Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
7401 Everybody Knows £ 648,036,012
7402 Everyday Is Like Sunday £ 49,238,628
7403 Everyday Life £ 128,533,349
7404 Everylife Matters £ 17,723,159
7405 Everything £ 519,385,233
7406 EverythingFurniture £ 90,530,868
7407 Everywhere £ 96,761,972
7408 Evil £ 97,200,153
7409 Evil Holdings PLC £ 790,601
7410 Evil Inc. £ 139,105
7411 Evil Men £ 270,332,353
7412 Evil Minion 1 £ 17,826,056
7413 Evil Minion 2 £ 19,092,203
7414 Evil Minion 3 £ 23,094,257
7415 Evil Minion 4 £ 20,135,301
7416 Evil Minion 5 £ 9,574,329
7417 Evil Pond Twins £ 507,222,881
7418 Evil Wind £ 4,274,066
7419 EvilEmpire £ 12,280,636
7420 EvilGenius Inc £ 4,197,709
7421 EvilGrandDesigns £ 756,101
7422 Evils £ 158,512,152
7423 Eviltwin £ 159,016,058
7424 Evil_Yard_Gnomes_Inc £ 1,045,463
7425 Evintos £ 195,121,177
7426 Evisu £ 270,248,545
7427 evoL £ 35,534,379
7428 Evolution £ 365,016,529
7429 Evolution Ltd £ 5,930,397
7430 Evolution of a Fighter £ 30,416,609
7431 Evolution. £ 208,942,383
7432 Evolutionary Thinking £ 316,094,930
7433 evtronics £ 2,566,309
7434 Ewings Oil £ 549,069,321
7435 ewishly £ 434,062
7436 Exaggeration £ 5,063,097
7437 Examples £ 38,167,980
7438 Exams £ 555,462,054
7439 exandra limted £ 50,000
7440 Excalibur Corp £ -367,828
7441 Excellence £ 180,091,360
7442 Excellent Investments £ 93,512,824
7443 excess cash £ 118,353,879
7444 Excess Stock £ 9,167,455
7445 Excessive Baldness £ 52,452,974
7446 Excessive Force £ 1,649,802,784
7447 Excitement £ 187,462,441
7448 excitement is rising £ 155,951,658
7449 exclusive £ 260,488,817
7450 Excrement £ 20,753,468
7451 Exctasy £ 92,779,079
7452 excuse me £ 222,618
7453 Excuses £ 5,463,934
7454 Execution £ 90,804,960
7455 Executioner £ 261,178,950
7456 Executions For Free II £ 19,116,240
7457 Executions For Free III £ 1,311,912
7458 Executions For Free Inc. £ 96,802,274
7459 Executions For Free IV £ 22,378,601
7460 Executions For Free V £ 20,151,925
7461 Executive Decision £ 49,736,926
7462 Exeter £ -51,397,095
7463 Exeter Nightlife £ 88,075,368
7464 Exicol £ 49,796,374
7465 Exile £ 51,670,352
7466 Exiled £ -2,878,582
7467 Exion Corporation £ 16,215,917
7468 Exion General £ 13,580,350
7469 Exion Holdings £ 15,309,542
7470 Exion Industries £ 15,361,749
7471 Exion LLP £ 15,452,432
7472 Existence £ 307,347,148
7473 Existential Crisis £ 517,844,392
7474 Existential Threats £ 128,056,329
7475 Exocake Industries £ 109,488,978
7476 Exodeus Royalties £ 20,467,454
7477 Exodus £ 221,803,146
7478 Exotic Domestic Imports £ 7,415,260
7479 Expectation Failed £ 59,754,206
7480 Expectations £ 786,561,556
7481 Expedition Enterprises £ 26,581,928
7482 Experience £ 380,056,166
7483 Experience. £ 397,843,111
7484 Expert Sausage Handling £ 5,108,563
7485 eXpeXp £ 3,553,802
7486 Explcit Material £ 31,467,702
7487 EXPLOOOOOSIONS £ 229,628
7488 Exploradoras £ 39,190,480
7489 Exploration £ 6,963,047
7490 Explosion £ 118,574,696
7491 Explosion Inc £ 10,133,999
7492 Explosions £ 10,962,635
7493 Explosive Corp £ 77,396,870
7494 Explosive Enterprises £ 888,362
7495 Exponential Growth £ 30,345,212
7496 Exporious £ 430,288
7497 Export Ltd £ 5,508,503
7498 Exportcandy £ 5,427,809
7499 Expression £ 259,407,595
7500 expresso £ 8,193,441