Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
25101 Whitewidow £ 1,910,131
25102 Whitey Tighties £ 84,642,720
25103 Whiting Co £ 101,743,986
25104 Whitworths £ 64,559,831
25105 who £ 75,116,095
25106 Who Am I £ 23,143,618
25107 Who Cares £ 1,012,197,651
25108 Who Dares Wins £ 1,212,658,765
25109 Who Dunnit £ 305,032,101
25110 Who Goosed the Moose £ 72,212,033
25111 Who Is Harry Crumb £ 42,305,687
25112 Who Is Who £ 83,775,472
25113 Who Knows £ 101,160,198
25114 who let the dogs out 2 £ 12,738,845
25115 Who Made Who £ 335,995,699
25116 Who moved my cheese £ -3,539,987
25117 Who Want Smoke £ 85,160,616
25118 Who wants some LLC £ 5,629,898
25119 Who Where What £ 1,394,092,519
25120 Whole Life Sentence £ 119,370,512
25121 whom £ 52,590
25122 Whoop Ass £ 18,477,632
25123 Whoopa55 £ 5,822,304
25124 whoopass £ 2,134,415
25125 Whoops Bunny Bunny £ 54,457,249
25126 Whores £ 125,068,058
25127 Whores and Vipers £ 1,069,775,100
25128 Whos £ 55,401,948
25129 Whos there £ 39,793,014
25130 WhoShotMe £ 8,059,122
25131 whufc co. £ 3,519,332
25132 Why £ 591,155,542
25133 Why Not £ 2,329,185
25134 whybomther £ 26,555,134
25135 whynotdiex £ 49,845
25136 Whyos £ 45,098,822
25137 whysoseriousGTR £ -62,274
25138 Wi Tu Lo £ 49,446,978
25139 Wi Zii £ 10,960,093
25140 Wi-Fi £ 4,201,921
25141 wiagnpasty £ 4,340,648
25142 wibs £ 5,951,687
25143 Wick £ 1,181,302,132
25144 Wicked £ 93,748,712
25145 wicked Corp £ 11,215,290
25146 Wicked games £ 52,907,818
25147 Wickedness £ 59,844,342
25148 Wide Open Spaces £ 1,228,616,987
25149 Widget £ 5,504,577
25150 WiFi £ 669,238,793
25151 Wigan £ 54,607,708
25152 Wiget £ 5,700,344
25153 Wiggarigga01 £ 50,000
25154 Wiggles Enterprises £ 5,625,815
25155 Wight £ 77,452,438
25156 Wigmore Coaches £ 40,706,351
25157 wigwam £ 125,238,865
25158 wikked balti £ 5,503,661
25159 Wilberforce £ 18,320
25160 Wild Blue Yonder £ 719,997,553
25161 Wild Boar £ 11,068,897
25162 Wild Card £ 4,590,350
25163 Wild Conspiracies £ 6,275,566
25164 Wild Flowers £ 59,926,887
25165 Wild Thing £ 275,127,741
25166 WildBush £ 10,962,073
25167 Wildcat £ 198,461,342
25168 Wildcat Works £ 15,727,273
25169 Wildcats Inc. £ 2,977,294
25170 Wildebeest £ 56,923,880
25171 Wildlife £ 403,813,926
25172 wildling army £ 2,106,118,093
25173 wilds £ 60,538,684
25174 Wilgem Corporation £ 3,431,366,782
25175 Wilgem Demolitions £ 2,639,925,113
25176 Will Enterprises £ 95,545,803
25177 Will Farrell £ 178,879
25178 Will Turner £ 53,324,644
25179 willderstroyyou £ 50,000
25180 William £ 9,142,974
25181 William Higinbotham £ 927,318,233
25182 William Shakespeare £ 52,967,683
25183 Williams Street £ 22,446,626
25184 Willis £ 23,900,184
25185 Willow Road £ 251,561,785
25186 Willow Tech £ 5,503,407
25187 willows world 7 £ 3,855,323
25188 Wills Gems £ 55,905,796
25189 Willy Beatem £ 61,942,476
25190 Willy Beatem 2 £ 24,647,632
25191 Willy Wonka Ltd £ 3,090,924
25192 Wilshires Herbarium £ 50,000
25193 Wilson £ 85,922,825
25194 Wilson and Wilson £ 50,000
25195 Wilson Enterprises £ 1,994,073
25196 WILTY £ 90,003,933
25197 Wilziak Corp £ 1,575,116
25198 Wimbledon Common £ 21,947,331
25199 win or loss £ 491,741,393
25200 Winchester £ 1,109,835