Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
5401 Corn Flakes £ 57,450,295
5402 Corn Holdings £ -1,498,602
5403 Corna £ 152,903,413
5404 Cornelia Marie £ 1,021,710,961
5405 CORNERSTONE £ 26,761,632
5406 cornerstone1 £ 16,387,297
5407 cornerstone2 £ 11,104,064
5408 cornerstone3 £ 5,507,857
5409 cornerstone4 £ 4,657,738
5410 Cornish £ 65,615,660
5411 Cornish co £ 2,838,085
5412 Cornish Continental £ 5,502,660
5413 Cornish is back £ 50,609
5414 Cornucopia of excellence £ 11,190,115
5415 Cornwall £ 60,453,119
5416 Corona £ 103,852,322
5417 Corona Cervezas £ 10,956,980
5418 Coronation Street £ 239,044,142
5419 Corp Buyer I £ 67,697
5420 corp de la flew £ 108,082,769
5421 CORP. CORP. £ 13,397,623
5422 Corperate Enterprises £ 11,873,628
5423 Corporal Punishment £ 2,694,710,278
5424 Corporate Affairs £ 1,586,114,593
5425 Corporate Anarchy £ 540,201,665
5426 Corporate Takeovers £ 305,547,955
5427 Corporate_Baron Pig farm £ 4,960,996
5428 Corporation £ 6,330,683
5429 Corporations £ 18,997,075
5430 Corp_Baron burgers £ 5,503,082
5431 Corral Hollow Pass £ 153,240,117
5432 Correction £ 47,398,119
5433 Correlation £ 487,600,725
5434 correspondence £ 272,984,986
5435 Corrosion £ 39,465,489
5436 Corrupt Council £ 5,842,206
5437 Corrupt Court 1 £ 6,006,487
5438 corrupt governments £ 9,871,969
5439 Corrupt Society £ 121,383,364
5440 Corruption £ 190,293,557
5441 corruption. £ 201,210,786
5442 Corsair £ 356,679,539
5443 Corti £ 124,825,870
5444 Coruscant £ 93,524,901
5445 Corvo £ 146,303,028
5446 Cosa nostra £ 25,270,361
5447 Cosa nostra 1 £ 33,408,179
5448 Cosa Nostra 2 £ 45,128,906
5449 COSG £ 9,842,401
5450 Cosmic Dancer £ 1,193,239,666
5451 Cosmic Death Ray £ 98,705,621
5452 Cosmic energy £ 297,107,656
5453 Cosmic Fire £ 111,528,655
5454 Cosmic Holdings Ltd. £ 185,951
5455 Cosmo Canyon £ 15,127,139
5456 Cosmos Corporation £ 396,252,905
5457 cossy_empire £ 9,456,107
5458 costa concordia £ 75,903,957
5459 Costa Ludus £ 2,257,156
5460 Costa packet coffees £ 10,963,167
5461 Costco Wholesale £ 534,858,827
5462 Costcutters £ 2,974,752,289
5463 Costello Industries £ 97,162
5464 costley plc £ 1,719,057
5465 COSTS LIVES £ 3,234,355
5466 Cosworth £ 241,694,586
5467 Coterie £ 25,420,442
5468 Cottage Cheese £ 1,287,001,588
5469 Cotton Candy £ 204,771,936
5470 Cotton On £ 9,022,872
5471 Couchpotato £ 60,555,657
5472 Council of 7 £ 170,569,147
5473 counter measures £ 158,492,447
5474 Counter Terrorism £ 730,184,411
5475 Counterfeit Goods £ 76,717,584
5476 Counterstrike £ 1,348,241,413
5477 Counterweight Inc. £ 558,958
5478 Counting Sheep £ 41,781,307
5479 Country Catering £ 16,419,553
5480 Country Chainsaw Carving £ 58,841,553
5481 Country Life £ 782,731,386
5482 Country Music £ 2,037,745
5483 Country Yokels £ 88,154,535
5484 Countryside £ 4,668,149
5485 Counts Customs £ 1,164,902,783
5486 County Mayan £ 16,481,001
5487 Coup de Grace £ 127,097,910
5488 Course £ 3,419,502
5489 Course Has Been Made £ 222,550,474
5490 Course You Can £ 708,513
5491 coursethereis £ 7,533,696
5492 Coutts £ 187,019,247
5493 Covfefe £ 1,806,268
5494 Covid £ 7,083,071
5495 COVID-19 £ 124,086,529
5496 Cow £ 133,239,057
5497 cowan industries £ 86,418,283
5498 Cowardly Revenge £ 51,961,227
5499 cowboy builders £ 133,744,900
5500 Cowgirls Helper £ 36,756,892