Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
7801 Fellowship £ 2,122,870,286
7802 felons forever £ 18,427,956
7803 Felony Menacing £ 197,594,594
7804 Female Boss £ 2,298,396
7805 Femme Fatales £ 268,848,546
7806 Femme Pharmaceuticals £ 9,980,039
7807 Fen Inc £ 2,746,007
7808 fence £ 521,197,650
7809 fence taken £ 136,989,606
7810 fended Snowflake £ 1,596,061,469
7811 fender £ 226,828,005
7812 fender of fraud £ 116,843,460
7813 Fennario £ 11,889,670,934
7814 Fennec Industries £ 5,502,197
7815 Fenrir £ 4,907,241
7816 Fensive £ 48,310,358
7817 Fent £ 835,480,635
7818 Fentanyl £ 53,172,039
7819 fer £ 29,901,773
7820 fer Refunds £ 198,823,649
7821 fer stands £ 51,763,726
7822 Ferangi £ 4,471,132
7823 Ferenc Puskas WPQDBGM £ 18,010,047
7824 Ferenginar £ 2,484,233,429
7825 Fergie £ 332,422
7826 Ferguson £ 2,508,433,022
7827 fering £ 103,500,465
7828 ferings £ 754,838,000
7829 Ferocious Inc. £ 5,506,119
7830 Ferocity £ 45,090,335
7831 Ferrari £ 42,073,100
7832 Ferrari. £ 9,464,590
7833 ferrets £ 3,805,220,199
7834 fers £ 866,096,581
7835 Fervor £ 53,096,625
7836 Festering Wounds £ 4,974,306
7837 Feta Cheese Corp. £ 58,700,087
7838 Fever £ 865,582
7839 Few Words £ 5,507,081
7840 fezza1 £ 224,027
7841 FF F F FF It £ 96,273,386
7842 FF7 £ 6,128,043
7843 ffazza £ 2,605,330
7844 ffet yiussas £ 50,000
7845 fff £ 3,117
7846 Ffgh £ 54,831,738
7847 FFXI £ 39,854,464
7848 Fgh £ 18,252,846
7849 fghfg £ 5,503,752
7850 Fheasnt Puckers £ 144,871,775
7851 fhfghf £ 50,000
7852 FIA £ 42,531,595
7853 Fiat Money £ 819,217,765
7854 Fibonacci £ 71,277,494
7855 Fibonacci Sequence £ 97,143,946
7856 FICE £ 54,470,074
7857 fice Joker £ 170,443,341
7858 ficer £ 5,500,044
7859 fices £ 2,372,482,748
7860 ficial sponser £ 118,118,617
7861 FiddleCo £ 2,417,302
7862 Fiddlesticks £ 55,648,549
7863 Field Farm £ 1,341,678,565
7864 FierIron £ 1,594,905
7865 Fiery Claws £ 6,241,140
7866 Fiesje £ 10,709,748
7867 Fifth £ 4,923,900,314
7868 Fifth Cohort £ 104,160,604
7869 Fifty £ 2,318,820
7870 Fifty Fifty £ -2,310,750
7871 Fifty Years £ 154,261,286
7872 Fiftyfive £ 1,238,925,957
7873 Figaro £ 1,259,247,319
7874 Fight CIub £ 270,486,128
7875 Fight Club £ 5,506,894
7876 Fighters £ 22,113,996
7877 Fightin Around The World £ 114,351,563
7878 Figs £ 298,752,569
7879 Figure Skating £ 426,245,466
7880 File £ 503,892,479
7881 files r us £ 4,294,522
7882 filling £ 114,179,605
7883 Film at 11 £ 190,690,343
7884 Filterazzi £ 16,359,958
7885 filth £ 2,156,661
7886 Filthy £ 11,542,318
7887 Filthy Lucre £ 135,010,270
7888 Filthy Mancs £ 5,504,815
7889 Filthy Rich £ 5,505,159
7890 fin £ 1,520,929,100
7891 fin of Yours... Truly... £ 1,715,053
7892 final £ -750,266
7893 Final Detour £ 22,003,807
7894 final F £ 23,904,852
7895 final fanstay £ 1,217,991
7896 final fantasy £ 8,593,672
7897 Finale £ 13,407,263
7898 FINALS £ 1,085,079
7899 FINALWISH £ -143,295
7900 Finance £ 35,613,177