Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
25101 YewNited Emirates £ 5,502,930
25102 YewNited Empire £ 5,505,854
25103 YewNited Federation £ 5,500,107
25104 YewNited Kingdom £ 17,107,643
25105 Ying £ -763,780
25106 YMCMB £ 3,068,859
25107 YMCMB 3 £ -8,252,758
25108 YNYQ Gaming £ 21,885,661
25109 YNYQ Gaming Inc £ 20,869,469
25110 YNYQ Gaming LLC £ 16,419,539
25111 YO BEEZWAX £ 124,441,423
25112 yo bitch £ 263,996
25113 Yo Ley Mans £ 6,961,536
25114 Yo Mama £ 10,491,418
25115 yo mamma £ 44,096,691
25116 Yo Paper £ 187,204,446
25117 Yo Yo £ 57,565,289
25118 Yoda £ 23,736,869
25119 Yodeling Elk £ 2,139,223,135
25120 Yoghurt £ 56,000,749
25121 YOGI BEAR £ 134,030,950
25122 YOLK £ 56,827,773
25123 YOLO £ 319,369,784
25124 Yolo King £ 4,926,576
25125 Yomama £ 27,746,577
25126 Yomega X-Brain £ 33,360,687
25127 Yon Pony £ 177,597,803
25128 Yooooou £ 4,732,166
25129 Yoooou £ 3,871,648
25130 YOOY Group £ 10,499,999
25131 YOOY Group I £ 5,503,674
25132 yooz £ 903,382,587
25133 Yoplait £ 56,712,027
25134 Yor Ded Fool £ 81,116,729
25135 York £ 44,312,454
25136 York fire services £ 232,203,751
25137 York Inc £ 18,995,599
25138 York Inc II £ 6,729,295
25139 Yorkshire £ 231,078,678
25140 Yorkshire Puddings £ 1,607,830,938
25141 Yorkshire Terrier £ 1,000,396,281
25142 Yorkshiretoffees £ 9,533,414
25143 Yorktown £ 490,772,398
25144 YOSEMITE SAM £ 134,403,458
25145 Yoshido Clan £ 50,000
25146 You £ 90,208,291
25147 You Again £ 13,047,948
25148 you all £ 13,195,591
25149 You Always £ 134,880,691
25150 You and Me £ 234,343,405
25151 you are fired £ 41,200
25152 you asked for it £ 458,003,351
25153 You better run £ 127,083,378
25154 you dad £ 54,749,232
25155 You Deserve £ 34,107,631
25156 You deserve it £ 1,610,515,542
25157 you didnt £ 9,573
25158 you do this £ 2,710,672
25159 YOU DONT KNOW WHO £ 119,150,000
25160 you dont own this town £ 6,421,006
25161 You Go Free £ 75,068,090
25162 you have been served £ 166,152,335
25163 You have not seen me £ 292,557,306
25164 You killem We Grillem £ 5,168,770
25165 You Know What £ 54,030,443
25166 You Know What Time It Is £ 198,528,142
25167 You Knows £ 7,367,787
25168 You Leave This Second £ 121,787,295
25169 You nasty person £ 82,183,991
25170 You Need More Lock Days £ 254,262,459
25171 You Pay it we Fist It £ 4,937,973
25172 You time and energy £ 60,177,477
25173 You wont feel a thing £ 2,865,826
25174 You. £ 195,230,068
25175 You.thick cut £ 108,280,129
25176 YOUBEINTROUBLE £ 62,658
25177 Youdieidie £ 10,812,908
25178 YouKnowWho £ 9,662,644,352
25179 YouLosexD £ 490,754,971
25180 YouMadBro £ 54,372,590
25181 YouMadBro2 £ 460,341,250
25182 YouMadBro3 £ 375,986,385
25183 YouMadBro4 £ 155,951,999
25184 young £ 2,312,396
25185 young children £ 126,379,902
25186 young delinquents £ 67,198,522
25187 Young n Immature £ 128,043,820
25188 young1 £ 266,582
25189 Young123 £ 50,000
25190 youngs £ 15,189,907
25191 YouOweMe £ 47,874
25192 YOUR £ 205,313,236
25193 Your 5 a day £ 163,418,719
25194 your ability £ 1,700,000
25195 Your Actioins £ 332,450,988
25196 Your Actions £ 73,521,726
25197 Your agony £ 9,707,001
25198 Your Annihilation £ 7,673,286,579
25199 your attitude £ 170,148,595
25200 Your B4lls £ 43,358,964