Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
24801 Washington DC £ 2,963,942,293
24802 Wasps £ 12,183,050
24803 Waste £ 14,391,213
24804 Waste Management 1 £ -604,084
24805 Waste Management System £ 52,423,780
24806 wastry corps £ 467,309
24807 Watch £ 49,710,454
24808 watch out £ 1,691,899
24809 Watcher £ 5,499,541
24810 Watchers £ 39,899,173
24811 Watching Capitals Burn £ 58,328,131
24812 Watching Cities Burn £ 57,983,151
24813 Watching Towns Burn £ 59,881,102
24814 watching you £ 32,234,328
24815 WatchWatchWatch £ 876,428,824
24816 Watcomp £ 540,109
24817 Water £ 237,387,851
24818 Water Gardens £ 22,439,992
24819 Water Inc £ 3,779,200
24820 WaterCo £ 57,558,806
24821 WaterFall1 £ 61,522,564
24822 Waterfalls £ 716,747,038
24823 WaterIoo £ 130,920,115
24824 Waterloo £ 286,313,473
24825 Waterr £ 50,000
24826 Watershed £ 41,936,598
24827 Waterworks £ 1,703,135
24828 watever £ 324,091,758
24829 Watsits 4 Less £ 2,375,122
24830 Watson ltd £ -1,903,207
24831 Watten £ 303,420,403
24832 wave £ 5,652,243
24833 wave 8 £ 36,780,937
24834 Wave industries £ 54,063,760
24835 wave-particle duality £ 1,138,201,016
24836 Wax £ 2,089,263,243
24837 Way £ 16,365,413
24839 Way Down £ 98,590,649
24840 Way of the Samurai £ 77,128,872
24841 Wayne £ 766,284
24842 Wayne Enterprises £ 221,860,023
24843 Wayne Enterprize £ 3,940,412
24844 Wayne Industries £ 54,934,193
24845 Waynes World £ 214,734,207
24846 wayward £ 367,401
24847 wayward steal £ 50,000
24848 Wayward Sun £ 61,531,912
24849 WBL914 £ 50,000
24850 WBLALLSTATE £ 50,000
24851 We all float down here £ 132,172,650
24852 We are Legion £ 181,452,916
24853 We are Legit £ 6,912,234
24854 We are the champions £ 53,950,082
24855 WE ARE THE WINNERS £ -54,942
24856 We bring fun £ -713,648
24857 We Didnt Burn Him £ 6,753,936
24858 We go sublime £ 44,063,427
24859 We Hate Competitors Inc £ 1,089,538
24860 We just like to party oh £ 5,507,649
24861 we smash and crash £ -107,309,218
24862 We Wanna Go Faster £ 161,628,828
24863 weak communication £ 16,540,504
24864 weak gameplay £ 53,967,709
24865 Wealth £ 2,592,689,709
24866 Wealthy people £ 263,251,113
24867 Weapon Emporium £ 1,902,867
24868 weapons £ 21,900
24869 WeAreBithcInc £ 3,733,094
24870 WeAreLibRight £ 406,944
24871 WeAreTitan £ 5,500,880
24872 Weaselyfour £ 5,486,587
24873 Weaselyone £ 5,850,210
24874 Weaselythree £ 5,503,605
24875 Weaselytwo £ 5,860,718
24876 Weather £ 1,314,952,206
24877 Web Shot £ 171,912,374
24878 Web Sprite £ 2,252,500
24879 Webber £ 29,654,108
24880 Webber and Webber £ 3,554,573
24881 Weber £ 6,971,418
24882 WEBUYANYTHING £ 58,629,035
24883 Weceork Street £ 3,848,220
24884 Wedd bliss llc £ 50,000
24885 wedd flora £ 50,000
24886 Wedge £ 1,023,740
24887 Wedidntdoit £ 832,574
24888 Weed £ 935,912,273
24889 Weed inc £ -4,160,253
24890 Weed Killer £ 42,268,631
24891 Weeding £ 219,477,932
24892 Weeds £ 15,595,221
24893 weee £ 14,375,813
24894 Weekend £ 4,833,447
24895 Weekend Offender £ 1,059,010,253
24896 Weekend Wars £ 119,017,947
24897 Weeney £ 7,982,699
24898 Weeping Angel £ 45,474,543
24899 weewee £ 5,847,230
24900 Weez Mafia £ 5,113,730