Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
3901 Breaking Bad £ 54,855,284
3902 Breaking Baz £ 207,507
3903 Breaking Bones £ 385,375,092
3904 breaking glass £ 392,421,653
3905 Breaking Wind £ 2,159,775
3906 Breaking.Bad £ 9,877,990
3907 BreakingBad £ 13,427,483
3908 BreakingBad. £ 8,716,670
3909 Breakstone Dynamos £ 1,901,702
3910 breastmilk £ 1,152,134
3911 breasts £ 2,406,655
3912 Breasts Inc £ 50,000
3913 Breath £ 41,091,051
3914 Breath of the Dying £ 20,107,741
3915 Breathing Issues £ 46,093,316
3916 Breaux Bedding £ 6,061,379
3917 Breaux Bombing £ 33,030,172
3918 Breaux Chips £ 26,169,330
3919 Breaux Drugs £ 52,744,370
3920 Breaux Knows £ 55,266,450
3921 Breaux Pharma £ 5,505,601
3922 Breeze Enterprises £ 5,501,098
3923 Breitling £ 1,917,127,354
3924 brentford fc £ 4,102,609
3925 Brett Favre £ 19,882,168
3926 brett lander £ -667,128
3927 Breuklen inc £ 11,148,057
3928 brewerzbiz £ 67,574,955
3929 Brexit £ 22,470,427
3930 BreZee Interiors £ 6,134,568
3931 Brian £ 223,211,182
3932 Brian Badonde £ 621,855
3933 Brian May £ 54,975,500
3934 Briben Holdings £ 1,357,023
3935 Brick £ 56,560,158
3936 Brick By Brick £ 40,695,697
3937 Brick Top £ 200,000
3938 Brick Top Farms £ 191,240,624
3939 BrickAndCement Corp £ 4,643,192
3940 Bricklink £ 10,248,521
3941 Brickowl £ 18,874,908
3942 Bricks £ 81,247,898
3943 Bricks. £ 6,479,270
3944 Brickshaw Ltd. £ 2,294,552
3945 Bricktop Inc £ 7,592,219
3946 Bridge of Orchy £ 892,787,486
3947 Bridges £ 53,337,643
3948 bridlemucks £ 10,334,265
3949 Brigadoon £ 1,113,121,645
3950 Bright Spark £ 1,313,366,660
3951 Brighter Morn £ 953,312,631
3952 Brighton Enterprises £ 16,094,411
3953 Brighton Rock £ 63,855
3954 BrightSide Inc £ 60,680,090
3955 Brilliant Inc £ 50,000
3956 brilynkids £ 34,645
3957 Brimms Ness £ 1,026,399,535
3958 Brimstone £ 55,039,978
3959 Bringer of fire £ 336,968,535
3960 bringit £ 3,210,799
3961 Brink Inc £ 5,509,931
3962 Brisbane £ 186,284,573
3963 Brisco County Jr. £ 15,449,881
3964 Bristol £ 372,458,765
3965 Bristol Rovers £ 9,714,317
3966 britain £ 330,204,400
3967 Britannia £ 152,311,158
3968 British £ 153,122,838
3969 British Columbia £ 155,396,051
3970 British Consulate Milan £ 198,632,243
3971 British Descent £ 57,531,294
3972 British Rail £ 91,283,604
3973 British Secret Service £ 526,837,362
3974 British Teeth £ 473,871,569
3975 British Towns £ 150,947,417
3976 Brittania £ 66,593,561
3977 Brixton £ 55,399,392
3978 Broadhaven £ 1,064,733,400
3979 Broadway £ 243,381,169
3980 Broccoli £ 5,096,441
3981 Brock Lesner 1 £ 45,689,536
3982 Brock Lesner 2 £ 19,602,262
3983 Brock Lesner 3 £ 25,681,609
3984 broheim £ 846,198
3985 Broke Man Inc £ 50,000
3986 broken £ 80,769,683
3987 Broken Arrow £ 984,465,808
3988 broken communication £ 46,344,221
3989 Broken Jaws £ 237,006,177
3990 Broken Ladders £ 90,727,071
3991 Broken man £ 4,769,291
3992 Broken Parts Ltd £ 17,936,555
3993 broken wheel bearing £ 4,424,875
3994 BrokenToe Industries £ 727,105
3995 Bronc £ 4,220,080
3996 Bronco Consulting £ 28,471,229
3997 Broncos £ 109,558,934
3998 Bronson Jewlry £ 14,023,839
3999 bronze £ 9,318,788
4000 broodwar £ 547,046,392