Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
5501 Coruscant £ 93,524,901
5502 Corvo £ 146,303,028
5503 Cosa nostra £ 9,246,165
5504 Cosa nostra 1 £ 6,931,834
5505 Cosa Nostra 2 £ 28,396,344
5506 COSG £ 9,842,401
5507 Cosmic Dancer £ 1,193,239,666
5508 Cosmic Death Ray £ 98,705,621
5509 Cosmic energy £ 297,107,656
5510 Cosmic Fire £ 111,528,655
5511 Cosmic Holdings Ltd. £ 3,633,287
5512 Cosmo Canyon £ 15,127,139
5513 Cosmos Corporation £ 396,252,905
5514 cossy_empire £ 9,456,107
5515 costa concordia £ 75,903,957
5516 Costa Ludus £ 2,257,156
5517 Costa packet coffees £ 10,963,167
5518 Costco Wholesale £ 534,858,827
5519 Costcutters £ 2,974,752,289
5520 Costello Industries £ 97,162
5521 costley plc £ 1,719,057
5522 COSTS LIVES £ 3,131,756
5523 Cosworth £ 282,194,586
5524 Coterie £ 18,066,312
5525 Cottage Cheese £ 1,287,001,588
5526 Cotton Candy £ 204,771,936
5527 Cotton On £ 9,022,872
5528 Couchpotato £ 60,555,657
5529 Council of 7 £ 170,569,147
5530 counter measures £ 158,492,447
5531 Counter Terrorism £ 730,184,411
5532 Counterfeit Goods £ 76,717,584
5533 Counterstrike £ 1,348,241,413
5534 Counterweight Inc. £ 558,958
5535 Counting Sheep £ 41,781,307
5536 Country Catering £ 16,419,553
5537 Country Chainsaw Carving £ 58,841,553
5538 Country Life £ 782,731,386
5539 Country Music £ 2,037,745
5540 Country Yokels £ 88,154,535
5541 Countryside £ 4,668,149
5542 Counts Customs £ 1,164,902,783
5543 County Mayan £ 16,481,001
5544 Coup de Grace £ 127,097,910
5545 Course £ 3,419,502
5546 Course Has Been Made £ 222,550,474
5547 Course You Can £ 708,513
5548 coursethereis £ 7,533,696
5549 Coutts £ 187,019,247
5550 Covfefe £ 1,806,268
5551 Covid £ 7,083,071
5552 COVID-19 £ 123,663,269
5553 Cow £ 133,239,057
5554 cowan industries £ 86,418,283
5555 Cowardly Revenge £ 51,961,227
5556 cowboy builders £ 133,744,900
5557 Cowgirls Helper £ 36,756,892
5558 Cows Milk £ 180,693,380
5559 Cox Group £ 5,779,023
5560 Coy1 £ 7,969,444
5561 Coy2 £ 8,109,641
5562 Coy3 £ 8,054,679
5563 Coy4 £ 7,768,885
5564 Cozzyland £ 84,241,789
5565 CO_OP £ 78,121
5566 CQC £ 54,443,115
5567 Crab £ 1,157,420,736
5568 Crabby Patties £ 44,713,407
5569 Crack £ 279,007,678
5570 Crack the Sky £ 4,871,063
5571 cracked £ 193,090,782
5572 Crackers £ 2,968,662,928
5573 Crackity Jones £ 96,175,596
5574 crackle £ 1,695,860
5575 crackpenguin £ 13,064,048
5576 crag corps £ 19,034,603
5577 Crankshaft £ -2,067,673
5578 Crap £ 226,053,831
5579 crap heading your way £ 168,193,576
5580 Crap Inc £ 126,801,616
5581 Crapola £ 4,324,875
5582 CrashOveryde Systems Inc £ 88,992,907
5583 Craxy88 £ 35,196,371
5584 Crayon Ink £ 5,620,400
5585 Crayon Inkorporated £ 4,477,793
5586 Craze £ 61,649,948
5587 Crazy £ 15,502,838
5588 Crazy Circus £ 35,229,359
5589 crazy circus 2 £ 76,970,314
5590 Crazy Corp £ 132,376,908
5591 Crazy Imperium £ 8,173,439
5592 Crazy Inc. £ 3,782,404
5593 Crazy LAB £ 7,760,196
5594 Crazy Panda £ 4,962,214
5595 Crazy Town £ 4,823,964
5596 Crazy. £ 110,293,468
5597 Crazyman £ 5,764,646
5598 CrazyTown £ 8,914,772
5599 Creag an Iubhair £ 416,282,909
5600 Cream £ 55,075,144