Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
4101 bustyokneecaps £ 9,345,166
4102 busy ness £ 5,842,615
4103 Busy ness2 £ 2,147,477
4104 BUT I DONT WANT TO £ 4,268,897
4105 But Well £ 29,826,092
4106 but you aint 1 £ 62,077,602
4107 Butane £ 343,051,557
4108 Butchery £ -2,120,969
4109 butt monkeys £ -211,476
4110 Butt Spiders £ 1,162,839
4111 Butt stuff £ 18,488,421
4112 Butter £ 61,462,631
4113 Butter Fingers £ 403,412,789
4114 Buttercup £ 161,106
4115 Buttered Toast £ 1,707,456,593
4116 Butterfly £ 955,001
4117 butterfly wings £ 24,951,737
4118 butthole £ 4,946,773
4119 Button Moon £ 1,585,113,118
4120 Buttons £ 794,017,720
4121 butttz inc £ 4,331,334
4122 Buy and Sell Enterprises £ 59,147,098
4123 Buy Now Pay Later £ 31,758,369
4124 buyordie £ 4,093,795
4125 Buzzcocks £ 5,502,978
4126 BuzzCosmonaut £ 5,501,533
4127 BVLGARI £ 2,158,949,115
4128 BW inc £ 657,052,625
4129 BW inc 10 £ 10,955,706
4130 BW inc 11 £ 4,178,678
4131 BW inc 12 £ 2,941,593
4132 BW inc 2 £ 30,297,496
4133 BW inc 3 £ 8,978,903
4134 BW inc 4 £ 19,868,548
4135 BW inc 5 £ 10,954,427
4136 BW inc 6 £ 10,951,449
4137 BW inc 7 £ 7,383,179
4138 BW inc 8 £ 16,412,712
4139 BW inc 9 £ 10,830,618
4140 ByDegrees £ 103,352,444
4141 Bye Bye Block £ 4,799,780
4142 byfrost £ 41,139,933
4143 BYOB £ 4,643,614
4144 bystander £ 5,503,895
4145 Byzantium £ 232,127
4146 C Jellybean £ 21,140,624
4147 C U Hoares £ 7,339,022
4148 C Wing £ 6,473,498
4149 c-- £ 131,359
4150 C. Enterprise £ 50,000
4151 C.I.A. £ 3,155,852,536
4152 C.J.R Limited £ 3,441,628
4153 C.O.F.F.E.E £ 5,500,812
4154 C.O.G. Ltd. £ 22,955,306
4155 C.W. Campbell £ 60,389,060
4156 C1 UK £ -722,258
4157 C17H21NO4 £ 132,748,858
4158 CA Associates £ 2,003,519
4159 Ca-Ching £ 77,516,705
4160 Cab Children £ 5,500,226
4161 Cabbage Cakes £ 200,000
4162 Cable £ 54,649,269
4163 Cable. £ 51,203,099
4164 cables £ 10,960,783
4165 Cabletron Systems £ 84,865,484
4166 Cabron £ 3,868,486,076
4167 Cacha £ 50,000
4168 Cack £ 224,687,628
4169 Cacophonic Distractions £ 608,451
4170 cactus 1 £ 2,886,858
4171 cactus 2 £ 6,629,818
4172 cactus 3 £ -8,771,828
4173 cactus 4 £ -13,181,829
4174 cactus 5 £ -1,166,728
4175 Cactus Inc £ 91,943,433
4176 Cadbury Galaxy £ 73,313,380
4177 Cadence £ 328,589,194
4178 Cadillac £ 78,375,278
4179 Caernarfon £ 10,850,335
4180 Caesar Hawkins £ 56,892,094
4181 Caesars Palace £ 483,225,504
4182 Cafe £ 4,498,073
4183 Caffine Withdrawls £ 43,014,456
4184 Cage Corp £ 10,422,282
4185 Cah Enterprises £ 632,044
4186 Cain £ 155,197,028
4187 CaineCo £ 50,000
4188 Cairns £ 43,950,256
4189 Caissa Operations £ 70,551,933
4190 Caithness £ 996,320,309
4191 Caity £ 441,506,958
4192 Caity Lotz £ 31,479,911
4193 Cake £ 161,815,508
4194 cake and crackers £ 110,305,549
4195 Cakes £ 3,102,755,367
4196 Calamari £ 95,296,369
4197 Calamari Tuesday £ 6,896,310,373
4198 Calamitous Intent £ 4,589,543
4199 Calamity £ 32,628,673
4200 Calamity Inc £ 5,113,000