Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
7201 Dunces £ 247,641,772
7202 Dundee £ 2,300,000
7203 Dundee Inc £ 580,559,635
7204 Dundee Linoleum Company £ 846,209,981
7205 Dunder Mifflin £ 72,372,450
7206 Dunder Mifflin Paper £ 92,947
7207 Dune £ 208,775,132
7208 Dung £ 436,176
7209 Dungeon £ 7,195,361
7210 Dungeons and Drag Queens £ 5,850,323
7211 Dungpants £ 58,158,876
7212 dunhill £ 62,303,832
7213 Dunked in tea £ 312,767,286
7214 Dunky £ 18,060,861
7215 Dunluce Castle £ 56,114,311
7216 Dunnet Head £ 233,961,680
7217 Dunning-Kruger £ 177,207,670
7218 dunno £ 50,000
7219 Dunrobin Farm £ 242,496,870
7220 Duper £ 589,816
7221 Duplicity £ 39,779,492
7222 DuracelI £ 177,817,052
7223 durch inc £ 74,600
7224 Durden £ 7,082,440
7225 Durf Industries £ 24,939,387
7226 Durians Escapade £ 118,671,653
7227 durplepucking £ 2,037,044
7228 durplingpukes £ 5,482,742
7229 Dust £ 103,818,493
7230 Dust2Dust £ 5,500,518
7231 Dusted £ 1,978,069
7232 DUSUNDS £ 4,138,148
7233 dutch £ 52,457,348
7234 Dutch painter £ 53,613,823
7235 Duty £ 487,737,588
7236 duty duty £ 241,976
7237 Duty.. £ 1,597,234,533
7238 Duvel £ 730,339,995
7239 Duzzy Fuzzy £ -13,305
7240 DVB £ 13,956,469
7241 DVLA £ 5,893,993
7242 Dvorak £ 475,707,264
7243 Dwarf Enterprises £ 49,925
7244 Dwarf Society £ 7,093,357
7245 Dwarf star £ 75,618,801
7246 Dwarfs £ 4,289,308
7247 Dwarven Demolitions £ 174,444,003
7248 Dwarven Honour £ 84,630,072
7249 Dwarven Industries £ 230,985,702
7250 Dwarven Ingenuity £ 81,586,312
7251 Dwarven Rage £ 80,775,753
7252 Dwarven Strength £ 57,392,824
7253 Dwarven Tenacity £ 58,775,100
7254 Dwarven War Axe £ 124,932,993
7255 Dwarven War Horn £ 52,174,355
7256 Dwarven Warrior £ 139,393,856
7257 Dweeb £ -551,344
7258 Dweebington £ 3,448,172
7259 DWI £ 2,198,752
7260 DWS Enterprise £ -451,131
7261 Dwummindz £ 6,605,920
7262 DX2 £ 105,271,977
7263 DXeco £ 101,405,978
7264 dying breath £ 4,432,889
7265 Dying For ME £ 189,804,911
7266 Dynamic Business £ 18,256,613
7267 Dynamite £ 297,194,301
7268 Dynasty Warriors £ 71,295,987
7269 Dyson Sphere £ 5,504,271
7270 Dysphoria £ 304,860,742
7271 E 14th St Fellowship £ 8,760,723
7272 E N G L A N D £ 57,693,217
7273 E v o l u t i o n £ 3,432,852,268
7274 E-all £ 253,551,366
7275 E-Money £ 63,040,921
7276 E-Money 1 £ 76,673,878
7277 E-Money3 £ 4,728,430
7278 E-Type £ 295,318,331
7279 E.Z.Realities £ 12,170,543
7280 E45 £ 126,890,111
7281 EA UK £ 2,124,386
7282 eads £ 958,774
7283 eads1 £ 50,000
7284 eagle £ -3,642,104
7285 Eagle11848 £ 6,158,976
7286 earing £ 201,944,007
7287 Early Hints £ 445,015,026
7288 Early Learning £ 21,874,979
7289 Early Retirement £ 848,202,093
7290 Early Warning System £ 103,037,026
7291 Earnest Hemingway £ 115,791
7292 Earth £ 157,576,628
7293 Earth Worm Jim £ 285,177,139
7294 Earthly Delights £ 424,290,168
7295 Earths Atmosphere £ 468,649,061
7296 Earths Time £ 5,504,436
7297 easily poised £ 50,000
7298 east £ 56,889,364
7299 East India Company £ 548,491
7300 East India Trading £ 9,216,148