Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
8401 Fish Inc £ -4,570,725
8402 Fish Soup £ 1,866,159,916
8403 Fish Tanks £ 171,316,268
8404 Fisher Marketing £ 4,795,161
8405 Fisher Scientific £ 180,448,926
8406 Fishie £ 64,760,891
8407 fishlegs £ 40,274
8408 fishness £ 16,949,773
8409 Fishwife LLC £ -2,161
8410 Fishy Industries £ 6,917,780
8411 Fisticated Pete £ 3,204,992
8412 Fisting £ 371,114,572
8413 Fittings £ 846,876,655
8414 Five £ 436,659,142
8415 Five Enterprise £ 7,210,276
8416 Five Fields £ 182,811,943
8417 Five Guys £ 31,848,015
8418 Five Star. £ 405,407,597
8419 Five-finger discount £ 1,013,423,913
8420 FiveOFourEhCee £ 3,736,480
8421 Fives £ 400,447,854
8422 Fix It Felix JR £ 56,967,266
8423 Fizz Corp. £ 1,895,267
8424 Fizzle Inc £ 10,955,358
8425 Fizzy Pop £ 58,235,382
8426 FI_ICKETYFI_ICK £ 406,466,595
8427 FKN PEOPLE OVER £ 453,997,810
8428 Flag Mining Co. £ 1,498,870
8429 Flagrant Corruption £ 890,197
8430 Flail Barn £ 11,439,420
8431 Flail Corp. £ 5,926,350
8432 Flail Inc £ 53,069,275
8433 Flail Town £ 6,030,835
8434 Flailland £ 58,784,363
8435 Flailund £ 32,717,916
8436 Flake £ 40,683,102
8437 flakes £ 25,253,429
8438 Flakey £ 84,105,846
8439 Flamable Substrate £ 607,412,617
8440 Flame £ 1,063,685,493
8441 Flame Corp £ 203,555,468
8442 flame75 £ -42,052
8443 flame76 £ -12,046
8444 Flameboy Industries £ 6,230,864,946
8445 Flames £ 284,821,792
8446 FLAMESofHELL £ 10,029,683
8447 Flaming Poo £ 41,425,807
8448 Flamingos £ 17,053,618,154
8449 Flamp £ 17,233,955
8450 Flancrest Enterprises £ 5,505,975
8451 Flange123 £ 563,995
8452 Flannel £ 191,303,905
8453 Flapp Flapp Splash £ 508,148,771
8454 Flappers £ 5,504,661
8455 Flash £ 689,542,972
8456 Flash Inc. £ 14,310,804
8457 Flashlights £ 57,898,939
8458 Flashtown £ 4,737,480
8459 Flat Earth £ 36,029,987
8460 Flat Earth Morons £ 4,486,732
8461 Flat Pack Furniture £ 221,740,234
8462 Flatchulence £ 33,727,857
8463 Flats £ 45,002,983
8464 Flattening the Curve £ 312,704,925
8465 Flattery £ 93,194,107
8466 FlatuIence £ 274,076,653
8467 Flatulence £ 1,366,977
8468 FlatulentStates £ 312,866
8469 Flaxen Hackers £ 3,063,468
8470 FlayingForFun £ 5,504,207
8471 Flea £ 30,346,497
8472 £ 53,747,865
8473 Flembo1 £ 1,718,115
8474 Flesh £ 236,388,665
8475 Flesh and Bones £ 875,761,164
8476 flew de la corp £ 29,799,934
8477 Flibble Enterprises £ 5,510,240
8478 Flies £ 4,483,498
8479 Flight MH370 £ 486,933,988
8480 flikcr £ 84,192,789
8481 Flinstone Quarries Plc £ 22,458,337
8482 Flith £ 106,724,248
8483 FlooK Co. £ 4,241,979
8484 FlooKy Industries £ 1,540,552
8485 Floorboards £ 522,105,545
8486 Flop £ 217,179,466
8487 Floppy Disk £ 18,437,336
8488 Florida £ 231,108,345
8489 Flotow £ 545,624,909
8490 flotsam £ 1,137,262,952
8491 Flotsam and Jetsam £ 42,577,938
8492 Flottec £ 5,910,390
8493 Flounders £ 5,502,645
8494 Flour £ 49,065,595
8495 Flow £ 10,919,666
8496 Flow and Energy Inc £ 33,042,960
8497 Flow Ltd £ 5,505,948
8498 Flower Power £ 60,852,627
8499 Flowers £ 2,774,227,518
8500 Floyd Mayweather £ 1,360,374