Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
26001 Zemflap Hyperflips £ 1,015,604
26002 Zen £ 45,469,810
26003 Zenat £ -3,635,236
26004 Zeneviera £ 114,363,004
26005 ZenGen £ 24,611,173
26006 ZenMasters £ 1,784,636
26007 Zenysux £ 7,668,913
26008 Zeppelin £ 75,206,331
26009 zer0 £ 19,576,893
26010 Zere £ 1,301
26011 ZerkMan United £ -104,459
26012 Zero £ 563,625,795
26013 Zero Dark Thirty £ 104,040,831
26014 Zero Gravitas £ 1,480,094,878
26015 Zero Limitations £ 5,506,845
26016 Zero Percent £ 23,710,455
26017 Zero Point £ 9,084,149
26018 Zero Sum Business £ 100,728,811
26019 Zerocool £ 17,903,153
26020 ZEROFKS2GV £ 38,169,299
26021 Zerox £ 8,610,246
26022 Zerstorung Bombe £ 35,933,682
26023 Zetas Potential £ 10,958,328
26024 Zeus £ 5,506,763
26025 Zeus Holdings £ 7,007,304
26026 zeus001 £ 583,222,818
26027 zeus002 £ 181,849,816
26028 zeus003 £ 203,787,998
26029 zeus004 £ 162,375,443
26030 zeus005 £ 50,038,473
26031 zfactory £ 431,331,730
26032 zfmebo £ 196,701,630
26033 Zhanapong £ 1,220,214
26034 Zib £ 10,743,164
26035 Zibbles £ -2,021,305
26036 Zibby £ 2,120,158
26037 Zibed £ -117,116
26038 Zibert £ 9,244,013
26039 Zibz £ 7,481,475
26040 Zig £ 315,268,467
26041 Zig Zag £ 107,071,881
26042 Zig-Zag £ 97,312,756
26043 ZillaTech £ 53,299,746
26044 Zillion £ 5,505,106
26045 Zim £ 393,213,141
26046 Zimbabwe £ 5,496,779
26047 zin £ 163,786,023
26048 Zion £ 173,136,735
26049 zion. £ 201,156,896
26050 Zipper1162 £ 637,317
26051 Zippo £ 465,972,453
26052 Zippy £ 4,086,485,144
26053 zippyzippy £ -1,956
26054 zisland £ 102,171,426
26055 Zittlz £ 8,895,531
26056 zizzzzy £ 224,926
26057 Zoiburgers £ 5,820,034
26058 Zoilo £ 985,528,604
26059 Zola £ 20,810,955
26060 Zombie £ 224,964,309
26061 Zombie 1 £ 2,384,473
26062 Zombie Apocalypse inc. £ 1,616,701
26063 Zombie corp £ 27,197,759
26064 Zombieland £ 551,026,255
26065 Zombieland187 £ 122,739,905
26066 ZombielandX £ 97,188,754
26067 ZombielandXxX £ 44,216,057
26068 Zombielandz £ 90,667,872
26069 Zombielandz187 £ 210,408,255
26070 Zomzom £ 343,495
26071 Zonda F £ 20,616,887
26072 Zonder Poes £ 9,303,331
26073 zonk £ 4,314,519
26074 Zoolander £ 62,897,012
26075 Zoom £ 148,690,496
26076 zoom zoom £ 37,965,441
26077 zoom zoom2 £ 16,343,211
26078 zoom zoom3 £ 3,432,788
26079 zoom zoom4 £ 23,105,610
26080 zooqstarr £ 0
26081 Zoras Domain £ 1,677,132
26082 Zorg £ 260,715,088
26083 Zorro £ 27,955,216
26084 Zoso £ 32,554,466
26085 Zovelo1 £ 673,490,679
26086 Zovelo2 £ 544,405,562
26087 Zovelo3 £ 799,864,066
26088 Zovelo4 £ 511,018,221
26089 Zovelo5 £ 201,349,780
26090 Zucca £ 812,085,151
26091 Zuccmedry Inc £ 5,729,291
26092 Zuckerberg £ 6,045,710
26093 Zulu Company £ 411,284,720
26094 Zulunightmare £ 8,412,666
26095 Zulus £ 3,075,942
26096 Zurich £ 451,933,750
26097 ZX80 £ 5,504,320
26098 ZX81 £ 10,651,877
26099 zxc £ 5,496,075
26100 Zydrate Anatomy £ 22,260,143