Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
4701 Chicken Curry £ 56,317,571
4702 chicken dinner £ 5,500,095
4703 chicken hut £ 12,018,422
4704 Chicken McChicken £ 90,997,628
4705 Chicken Nugget £ -5,261,692
4706 chicken tetrazinni £ 4,598,602
4707 Chicken Waikiki Beach £ 130,173,702
4708 Chicken Wing £ 190,500,538
4709 Chickencoop £ 4,241,400
4710 ChickenFish £ 55,533,774
4711 Chickens £ 50,000
4712 Chief £ 26,226,284
4713 Chief Operating Office £ 5,863,101
4714 Chieves £ 50,000
4715 Child Care £ 8,385,291
4716 child of light £ 419,600,232
4717 child of light. £ 76,288,896
4718 childish-brand Ltd £ 50,000
4719 ChildrensHospital £ 24,322
4720 Chile Verde £ 3,553,284
4721 Chill Town £ 50,000
4722 Chillon £ 12,279,444,895
4723 Chimera £ 199,236,292
4724 chimichanga £ 5,246,790
4725 Chimneys £ 157,358,879
4726 ChimpzChampions £ 8,552
4727 Chin Straps £ 60,302,470
4728 China £ 24,146,593
4729 China Garden £ 67,903,556
4730 China R Us £ 5,499,621
4731 Chinese Bargains £ 6,176,765
4732 Chinglish PLC £ 9,666,939
4733 chip £ 5,501,147
4734 Chip Leader £ 34,170,142
4735 Chippyville £ 2,948,778
4736 Chips £ -2,142,596
4737 Chips Ahoy £ 60,767,801
4738 Chips r us £ 422,877
4739 Chiropsoides £ 192,580,705
4740 CHITOWN £ 9,165,891
4741 Chivalry £ 187,238,304
4742 chivalry. £ 48,326,746
4743 Chivas Regal £ 1,058,058,670
4744 Chlor of orm £ 64,169,019
4745 Chloroform £ 2,408,125
4746 Chloser holdings £ 12,386,924
4747 Choc bis £ 3,016,983,689
4748 chocky £ -23,689,938
4749 Chocolate £ 54,320,014
4750 Chocolate Bars £ 790,449,795
4751 Chocolate Biscuits £ 102,872,176
4752 chocolate ciggys £ 3,335,881
4753 Chocolate Madness £ 21,688,834
4754 Chocolate Milk Juggs £ 260,540,164
4755 chocolate sauce £ 19,579,412
4756 Chocolate Smores £ 81,293,429
4757 chocolate sundae £ 3,350,000
4758 Chocolate teapots £ 216,498,670
4759 Chocolates £ 49,432,681
4760 Choice £ 93,935,696
4761 Choice Bro £ 56,028
4762 choice is the bomb £ 182,464,937
4763 Choir Of Angels £ 249,135,651
4764 chomp £ 56,595,502
4765 Chong £ 2,429,495
4766 Chong Industries £ 6,544,428
4767 Chonger £ -813,894
4768 Choose Coconut £ 5,570,918
4769 Chop Chop £ 16,787,497
4770 chopaloppin £ 2,179
4771 ChopCorps £ 112,119,506
4772 Chopins Nocturnes £ 798,188,286
4773 chopper enterprises £ 50,000
4774 Chops Enterprise £ 95,378,641
4775 Chosen One £ 55,036,560
4776 Chow Chee Bye £ -627,425
4777 Chris Enterprises £ 1,309,351
4778 Chris NG £ 8,023
4779 Chris Tmas £ 50,000
4780 Chris US £ 4,594,071
4781 Chrispy Inc. £ 1,472,389
4782 Christ £ 234,384,715
4783 Christ The Redeemer £ 880,521,485
4784 Christian Louboutin £ 114,628,835
4785 Christies Mysteries £ 36,094,487
4786 Christmas £ 94,589,969
4787 Christmas Eve £ 1,058,983,660
4788 Christmas Future £ 10,934,781
4789 Christmas Past £ 4,975,713
4790 christmas poo £ 528,996
4791 Christmas Present £ 5,506,362
4792 Christo Industries £ 4,137,098
4793 Christy Brown £ 10,954,625
4794 Chrome £ 129,454,526
4795 Chromium Netrobucks £ 116,063,010
4796 Chronic Disruption £ 399,452,727
4797 Chronic Infections £ 6,801,788
4798 chronic the fledgedog £ 35,679,098
4799 Chronos £ 4,345,683
4800 Chronos Inc. £ 10,860,948