Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
24901 Weed inc £ -4,160,253
24902 Weed Killer £ 44,376,874
24903 Weeding £ 223,975,008
24904 Weeds £ 15,595,221
24905 weee £ 14,375,813
24906 Weekend £ 4,833,447
24907 Weekend Offender £ 1,061,670,208
24908 Weekend Wars £ 119,017,947
24909 Weeney £ 7,982,699
24910 Weeping Angel £ 45,474,543
24911 weewee £ 5,847,230
24912 Weez Mafia £ 5,113,730
24913 Weezoo the Clown £ 5,503,850
24914 Wehrmacht £ 1,125,916,077
24915 Weighing Stuff £ 535,359,449
24916 Weight £ 47,083,916
24917 Weights and Balances £ 83,804,386
24918 Weird Al Yankovic £ 964,634,501
24919 Welcome to the Jungle £ 1,287,646,646
24920 well done everyone £ 26,605,978
24921 Well Drilling Inc £ 145,272,492
24922 Well-Paid Career £ 7,515,616
24923 Wellies £ 175,607,637
24924 Wellington £ 54,564,608
24925 Wellington Street £ 93,646,399
24926 Wellingtonboots £ 984,117,484
24927 Wells £ 29,490,808
24928 Wells and Son £ 318,081,271
24929 Wells Fargo and Company £ 31,841,696
24930 Wells Firago £ 5,504,433
24931 Welp Dogs £ 2,287,630
24932 Welsh £ -4,407,787
24933 Welsh Countryside £ 15,080,862
24934 welsh dragons £ 724,542
24935 Welsh Motion £ 1,024,846
24936 welsh-huni creations £ 101,255
24937 Wendigo £ 9,668,507,915
24938 wendvaux £ 33,158,056
24939 Wendys £ 5,443,582
24940 Weno.Company £ 9,424,630
24941 wer £ 13,058,663
24942 Wesellanytat £ 212,467,766
24943 WESELLANYTHING £ 58,536,245
24944 Wessex £ 1,277,429,666
24945 Wesson £ 448,201,609
24946 West £ 79,053
24947 West Coast £ 58,137,987
24948 West Ham United £ 5,881,990
24949 west sussex £ 47,562,358
24950 West Vision Holdings £ 56,637,471
24951 Westend £ -825,513
24952 Western Civilization £ 22,034,203
24953 Western dynasty £ 2,280,042
24954 Western Union £ 67,545,579
24955 westharg £ 17,156,339,390
24956 Westin Hotel £ 260,004,341
24957 WestJet Airlines Ltd £ 512,034,506
24958 Westland £ 358,707,271
24959 Westminser £ 59,115,984
24960 Westminster £ 492,803,127
24961 Westminster Chimes £ 837,491,788
24962 Weston £ 72,416,881
24963 Weston Corp £ 2,453,259
24964 Weston LTD £ 54,497,201
24965 Westphalia £ 345,353,641
24966 Westwood Cafe £ 146,940,240
24967 WestYorkshire £ 9,963,198
24968 Wet Skirt £ 177,994,622
24969 Wet Willy Industries £ 5,540,545,849
24970 WetWork LTD. £ 125,323,628
24971 Weyland Corp £ 103,701,346
24972 Wezdog Industries £ 4,952,082
24973 Whack £ 58,527,839
24974 Whale Conservation £ 5,278,387
24975 Whales £ 12,753,162
24976 Whaligoe Steps £ 1,159,952,551
24977 Whals Matt £ 3,119,493
24978 Whammey £ 78,850,833
24979 Whammi £ 5,500,767
24980 Whangdoodles £ 1,322,782,953
24981 Wharflands Inc £ 129,961,364
24982 Whaslekus £ 712,245,323
24983 what £ 313,277
24984 What a man £ 5,354,373
24985 what am i £ 324,670,193
24986 What Bombs at Midnite £ -4,516,237
24987 what can i do £ 116,340,456
24988 what dont i do £ 93,451,690
24989 what hit me £ 895,496,021
24990 what i can do £ 905,727,635
24991 What Im Capable Of £ 427,710,484
24992 What lm Capable Of £ 319,621,718
24993 what reality £ 81,465,926
24994 What the £ 104,235,353
24995 What Time Is It £ 369,699,572
24996 What What What £ 67,545,490
24997 What You Been Told £ 73,544,772
24998 what you gonna do £ 40,134,861
24999 what you need £ 21,871,984
25000 What you sow £ 184,388,257