Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
5701 cowan industries £ 86,418,283
5702 Cowardly Revenge £ 51,961,227
5703 cowboy builders £ 133,744,900
5704 Cowgirls Helper £ 36,756,892
5705 Cows Milk £ 180,693,380
5706 Cox Group £ 5,779,023
5707 Coy1 £ 7,969,444
5708 Coy2 £ 8,109,641
5709 Coy3 £ 8,054,679
5710 Coy4 £ 7,768,885
5711 Cozzyland £ 84,241,789
5712 CO_OP £ 78,121
5713 CQC £ 54,443,115
5714 Crab £ 1,157,420,736
5715 Crabby Patties £ 61,098,769
5716 Crack £ 279,007,678
5717 Crack the Sky £ 4,871,063
5718 cracked £ 193,090,782
5719 Crackers £ 2,974,850,583
5720 Crackity Jones £ 96,175,596
5721 crackle £ 1,695,860
5722 crackpenguin £ 13,064,048
5723 crag corps £ 19,034,603
5724 Crankshaft £ -2,067,673
5725 Crap £ 226,053,831
5726 crap heading your way £ 168,193,576
5727 Crap Inc £ 126,801,616
5728 Crapola £ 4,324,875
5729 Crash Cult Industries £ 4,988,216
5730 CrashOveryde Systems Inc £ 88,992,907
5731 Craven £ 28,699,540
5732 Craxy88 £ 35,196,371
5733 Crayon Ink £ 5,620,400
5734 Crayon Inkorporated £ 4,477,793
5735 Craze £ 61,649,948
5736 Crazy £ 15,502,838
5737 Crazy Circus £ 35,229,359
5738 crazy circus 2 £ 76,970,314
5739 Crazy Corp £ 132,376,908
5740 Crazy Imperium £ 8,173,439
5741 Crazy Inc. £ 3,782,404
5742 Crazy LAB £ 7,760,196
5743 Crazy Panda £ 4,962,214
5744 Crazy Town £ 4,823,964
5745 Crazy. £ 110,293,468
5746 Crazyman £ 5,764,646
5747 CrazyTown £ 8,914,772
5748 Creag an Iubhair £ 416,282,909
5749 Cream £ 55,075,144
5750 Cream Crackers £ 2,378,425
5751 Cream Jockey £ 232,695,372
5752 Cream Pie £ 110,263,034
5753 Cream With Pie £ 17,931,947
5754 CreamCheese £ 50,000
5755 Creaney £ 70,056,262
5756 Created £ 473,438,472
5757 Creating cash £ 171,425,487
5758 Creating Comps £ 299,484,755
5759 Creation £ 2,274,983,088
5760 Creations £ 33,181,708
5761 Creative Criminals £ 6,688,482
5762 Creative Enterprises £ 54,729,913
5763 Creative Genius £ 117,330,132
5764 Creative Solutions Inc £ 399,011,469
5765 creative thinking £ 113,224,126
5766 creative waze £ 55,678,275
5767 Creativity £ 56,240,863
5768 Creativity R Us £ 76,260,472
5769 CreatorX £ 1,385,097
5770 Credit Card £ 5,481,406
5771 Credit Card II £ 8,172,838
5772 Credit Suisse £ 5,509,987,611
5773 Credo £ 91,211
5774 creed £ 391,296
5775 creep £ 38,313,807
5776 Creepers £ 54,659,477
5777 Creeping Jesus £ 25,940,698
5778 creepy £ 108,117,338
5779 Creighton £ 85,529,697
5780 Creme Eggs £ 364,249,106
5781 crenshaw £ 5,513,581
5782 Crenshaw Mafia £ 27,319,595
5783 Crew 3 £ 28,029,709
5784 Crew Returns £ 22,529,577
5785 Cricket £ 65,881,410
5786 Crime £ 4,004,354
5787 Crime is Crime £ 4,319,694
5788 Crimestoppers £ 43,556,328
5789 Criminal Activities £ 8,878,677
5790 Criminal Insanity £ 4,781,196
5791 Criminal Mischief £ 57,511,475
5792 Criminal Record £ 49,640,712
5793 Criminal Records £ 2,881,821
5794 Crimson Blood £ 158,270
5795 Crimson Land Enterprises £ 10,785,003
5796 Crimson Perm Assurance £ 4,534,828
5797 Crimson Rain Enterprises £ 5,501,436
5798 Crimson Seas Enterprises £ 12,178,266
5799 Crimson Shade Ent. £ 1,051,348
5800 Crimson Sky Enterprises £ 20,671,111