Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
6501 derp inc £ 49,967,705
6502 derpco £ 11,079,300
6503 DerrSnarfin INC. £ 557,578
6504 Derventio £ 4,998,185
6505 descendit tritam £ 309,928,778
6506 Descent £ 22,388,043
6507 Desdemona £ 73,155,900
6508 Desert cat £ 407,032,151
6509 DESERTstrike £ 43,174,498
6510 Design £ 107,068,042
6511 Designated Survivor £ 200,000
6512 Desire £ 258,598,036
6513 Desktop Cowboy £ 103,565,366
6514 Desolate Era £ 50,300,608
6515 Desolate Era. £ 137,890,153
6516 Desolate Soul £ 5,739,708
6517 Despacito £ 13,766,036
6518 Despair £ 3,897,065
6519 Despair LLC £ 195,203,538
6520 Desperate Dan £ 411,431,110
6521 Desperation £ 145,674,518
6522 Despicable Me £ 258,230,020
6523 Despicible Me £ 56,337,822
6524 Despotism £ 72,279,803
6525 Desserts Town £ 47,005,751
6526 DessieINC £ -6,785,720
6527 Destabilisation £ 78,270,022
6528 Destination Unknown £ 49,751,117
6529 Destiny £ 49,895,436
6530 Destroy of Cereal £ 227,231
6531 DESTROY YOU £ 1,335,924
6532 DestroyAnything £ 65,291,767
6533 Destroyer £ 84,179,408
6534 DestroyerInc £ -6,682,786
6535 DestroyEverything £ 178,944,145
6536 destru £ 1,501,707
6537 Destruction £ 9,661,352
6538 Destruction 2 £ 5,510,382
6539 Destruction Bombs £ 65,620,459
6540 Destruction Derby £ 1,314,724
6541 Destruction Inc £ 5,197,992
6542 Destruction Productions £ 7,706,602
6543 Destruction1 £ 5,500,406
6544 destructionanddoom £ 6,926,911
6545 Destructionn £ 319,266
6546 destructiv £ 1,507,309
6547 destructivcon £ 1,503,057
6548 Destructive £ 109,682,436
6549 Destructive Goose £ 324,975,114
6550 destructive inc £ 1,633,134
6551 destructive wave £ 5,505,008
6552 Destructo Dogs £ -1,924,328
6553 destructor industries £ 40,063,723
6554 Destuctacon corp £ 572,466
6555 Destuctacon inc. £ 32,914,400
6556 Details £ 56,363,452
6557 Detective Constable £ 140,907,360
6558 Detective Dynamics £ 37,050,447
6559 Detectives £ 56,430,731
6560 detector inspector £ 50,000
6561 Determination £ 974,340,561
6562 determined hippos £ 54,991,169
6563 Detr0it £ 103,459,247
6564 Detritus £ 5,010,865
6565 Detroit £ 25,625,975
6566 Detroit Lions £ 20,596,602
6567 Detroit Motors £ 1,818,501
6568 Deuteronomy £ 1,011,314,886
6569 Deutsch Money £ 117,722,848
6570 Deutsche Bank £ 1,220,522,994
6571 Deutsche Imports Inc £ 50,447,734
6572 Devastating Dementia £ 62,193,632
6573 devastation £ 2,775,945
6574 £ 108,468,322
6575 Devastator £ 8,423,537,617
6576 Deviant Industries £ 4,785,139
6577 Devil Inside U £ 5,502,702
6578 Devil Ship £ 762,246,783
6579 Devil1 £ -2,721,740
6580 devilbiss £ 17,315,909
6581 Devilish Deliquents LLC £ 490,936,012
6582 Devils Assasin £ 205,934,605
6583 Devils Night £ 264,253,370
6584 Devils Reject £ 62,179,391
6585 Devils Tribe £ 5,500,411
6586 Devils-R-Us £ 15,972,901
6587 DevilsKill £ 463,499
6588 Devine Intervention £ 887,594,198
6589 Devine Retribution £ 676,445,908
6590 Devious Company £ 998,713,044
6591 Devious Oranges £ 10,961,477
6592 Devious sexuality. £ 20,398,824
6593 devon co uk £ 554,321,212
6594 Dewey Cheatham and Howe £ 289,243,524
6595 Dewitt £ 8,178,586
6596 Dex One Enterprise £ 10,298,412
6597 Dex Two Enterprises £ 6,301,806
6598 Dexter £ 3,059,088,478
6599 Dexter Enterprises £ 10,925,530
6600 Dexter Inc £ 50,000