Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
24501 Your bad dream £ 176,450,863
24502 Your Balls £ 48,636,506
24503 Your Bank Account £ 241,169,697
24504 Your bank acount £ 1,041,111,602
24505 your barnet £ 92,790,447
24506 Your Birthday £ 30,508,719
24507 your biulding skills £ 7,888,388
24508 Your Blameworthiness £ 913,571,675
24509 Your Blind Spots £ 16,422,028
24510 your block £ 759,810,804
24511 Your Body And Mind £ 3,366,801
24512 your body odour £ 469,952,644
24513 Your Bombs £ 4,885,662
24514 your brother £ 1,359,319
24515 Your Buddies £ 57,355,024
24516 Your Burning Companies £ 81,357,073
24517 Your Business £ 80,588,125
24518 Your Butts £ 43,546,912
24519 Your Cake £ 35,409,662
24520 YOUR CAMELOT LAND THREAT £ 22,628,678
24521 Your Cheery Disposition £ 418,652
24522 Your Child £ 7,193,449,544
24523 Your Choices £ 84,437,958
24524 Your Coffers £ 1,949,705,754
24525 your comfort zone £ 511,444,898
24526 Your Companies £ 14,006,151
24527 Your Company £ 218,841,339
24528 your constant moaning £ 81,256,581
24529 Your Credentials £ 2,390,683,060
24530 Your Credit Rating £ 335,908,808
24531 Your Darkest Days £ 391,180,664
24532 Your Daughter £ 31,614,927
24533 Your Death £ 111,584,651
24534 Your Death Breath £ 197,955,449
24535 Your Deception £ 71,444,992
24536 Your Decisions £ 47,696,517
24537 your default future £ 351,562,918
24538 Your Delirium £ 932,733,900
24539 Your Demise £ 218,283,900
24540 Your Depth £ 279,736,525
24541 Your Destiny £ 68,369,950
24542 Your Doom £ 87,887,840
24543 Your Downfall £ 19,318,337
24544 your dreams £ 4,817,348
24545 Your Early Childhood £ 16,421,168
24546 Your End £ 17,168,449
24547 Your Endeavors £ 56,148,264
24548 Your Environment £ 7,447,055
24549 Your Eviction £ 44,726,274
24550 Your Extermination £ 175,785,120
24551 Your Face £ 50,966
24552 Your Failure £ 282,873,309
24553 your faith £ 5,508,790
24554 Your fall £ 55,536,171
24555 YOUR FAULT £ 835,898,627
24556 your favorite acronym £ 17,082,903
24557 YOUR FEAR £ 78,100,243
24558 Your Feeders £ 10,959,604
24559 Your Feet £ 34,937,307
24560 Your Filth £ 90,679,801
24561 Your Final Rights £ 2,807,673
24562 Your Food Court Soup £ 58,058,425
24563 your forced downsizing £ 568,672
24564 Your Freedom £ 51,124,292
24565 your friends £ 645,639,068
24566 Your Funds £ 389,859,390
24567 your future £ 198,995,034
24568 Your Government £ 16,409,647
24569 Your Grandma £ 384,871,489
24570 Your Grave £ 125,570,951
24571 Your Great Aunts Beard £ 21,322,568
24572 Your Greed £ 232,847,394
24573 Your Halo £ 1,389,266,127
24574 Your Hard Work £ 16,905,577
24575 Your Hatred £ 54,622,442
24576 your having a giraffe £ -56,523
24577 Your Head £ 173,531,229
24578 Your Hood £ 3,217,063
24579 Your Horrid Body £ 4,201,785
24580 your house £ 19,343,967
24581 Your Idiotic Actions £ 54,650,856
24582 Your Imagination £ 1,494,253
24583 Your in trouble £ 24,982,480
24584 Your Inner Voice £ 64,299,580
24585 Your Jaxy £ 7,049,440
24586 Your Labor £ 56,771,889
24587 Your Lands £ 3,939,166
24588 Your Last Gasp £ 6,630,454
24589 Your Left Mouse Clicks £ 162,815,080
24590 Your Leg £ 22,265,792
24591 Your Lego Set £ 49,775,001
24592 Your Lies £ 3,660,162
24593 Your Life £ 26,239,227
24594 Your Local Pyromaniac £ 59,130,846
24595 Your Loss £ 103,756,984
24596 Your Mind £ 508,363,094
24597 your minds £ 95,482,343
24598 Your Misdirection £ 75,275,102
24599 Your Mistakes £ 146,061,014
24600 your moaning £ 658,296,288