Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
5201 Confidence £ 8,318,873
5202 confidential £ 1,068,666,628
5203 Confidentiality £ 34,638,025
5204 Confinement £ 123,509,353
5205 Confirmation Bias £ 628,275,300
5206 Conflict £ 140,511,188
5207 conflict diamonds £ 16,421,079
5208 Conflicted £ 52,569,542
5209 Conflicting Evidence £ 288,605,208
5210 confluence £ 1,005,242,693
5211 Conformity £ 2,194,345,128
5212 Confucius £ 45,388,174
5213 Confucius. £ 181,250,491
5214 Confusion £ 5,509,026
5215 Confusion -Disturbed £ 51,180,293
5216 Confusions £ 296,110,464
5217 Cong £ 334,194,054
5218 Congo £ 173,094,247
5219 Congress £ 307,461,062
5220 congruent £ 335,807,739
5221 Congs Boyfriend £ 194,760,433
5222 Congs Mangina £ 209,564,895
5223 Conjecture £ 30,511,491
5224 Conjunction Junction £ 108,008,666
5225 Conjure Balearia £ 250,586,534
5226 Conky £ 765,142,980
5227 Conline Removals £ 7,292,978
5228 Connaught £ 53,293,164
5230 connollyEnt £ 91,480,550
5231 connollyEnt1 £ 580,133,414
5232 connollyEnt3 £ 147,930,101
5233 Conquer £ 75,001,746
5234 Conquest £ 225,707,498
5235 Conscience £ 2,563,268,772
5236 Consciousness £ 22,539,644
5237 Consequences £ 50,456,632
5238 consequential loss £ 164,021,558
5239 Conservationists £ 9,777,773
5240 Conservative £ 50,000
5241 Consideration £ 87,166,036
5242 Consistency £ 5,499,617
5243 Conspiracy £ 54,007,707
5244 Conspiracy Co. £ 916,652,143
5245 Conspiracy Theories £ 17,202,857
5246 conspiracys £ 418,134,725
5247 Constantine £ 95,376,238
5248 Constantine the Great £ 262,357,362
5249 Constantinople £ 94,678,968
5250 Constitution £ 93,054,702
5251 Construction Caterpillar £ 4,760,505
5252 construction co £ 5,925,218
5253 Construction LLC £ 126,155,567
5254 Construction project £ 46,096,382
5255 Consulate £ 39,435,591
5256 Consulting in Health £ 4,891,447
5257 Consummate Timing £ 56,647,342
5258 Contagion £ 622,367,538
5259 Contemplation £ 1,553,562
5260 Content £ 119,065,815
5261 Contents £ 471,623,743
5262 Context £ 187,452,282
5263 Continue £ 66,022,256
5264 Contra £ 27,221,396
5265 Contraband £ 5,605,512
5266 Contract £ 10,624,661
5267 Contract Killers £ 854,199,794
5268 Contraction £ 550,533,471
5269 Contractor for Hire £ 70,355,345
5270 Contradictions £ 4,501,719
5271 Control £ 1,103,948
5272 Control again £ 165,096,000
5273 Control communications £ 180,357,446
5274 Control the Past £ 56,607,703
5275 Control Yourself £ -8,369,317
5276 Control. £ 61,987,193
5277 Controller £ -11,690,359
5278 Controller 1 £ 5,327,063
5279 Controller 2 £ 5,370,166
5280 Controversy £ 70,714,716
5281 conversation £ 411,458,585
5282 Convert-a-car £ 85,065,490
5283 Convictions £ 126,460,125
5284 Cookie £ 11,192,634
5285 Cookie Capital £ 5,567,258
5286 Cookie-Cutter £ 54,210,275
5287 Cookies £ 783,623,714
5288 Cookies Hempire £ 57,747,795
5289 Cookies Ltd £ 68,210,134
5290 Cooking A Bun £ 26,571,577
5291 Cool £ 15,241,800
5292 Cool Runnings £ 1,039,344,571
5293 CoolboyCorp £ -3,338,583
5294 CoolboyCorp2 £ 5,500,638
5295 CoolboyCorp3 £ 18,401,464
5296 CoolboyCorp4 £ 48,581,115
5297 Coolmore £ 10,289,048
5298 Coolmore Mafia £ 938,042,057
5299 Coon And Friends £ 1,589,069
5300 CoonAssMafia £ 3,590,531