Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
6301 Dead Kitties £ 512,484,720
6302 Dead Man Walking £ 8,429,471
6303 Dead Matrix Walking £ 1,510
6304 Dead or Alive £ 53,281,751
6305 Dead Rabbits £ 76,159,351
6306 Dead Rising £ 191,060,303
6307 Dead Sea Trading Co £ 53,595,538
6308 Dead World Ink £ 50,000
6309 Deadbeat Cliffsdrop £ 20,807,026
6310 Deadbones Inc £ 55,167,400
6311 deadland £ 50,000
6312 Deadliest Catch £ 41,642,518
6313 Deadly Assasin £ 84,694,338
6314 deadly coronavirus £ 683,169,754
6315 deadly noobs £ 107,160
6316 Deadlynight £ 32,069,553
6317 Deadlynight2 £ 7,458,934
6318 Deadman Ltd £ 484,207
6319 DeadpooI £ -3,216,922
6320 Deadpool £ 58,110,605
6321 Deadpool Inc. £ 58,806,634
6322 DeadRingers £ 199,805
6323 deaflugs £ -182,741
6324 Dealer inc £ -111,466
6325 Dealer inc 3 £ -61,366
6326 Dealey Plaza £ 202,119,004
6327 dealing inc2 £ 535,399
6328 Dealing INC6 £ -80,611
6329 dealing with idiots £ 6,392,653
6330 Dealings £ 35,534,724
6331 Deals £ 182,054,237
6332 Dealz £ 4,618,626
6333 dEAN £ 1,469,268
6334 Dean Sausage corp £ 3,959,669
6335 Dean Wild £ 9,012,387
6336 Dean Wild Enterprises £ 12,198,687
6337 deano £ 50,000
6338 Death £ 6,079,611
6339 Death 1 £ 58,695,980
6340 Death 10 £ 58,368,316
6341 Death 11 £ 124,457,395
6342 Death 12 £ 12,057,913
6343 Death 13 £ 58,747,950
6344 Death 14 £ 32,273,242
6345 Death 2 £ 52,395,362
6346 Death 4 £ 29,803,917
6347 Death 5 £ 11,543,069
6348 Death 6 £ 51,869,740
6349 Death 7 £ 81,368,739
6350 Death 8 £ 3,992,812
6351 Death By Gorilla £ 107,083,415
6352 Death dealers £ -23,360
6353 Death Dealing Co £ 74,897,260
6354 Death from Above £ 5,512,998
6355 death house £ 335,853
6356 Death Inc £ 35,411,938
6357 Death Punch £ 1,121,687,164
6358 Death Race £ 14,389,936
6359 Death Rider £ 52,186,931
6360 Death Rides A Pale Horse £ 322,508,490
6361 Death Row £ 290,966,132
6362 Death Squad £ 547,375,081
6363 Death syndrome £ 191,475,796
6364 death to pakkis £ 50,000
6365 Death to starbucks £ 50,000
6366 DEATHCOM 5 £ 11,011,745
6367 deathcorp £ 992,744
6368 deathdealers inc £ 1,502,749
6369 DEATHDOM £ 26,671,536
6370 Deathmar £ 391,417,293
6371 Deaths Gate £ 5,356,749
6372 DeathStroke £ 46,177,150
6373 Deathtoyou £ 1,062,407
6374 Deathwalker £ 130,421,842
6375 Deathway Dealers £ 1,611,772
6376 Deathway Dealers Inc. £ 1,259,767
6377 Debauchery £ 36,180,769
6378 Debit £ 87,550,525
6379 Debt £ 44,316,728
6380 Debt Collectors £ 654,123,648
6381 Debts £ 359,692,088
6382 Decantae £ 39,684,229
6383 Decapitation £ 80,170,775
6384 Decay £ 1,519,882,026
6385 deceased grandpa £ 6,710,059
6386 Deceit £ 458,739,913
6387 decent tunes £ 556,737,116
6388 Deception £ 13,808,458
6389 Decide. Commit. Succeed £ 40,443,050
6390 Deciet £ 3,234,739
6391 decimation £ 482,313,140
6392 Decimator £ 54,696,163
6393 Decision £ 11,352,626,768
6394 DECISION TO PLAY £ 240,451,910
6395 Declaration £ 204,927,943
6396 Declen £ 50,000
6397 Decomposition £ 132,419,832
6398 Decompression £ 96,035,858
6399 Deconstruction £ 71,116,767
6400 Decree £ 256,314