Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
4601 Carnivalesque £ 5,506,145
4602 Carnival_clowns £ 59,217,114
4603 Carnival_clowns2 £ 28,258,544
4604 Carolina £ 97,848,328
4605 Carp £ 124,920,545
4606 CARPARKS £ 9,347,064
4607 carpe diem £ 277,298,946
4608 carpe jugulum £ 210,352,556
4609 carpe terram £ 10,063,352
4610 Carpenter Lacking £ -65,662
4611 carpet cleaning £ 63,565,034
4612 Carpp Enterprises Plc £ 5,507,687
4613 Carrera £ 172,179,454
4614 Carriage £ 4,655,300
4615 Carrick-A-Rede Bridge £ 81,559,882
4616 Carrot Cake £ 1,087,779
4617 Carrot Captain Corp. £ 23,443,368
4618 Carrot Corp £ 4,630,922
4619 Carrot or Stick £ 785,614,006
4620 Carrots £ 70,655,917
4621 Cars Deluxe £ 341,941,546
4622 Carter Stakes £ 5,505,327
4623 Carthage £ 258,482,459
4624 Carthage Corporation £ 25,881,068
4625 Carvery £ 194,839,960
4626 Cascarilla £ 50,000
4627 Cash £ 3,247,214
4628 CASH 4 NUKES £ 351,493
4629 Cash Accounting £ 169,188,628
4630 Cash Cow £ 4,559,396
4631 Cash Creators £ 61,371,384
4632 Cash Dump £ 263,440,582
4633 Cash Generator £ 24,724,394
4634 Cash in hand £ 50,000
4635 cash in shoe boxes £ 1,387,825
4636 Cash Inflow £ 58,768,197
4637 CASH MONEY £ 50,000
4638 cash money ballers £ 697,471,098
4639 Cash Money Inc. £ 21,972,986
4640 CashCow Holdings £ 50,000
4641 CashCow Pte Ltd £ 1,837,167
4642 Cashews £ 5,750,571
4643 Cashhunters £ 5,499,613
4644 Casino Royale £ 326,491,178
4645 CasinoWinnings £ 1,363,839
4646 Casper £ 91,682,387
4647 Cass Co £ 50,000
4648 Cassius £ 34,352,854
4649 Castel di Sangro £ 1,026,375,377
4650 Casterly Rock Ltd £ 50,000
4651 Castiel £ 449,601,407
4652 castle £ 5,504,317
4653 Castle Inc £ -43,979
4654 castle Ltd £ 2,916,850
4655 Castle MacPelican £ 215,528,420
4656 Castlehill £ 317,479,313
4657 Castles in the Sky £ 4,179,389
4658 Castletown £ 216,299,784
4659 Castra Praetoria £ 110,392,958
4660 Castro and Sons £ 6,742,943
4661 Castro del Lazio £ 17,111,160
4662 Castrol R £ 1,906,830,028
4663 casual thinking ideas £ 55,414,396
4664 Cat £ 2,965,967
4665 Cat and Mouse £ 1,070,501,123
4666 Cat Enterprise £ 6,048,461
4667 cat indistries £ 236,664,271
4668 cat neutering £ 64,263,970
4669 Cataclysm £ 390,200,912
4670 Catadactyl £ 135,682,802
4671 Catastrophic Events £ 448,589,959
4672 catatonic £ 5,083,956,073
4673 Catch As Catch Can £ 9,539,408
4674 CatDawg industries £ 7,206,453
4675 Catdog £ 4,910,313
4676 Catenane £ 91,066,523
4677 Caterpie £ 53,432,213
4678 Caterpillar Crew £ 44,248,646
4679 Caterpillar Inc £ 291,463,557
4680 Caterpillars £ 6,051,307
4681 catfish £ 3,767,411,821
4682 Cathode Ray Sunshine £ 4,576,351
4683 Catmander £ 50,000
4684 Cato £ 2,944,906,539
4685 Catopotamus £ 51,137,923
4686 catopuss £ 1,932,842,302
4687 Cats £ 690,699,371
4688 Cats like felix £ 6,960,402
4689 Cats r us £ 25,395,610
4690 Cattle £ 137,700,701
4691 Cattywampus £ 43,963,793
4692 Catz £ 1,234,618
4693 Caught In Action £ 8,417,176
4694 Causation £ 227,332,414
4695 Cause Enterprises £ 10,861,654
4696 Cauthon £ 32,345,367
4697 Cavalier £ 22,010,179
4698 cave drawings £ 173,699,061
4699 caveman elite £ 1,428,439
4700 caveRus £ 476,776