993,926
24022 UuUuUuU £ 218,716,449
24023 UVB-76 £ 6,443,671,586
24024 uwabaki £ 222,832,396
24025 UWS Associates £ 447,338,603
24026 Uxbridge £ 4,471,496
24027 uyt £ 4,799,843
24028 UZGENT £ 40,610,933
24029 Uzumaki £ 10,955,098
24030 V Energy £ 3,804,443
24031 V-Star revolutions £ 1,106,562
24032 V.E.S Vending £ 59,646,134
24033 V2- £ 38,440,718
24034 V37 £ 55,026,557
24035 V4L £ 33,457,497
24036 V60 £ 238,949,864
24037 vacant £ -22,854,297
24038 Vachina £ 2,343,108
24039 vagarious £ 206,650,903
24040 Vaginal Hubris £ 5,221,370
24041 Val Verde £ 129,612,633
24042 valadis £ 16,203,162
24043 Valaris £ 4,296,842
24044 Valaste £ 122,992,461
24045 Valdemar £ 2,679,479
24046 Valdivia £ 119,276,267
24047 Valentino £ 674,250
24048 Valhalla £ 5,281,407
24049 Valheim £ 55,720,732
24050 Valiant Universe £ 50,316,459
24051 Valiant Video Enterprise £ 33,668,456
24052 Valkyrie £ 17,668,130
24053 Valor £ 12,089,106,594
24054 Valorant £ 53,017,092
24055 Value £ 499,661,748
24056 ValueCorp £ 4,197,940
24057 Vaminos Pest £ 86,718,166
24058 Vamonos Pest £ 5,503,833
24059 Vampires £ 7,265,354
24060 Van Damme Industries £ 50,000
24061 Van Gogh £ 3,865,761,266
24062 van Gogh. £ 15,420,107
24063 Van Morrison £ 11,105,161
24064 Vancity £ 56,380,131
24065 Vancomycin £ 5,494,932
24066 Vancouver £ 57,905,327
24067 Vancouver Canucks £ 107,387,499
24068 Vandelay Ind. £ 345,525,471
24069 Vandelay Industries £ 1,031,900
24070 Vangaurd_III £ 5,478,374
24071 Vanilla £ 1,730,155,082
24072 Vanity Fair £ 480,977,861
24073 Vanquished £ 767,995,351
24074 Vantino £ 5,450,378
24075 Vape £ 4,551,692
24076 Vaping £ 17,213,747
24077 Varda Elentari £ 1,561,948,309
24078 Vari £ 9,692,095,868
24079 Variables £ 1,041,360
24080 Variant Also Negotiates £ 103,522,602
24081 Variation £ 438,179,387
24082 varsity diversion £ 4,290,964
24083 Vasco da Gama £ 2,203,198,147
24084 Vaser £ 14,191,085
24085 VashTheStampede £ 56,338,223
24086 Vassal £ 117,202,692
24087 Vatican £ 1,250,603,085
24088 Vatos Locos £ 426,539,131
24089 Vault £ 50,000
24090 Vault 101 £ 229,933,986
24091 Vault 104 £ 54,400,492
24092 Vault 13 £ 5,500,831
24093 Vault 76 £ 383,847,689
24094 Vault Cash £ 13,821,874
24095 Vault Tec £ -981,281
24096 Vaulter £ 56,566,231
24097 Vaults £ 254,926,762
24098 Vauxhall £ 1,273,788
24099 vayron £ 53,076,937
24100 vb ltd £ 50,000